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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I think it's pretty obvious why a .222 or .223 is not an ideal deer rifle, if you had the perfect shot every time, maybe, but why would anyone go down to the smallest acceptable caliber and choose that to shoot deer? way too many variables.......another consideration, if you already have a 30-06 or .308, try the managed recoil ammo, world of difference as far as recoil goes.

    • Like 2
  2. Picked up a Thompson Center Venture in .308 for myself this year after year's of being pounded by a 30-06.........wanted an Icon, but got tired of waiting. This gun is an absolute tack driver. Recoil is hardly noticeable and factory ammo is cheap....about $600.00.

  3. I was under the impression this thread was started in order for us to comment on the decision to post a picture of a deer with an arrow sticking out of it's head and the response of the hunter when he was criticized on his shot choice............maybe I was wrong.

  4. I think the majority would cringe if that happened to them and be thankful it didn't turn out worse. They also would not put it out there for the world to see.........the minority would have that happen and say "whoa that's cool",and "hey, at least it's dead."....................

  5. I bet there's quite a few people who shoot deer for food and find the actual hunting aspect an inconvenience, they could care less about becoming better hunter's and the deer they take is usually the first one that show's up. I know more than one farmer who's hunting consist's of shooting the deer that show's up while he's working.

  6. if it jumped the string, how did it hit its jaw? wouldnt have it hit the chest, or been lower, or am i just being a dummy?

    I think, when a deer "jumps the string", they actually move downward before they take off......

    • Like 3
  7. I think there's a pretty high percentage of buck's who have had arrows flung at them, not because they offered good shot's, but because of what they have on top of their head's.............some people lack the ability to ignore the voice that tell's them to make bad decision's.

  8. I'm looking at the NYS ECL, the section regarding Hunting hours states, ""wild deer and bear (and a few other animals and birds) shall be taken only between the hours of sunrise and sunset.....so it sounds like the sunrise sunset rule only applies to the actual taking of the game, not travelling to and from stand and being in the woods before or after legal hours.

  9. If anyone lives in the Long Island or NYC area affected by the Hurricane and can't get to or find an open agent, you can call and request your leftover DMP by telephone and they will mail it to you......1-866-472-4332.

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  10. I really don't think that many DEC Officer's wait for guy's to walk out of the wood's after legal shooting time and ticket hunter's....they all know how people hunt and realize guy's need time to come in and out of the wood's......is there anyone who has experienced this?

  11. wait so you get to pick these 6 hours? is this an actual option for you or are you just asking a question? If its a nice cold morning ill spend my 6 hours in the AM but thats me. when those does are hot those big boys are moving. (somewhere) traffic doesnt stop across the board for the moon...

    Both, question and an option, some say hunt mid day during a full moon, so I was planning on giving it a try instead of the usual morning and afternoon hunts......I still need to get stuff done so all day sits are not possible.

  12. Does anyone abandon the morning and afternoon hunts during a full moon and instead hunt say 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.......any thoughts? I know the correct answer is to hunt all day, but that's not alway's possible.

  13. I don't see this as a fair comparison. If the fish are illegal and he has possession of the fish, actually seeing him pull the fish out of the water is not needed.

    Having an unloaded weapon in my car is legal. Holding a bullet is legal.

    This changes, of course, if the officer sees you fidgeting with your weapon as he approaches your car.

    finally, someone who sees when the game changes, you're last sentence is perfect...........add some other factor's in and everything change's...if you scroll back and find my post that add's in several factor's, you'll see how and when after all the surrounding information is put together, you can be ticketed for something that was not observed, like it or not..............the outcome after court may or may not be in your favor.

  14. kinda like the guy only guy standing on a fishing pier with a bucket full of illegal fish that nobody saw him catch...when an ECO walks up do you honestly think the guy can say not mine? of course not, because any reasonable person would have either called DEC himself or not been near the bucket........how great would it be if all we had to say was "it wasn't me" or "I didn't do it" and the law was powerless?......the people who ask questions about the "interpretation's" of law's and what they can get away with are usually seeing what they can get away with, seen it hundred's of time's.

  15. yup, each L.E.O. set's their own limit for tolerance of what they'll accept......take a stop sign for instance, the law requires you to come to a full and complete stop, which means all forward motion ceases and the vehicle comes to rest on the chassis......some guy's may follow this to the extreme, while other's may say as long as you took the time to slow down and come to somewhat of a stop I'm not gonna break ball's......both are well within their authority to write a ticket...they have discretion on some violation's and can use it as they see fit.

  16. Come on man, you keep adding stuff to these circumstances that would warrant a ticket. First it was a gun and bullets in a slow moving car, then you add a complaint of shots after dark, then a gutted, steaming deer, now its ungutted with 2 guys in the car. You just keep throwing crap at the wall until something sticks.


    my point is, that the totality of the situation situation should dictate the outcome, you can't tell me that the last scenario doesn't warrant action by an L.E.O.,..........I doubt there are many L.E.O.'s out there who sit at parking spots and hand out tickets as guys walk out of the wood's after sunset.

  17. Where do you guys get this crap? I am not condoning road hunting but having a gun, unloaded in the car and driving slowly is NOT breaking any law. Put a spot light in their hand after hours and they are but in the day light it is legal. If you say it is not,......show me the law.

    In most cases it's not, add 4 neighbor's calling in the same complaint about the same vehicle driving up and down the road and then throw someone hearing a shot....when DEC show's up, they find that same truck with an ungutted, still steaming deer in the bed of the truck with two guys in the front with a rifle and ammo between them.......can you understand these guys getting ticketed? add in that the only land around is your's, but nobody saw them do anything wrong.......but, a reasonable person can come to several intelligent conclusions.

  18. you have to realize, an L.E.O. does not have to be right, he just has to be reasonable after looking at all the facts and making his decision. If he gets a complaint of someone shooting after legal hours, and an hour after dark, a hunter drags out a deer that is still steaming, and there are no other hunters in the area, any reasonable person could conclude that this guy was hunting after hours.......maybe not right, but certainly reasonable to come to that conclusion......

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