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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. yeah, I grew up at a different time too, could drive 5 minutes from home and go hunting...those day's are gone, we don't all live in a place where we can walk out the backdoor and go hunting anymore..some of us only have limited opportunities to get out there, some of us have to use vacation time and drive four hours to deer hunt, I welcome any extra time to get out there with my son and hunt......and yes, he has froze his ass off going up with me the past 2 years not being able to shoot a deer, so he know's what it's all about, so don't assume everyone is getting a free pass to shoot a deer without paying the price of tough times.....hopefully he can get the buck some selfish prick has been watching all summer.

  2. "Now that you mention the whole problem killing deer in warm weather, it got me thinking, if it takes about 6 days to age a deer at 34*, does that mean it'll age twice as fast at 68*?......just curious, because heat has never been an issue before the youth hunt.".... I'm a little disappointed that everyone missed the humor in my last post, or is that nobody reads the entire post's before responding?

  3. Posted by growalot..."I'm thinking with a hot stinking gut pile on a balmy 60 degree day and a bunch of big fat flies..OOhhh and bees buzzing around...the whole early season hunting experience...oooppps top it of with the stress the "mentor" will be having over the rush after shot work...Kids will not find the experience as fun as one may think ".....because this won't be an issue with a bow killed deer that you have to wait to track, maybe even overnight, the most ridiculous post yet, this topic is becoming a real comedy......can't wait for the next comment.

  4. people from the city? I guarantee you people who live outside the "city", as in "upstater's", are responsible for more illegally taken deer every year than any other group of people that you judge by the area they reside in....and you can bet the mortgage payment on that.

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  5. There's a membrane that seperates the body cavity from the muscle tissue, you won't have any blood drain from the meat out through the body cavity. Any blood that is in the cavity, got there when it was pumped there but whatever organ was damaged by the shot.

  6. Most of the blood can be drained by gravity, hang it head down, that's how it's done with animal's in the slaughter house, they don't soak the meat to remove the blood. If you ever skinned a deer that's layed over night, you'll notice the blood pools in the meat on the bottom, it has no where else to go but to the lowest point.

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  7. I think it's gonna be surprising how many hunter's are unaware that AR's are being implemented in their areas, saw it first hand last year at a deer butcher up where I hunt......unfortunately for them, the DEC Officer checking the shop saw it too.

  8. And I personally think that recurves/longbows and compounds offer pretty much the same disadvantages to the hunter pretty much only limited by your own ability. On the other hand, I think the crossbow is a precocked device that removes the need to stand, draw at the right time, and wait at full draw for the right shot.....you pretty much just have to rest it, look through the scope and wait for the right shot, and that's what makes the biggest difference to me. I bet most bow hunters would say that most of their mishaps occurred as they were setting up for the shot as opposed to there ability to connect when they released the arrow.

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  9. Maybe the "army of unsupervised kids" statement was a bit much, but it seems that the two things that keep resurfacing is that it's a safety concern and that people are using the youth season to avoid having their own hunts compromised. Don't know if you have to hunt public land or not, but the some adults out there make me feel unsafe. I hunted the youth turkey season with my son, and it was one of the most memorable hunts I've had in a long time and hope to do the same with him on a youth deer hunt.

  10. Although I'm not in favor of AR's, I am willing to accept it and see how it goes, I've already gone years without shooting a buck so I won't be devastated if I have to wait to get one again. I do think that it should be statewide instead of targeting a select group of hunter's, I can't imagine any area is overrun with huge bucks, but maybe I'm wrong.

  11. I agree, it shouldn't be mandated, not everyone has the luxury of private property or the ability to spend all season afield to pick and choose...and to be honest, I think the majority of hunters are happy with any buck, and there really is no benefit to the overall herd other than people wanting bigger bucks. I doubt a doe cares if she's being bred by a 4pt or a 10pt, the end result is the same.

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