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  1. xironman


    Still no luck selling. t/c 50 cal renegate flint $500, t/c 54 cal hawkin flint $600, t/c 50 cal blue firestorm flint $650, cva 50 cal mt rifle flint $600, t/c 50 cal renegade cap $350, t/c 50 cal scout cap $400, t/c 54 cal scout cap $450, rem 700 ml $650
  2. xironman


    Is it legal to post muzzleloaders for sale here? I have 4 flintlocks and 4 caplocks for sale. Tks
  3. I own100+ acres in Otsego county, I am a senior citizen. I have family hunt first 3 days regular and 3 first days of muzzy. Have 3 heated blinds. Now who I'm looking for. All day sitter, senior, ethical hunter. Any days u want. Tks
  4. I welded a screw to a rod, it worked like a charm.
  5. 54 cal. T/C Hawken flintlock $450 54 cal. T/C Scout $300 Both in near excellent condition, 9 shots or less.
  6. Hansons is a lime quarry in Oriskanny Falls. Cost is around $12 a ton picked up
  7. Hansons in Oriskiny Falls....$17 per ton picked up.
  8. If you can't find one local, you can use my JD290. I'm in New Berlin=Norwich area.
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