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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. In most situations yes, but put that same guy with just a few rounds driving around slowly during hunting season up and down the side roads obviously road hunting and I guarantee he'll be ticketed........and it'll more than likely be upheld in court........kinda like the drunk who's not observed driving but found sleeping in a parking lot with the key's in the ignition, found guilty every time.

  2. Here's another scenario for you guy's to debate.......a hunter (or any other person), while driving around, is stopped by an L.E.O ., he's found to have an unloaded rifle on the front seat with the loaded clip lying right next to it, all easily within his reach.....can he be ticketed for possessing a loaded firearm in a motor vehicle?

  3. we usually hang by the neck or rack at camp, but think you're better off hanging by the back legs because heat rises and you probably don't want it trapped up inside the body cavity which is what hanging by the neck will do, and don't see the benefit of letting the blood settle into the hind quarters instead of into the head and neck area.

  4. I think the early bow will have the same overall effect as the youth hunt, which is minimal. I'm sure there are some who will burn out earlier with the new opening day, but the majority of us still only have the same number of days to hunt......I'll be saving my time off till late Oct. / Early Nov..............won't even consider burning up vacation time for the early bow.

  5. I wonder how good a safety harness if someone is severely out of shape and can't get themselves back into the stand and just get exhausted and hang there........and I am in no way suggesting this is what happened, just something for us to think about....a safety harness is only one aspect of tree stand safety and the importance of being prepared for an emergency.

  6. Took my son out and he got a 6pt Saturday afternoon, we had a great time, I hope this youth hunt becomes a yearly event..........all the whining by those against it was for nothing, because as most have seen, it was no busier than usual in the woods and will have no impact on the remainder of the archery season.....the only good to come out of listening to all the complainer's, was it got me to cancel my membership with NYBowhunter's.

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  7. the wife comment just show's that he's operating with a diminished mental capacity, and those type's tend to have the inability to control their thought's and when all else fails, they just start lashing out.

  8. The problem with the old system was that it let the deer overpopulate in many areas. The current system is better because it allows them to manage the herds by unit instead of with a broad brush like the days of old. Yes, deer numbers are down, but its beneficial to the herds in many areas.

    and the new system has let the population get to an all time low in some areas...no easy fix for any of it
  9. I hunt state land next to fairly large parcel's of private land, and these private land tract's are not agricultural, yet deer I shoot have stomach's full of corn and I regularly see squirrel's carrying corn cob's....crazy stuff to say the least.

  10. I remember when you bought your license and got one tag that was for buck only during the regular season and it could be used for either sex archery, if you were lucky enough to get one during archery season you could buy another for $5 to use for rifle...that and you also had a chance at the limited amount of doe tag's and if you still had one left over you could use it for either sex during late archery or muzzleloader......now they give out too many tags........saw a lot more deer back then before they complicated things.

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  11. I hunted Pa and live in Pa all my life. It USED to be good till the AR BS. I got a decent buck just about every year till the AR BS started. It is NOT liked by anyone I know.Most down to earth hunters I know,are meat hunters and could care less about the deers age or what is on it's head.Why can't you rack hunters get it through your skull,that there are people out there that do not care about the rack or age of the deer? Meat in the freezer and a filled tag,a few days in the woods,a few days off of work and some fun times with hunting buddies. I lost out on too many deer that I just could not tell if it had brow tines.....so tag soup was made,all them days off of work that I DON"T get paid for and a few guys going home and back to work with a bad attitude because the tags were not filled. I would rather go home with a forkhorn than nothing at all.

    you pretty much summed up my feelings, these rules are ruining what hunting is to a lot of us.
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  12. The guys who hunt just to harvest a big buck and refuse to shoot does or smaller bucks and ridicule those of us who take those does and smaller bucks, are probably the same guys who are feeding their dog's their venison at the end of each year because it's of little value to them....at least not as much as the rack on the wall.

  13. Yup, L.I. has a very high doe to buck ratio......and the bucks that live around the agricultural areas eat quite well, as do those that live on huge estates and developements that have thousands of dollars worth of shrub's to eat , add to that plenty of areas off limits to hunting and you have the perfect recipe to grow huge bucks.

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