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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by wooly

  1. Killer series Dave! The little brats really keep momma on her toes! Makes one wonder if all them dead doe along the road are really accidents, or if she's just decided she's finally had enough of this cruel world,lol
  2. The green is pernament, but when the antlers dry out it is a less brilliant shade...more of a "forest green". An "ATL" is the original picture of the antlers where you found them before touching them. (As They Lay)
  3. Thanks Red....we'll have to do a couple hikes together next season when you're out my way. Keep in touch!
  4. Hey boys....it's been a while. Well, it took me a while, but mission accomplished! 40 horns on the season and who knows if any more will find me in the next couple months. Here's #38 from July 1'st....it aint much to look at. Some critter must have dragged this one outta hiding and dropped it on a trail I hike about 3x's a week. At least it's still recognizable and clearly a shed. Antler #39 found me on July 21'st while hiking some thicket edges at the park. I was pretty excited to spot this guy but a little disapointed when I saw the chunk of skull attached to the base. I looked for a carcass, perhaps still holding the mate, but turned up nothin'. Most likely another horn that got dragged out by a critter. ....and finally today...August 3'rd, while on my way to check cams, I stumbled upon #40 in the open timber, still hiding under a blanket of leaves trying to avoid getting eaten alive by the critters.
  5. It's your land......if you want to leave a long lasting impression and deter future tresspass.....CHOOT IT!!!... and leave the empty shell casing atop the ruins just so he/she know's you mean business! Eventually they'll come back and get the picture! Otherwise, I'd simply add that cam to your arsenal and begin to really keep a closer eye on the access points to the property.
  6. Wouldn't surprise me if you just got yor picture taken while taking pictures......looks like a carcass cam set to me.
  7. Then go jump in a lake if it makes ya feel better,lol. I may know a few gals willing to go skinny dippin' in a 5 gal. bucket with ya....., no questions asked of what's growing in there!
  8. No need to dissenfect non-pottable water.
  9. That's how it all starts! Hope you get your new camera! Here's a link you may find helpfull next time you come across a creature you're looking to identify. I like the way this site is set up and narrows down the possibilities according to different characteristics. It's really easy to use and is suprisingly accurate for most anything I've encountered around here. http://www.discoverlife.org/mp/20q
  10. ...unfortunately, not in my collection yet Growalot.
  11. Oh Single_shot, you make me so proud knowing there's other folks out there that are fasinated by these interesting creatures! What you got there is a Peacock Moth larva. Hope you don't mind my posting a pic I took last summer to go along with yours. The trick to these prickly catterpillers...as well as other biting and stinging insects, is to let them walk on you without touching them to pick them up. As long as they don't feel threatened by any poking or prodding, or feel any resistance from you, you'll be fine.
  12. Anyone like a nice 6pt...or is he just another "cull buck"? I like 'em... and think he'd make a great trophy! Some of yall may remember the wide 8pt I posted back in May at the summer scrape with some good early growth. ...here he is a few weeks later! ...and just another smaller 6pt that hopped out in front of the Nikon while I was reviewing pics at the Moultrie.
  13. Sweet....bet you can't wait till shed season..... after you pick out the two "must have horns" of course!
  14. Am I missing something or you guys snoozin'? http://www.dec.ny.gov/press/83463.html
  15. You're welcome, enjoy! If anyone would like to become my first client, feel free to send me some ca$h or gear upgrades in exchange for exclusive rights to any of my pics,lol
  16. I'M running 4 cams right now. I tend to check them and move them often...sometimes 3x's a week. If I get a good buck showing up at a certain location with any kind of regularity, I'll leave that cam hang and move the other 3 to trails or edges surrounding that one spot. If I can catch a buck on 2 cams, it usually gives me a pretty idea of where he's coming from and what he's been doing before reaching my cams. Sometimes I'll have all 4 cams in a circle no bigger than 50yds across. When things cool off at a certain location, sometimes I'll simply expand my circle to catch where they're passing through now that they may be aware of the cams location and trying to avoid it. Basicly, I like to keep them guessing and I'm just too impatient to leave them set in one spot for too long.
  17. Been spending the summer evenings at the green fields taking long range photo inventory of bucks coming and going. Still gettting off the beaten path every now and then to find any leftover sheds that are laying around. Trail cams have been deployed for a good while. Just hanging out with the critters, conditioning the deer to my non threatening behavior in their enviroment.
  18. Nope...I just post them here and another forum for anyone interested in checking them out. It would be nice to get paid for them, but there are so many other folks out there much better (professionals) at this than I am.
  19. wooly


    LMAO...now John, quit peaking up the members skirts! Aint nothin up there you never seen before.....right?
  20. That's a pretty good burst of bone with some time left on the clock for growth. They will start plaining out shortly.
  21. wooly


    Honestly paula....I could never tell if your screen name was to be taken as "Paula" or "Paul A".I look at you the same either way,lol
  22. wooly


    I like to check out profiles of folks that are kind and courteous and appear 1/2 intelligent first and foremost. If someone is from my neck of the woods.. also a bonus as a future meet and greet!Exchanging PM's at that point has lead to some good insight to what's going on in my neighborhood I may not have been aware of. I look at age when there may be a topic that gets pounced on by our forum bullies just to know what level of experience a member may have and how to address them appropriately. I could care less what anyone shoots, or what gender some of you claim to be,lol
  23. Absolutely OK....have at it bro!
  24. Not for long....someone will kill them 1'st chance they get just to say they killed a bear...at least that's the way it would end around here. Nice cam catch!
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