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  • HuntingNY.com
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  1. And what about when it turns white?
  2. What an awesome hunting machine Dave, always enjoy your posts at OTB! Your lab works hand in hand with his feathered friend.
  3. Forgot to mention to fan out and pin it down on a piece of cardboard during the drying process.
  4. Try to use a wire brush and get as much meat as you can off. Then have another go at it for a little more. Borax is bought in the grocery store. Lay it down and sprinkle a good amount on both sides. Then let sit for a good week. Check it then flip it over and apply more borax to both sides and let sit again until it is good and dried out.
  5. Lots of good ones here guys and I agree with a bunch of them! The one thing I hate seeing is the hootin and hollerin right after the animal is shot. The last thing you want to do is start yelling and screamin as you may end up bumping the animal even further. Once again a little respect for the animal you just downed, to me, is the most important.
  6. Beauty buck! Good luck with your season!
  7. Getting some activity at a couple of spots. A few does with fawns, spike and two decent bucks. Hope they stick around for the season.
  8. I am using a BlackBerry tablet and it works pretty good. Great for just surfing but it gets a bit frustrating when you are typing and auto correct kicks in etc. I find having a mouse to click for things like cut and paste are more user friendly. Same can be said for dropping pics into Photobucket etc. Just so much faster using a standard pc and mouse Imo.
  9. If you have it, set up a cam on the edge of a soybean field. Deer are usually hitting them pretty good this time of year as the plant is very high in protein. Although I agree with the other comments about deer not necessarily being there in the fall. Imo they tend to have a summer area and then a fall staging area. But it is doesn't necessarily mean they will leave the place entirely. The other thing is it's a great way to get a general idea of what size bucks are roaming in the area as well. Just be careful that you are not checking the cams too frequently as you might end up bumping that big buck to the next County.
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