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Everything posted by zeus1gdsm

  1. Should I go back a couple more times ( without calling to get a feel for their patterns? I can easily swing through and sit till dark after work again. I also need to check the other side of the river as there is other fields.
  2. Learned: Don't call.. Get an owl call for evenings. Wear the tasca muck boots even if u think they aren't needed.
  3. Alrighty full report. I arrived on location about 5:20pm. suited up and was greeted by an overflowing river. I drove to a couple other acccess points to asssess the situation and came back to the first due to the over swampy terrain. I ended up using a small tree to cross a feeder creek to access a lower part of the river and then crossed the river on a larger tree. about 1/4 of the way down the old farm road alongside the first field i noticed a brown lump moving through the waist high dead goldenrod. Sure enouhg it was a hen and alongside her a tom on full display. Needless to say this being my first ever true turkey scout i was pretty darn excited. AT this point they were about 250yards or so if not further away.. ( dark blobs without the binos and even then far away) I threw up my new "hammock chair" ( fanatic outdoors/deadringer) and threw 3 soft calls in an attempt to bring them in closer..... I waited, couldnt see them so i stood up to get a better view and couldnt find them. (at this point i made this post) I packed up the chair and moved further along the road at a snails pace. glassing as i went. they had move don another 20 yards or so and were still doing their dance. Boisterious male and disinterested female ( reminded me of my time in local bars a few years ago) i setup again. this time to simply watch with no calls... and watched them out of sight..towards the woodline at the edge of the field. I packed up and decided to just scout the land itself to familarize myself with it and how long itd take to walk its length. As i hit the road again there was a flash out of the corner of my eye and it was 2 jakes/hens heading from the road to the next field, into my field, along the far woodline, towards where i last saw the others. I continued to glass every 5 steps... but didnt see anything, once i reached the end of the first field and made the slow transition to the next i was again greeted with no sightings. At this point i gave up on the birds I saw there was too much waist high cover and i kept them at too much of a distance to really track them. I decided to continue down the road glassing every few steps and keeping my eye out for sheds. turns out there was about 4-5 fields depending on your classification. no other birds seen. no sheds. I timed my walk out and tracked it on the GPS. 1.5 miles and it took me 1hour 25 minutes to walk it ( glassing every 5 steps) on my way out instead of crossing the log in failed light i just plowed through the overflowed river with a walking stick. pics ot follow. of the area.
  4. I assume crow call would be a no go this late
  5. I'm walking to the edge of all the fields and then creeping back the other side as the sun gets lower.... Bigger trees or any trees This is my first scout of the land so I am getting the lay of it as well
  6. Out right now... Located a tom and 2 hens. He showing like a parade dog... I watched until they were out of sight 100yards plus.. Tried a call no luck moved up and have essentially followed them to next tfield ... I've lost sight... What to do
  7. I'll be there at some point ! Kills me when people hog the giveaway tables having their babies and grandmothers fill out extra tickets.. I just want to get my one... And then only if I'm really interested. Looking forward to it
  8. Ahh right next door to ol Frankfort. Use to fish that narrow gorge for brookies headed (south?) Out of ilion
  9. Oh I'm not slammin Lalor. The ones who try these shade legislations is another story. Unforuneately it sometimes seems as though the good guy pool gets smaller each year.
  10. Oh hey what's that? Oh that's the politicians knee jerking again.... These people kill me... What worse if the politicians must know its total bs. And are playing the fears of the sheep.
  11. Wow at those prices I'm better off picking up a couple of acres near some state land and clearing it to make a feed plot.... No way I'd cough up that kind of money for a couple days of hunting ( unless it was a paid trip board food etc) Good bit of Amish have moved in and bought up a lot of old farmlands that have just been hayed the last few years... I assume they'd want all their game for themselves and I can't blame them... I guess I'll have to find some more remote farmland which would hopefully mean less coveted and less asked for than the prime front and centers I know of one set of land right on 365. Has a field set way way back a thousand yards or so and on a hill... Can usually count and easy 10-20 deer out there at prime times. I drool every time I drive by. Where about in Herkimer? I lived in Frankfort for a time and ran all over Poland Newport westcanada area growing up.
  12. That's what I was initially thinking... Does anyone have a similar situation in play? What should a starting offer be?
  13. Again an excellent detailed response g-man. Thank you. You've given me a lot to think about..... Now to find out who actually owns the fields I'm interested in.
  14. Excellent thank you for the advice regarding the time frames... I have no need to rush out and ask now. I was thinking closer to the season..... Maybe august? I've done some helping with haying. That brings up a good point.. Could be a useful in... A good full weekend or 2 of haying for good will...
  15. Well the land I'm speaking of to ask permission is between barneveld and Rome..... Holland patent. Floyd. Stittville. Steuben etc. For upcoming deer season. Currently living in Rome. Eyeing the Rome wmu and oriskany wmu for turkey.
  16. Hey all... I'm scouting available state land for turkey. And was wondering if I could exchange some PMS regarding local areas. Pressure. Etc. For everyone else... How do you go about "asking permission". From land owners? Now obviously I won't show up in camo stinking of beer with a gun in my hand.. I work in an office casual setting so more the. Likely that's how'd I'd show up after work.... I'm a very cautious hunter so much so that I passed up a shot I should have taken hindsight being what it is. There is a ton of farm land up here and I'm not opposed to knocking on some doors. Any advice for doing this? I'd expect that either a) they don't like hunters or they are all full up already or c) I'm a stranger.... I'd be willing to provide venison from a harvest. And I am by nature a very courteous and friendly guy. ( or my mother would whoop me) or is money a determining factor? Thanks for any who check this thread.
  17. Good to know ... Thanks.. I push it to 40,this weekend and put the choke money towards a lightweigh decoy
  18. I put some cheap lead turkey load through my 26inch vent with full choke to test the pattern...... She shot well.. Straight even if a tad low. Which can be compensated for... At 30 yards I averaged 15-25 pellets in/ on the head and neck. At 20 yards it blew the head right out. Is this acceptable? I've also been looking at the hs strut undertaker choke for lead shot... I can't afford to run hevishots. This is an OK choke correct?
  19. Wow that's a great vid. Count me as one who used ecigs to quit... Pack a day for 8 years. Then a 6 months converting to full time vaping....a solid year of gaping and I've been clean since January 1st... Its all about the Benjamin's. Yet another prime example of the bottom line over the citizens
  20. What kills me is that people continue to vote the same idiots into office... Then complain about them... Its like they totally forget the history and take all the bs spewed during elections as proof... Its as if the same exact person keeps getting elected they just change masks... Spew the same garbage. And then do whatever the heck they want once elected... And unfortunately we all know that a very small minority of us pay attention, remember the past transgressions and then monitor the current state of affairs....... Most are just blind sheep who take what they are forcefed with a smile, vote ( to say they did) and then forget all about it and go back to complaining about the person they just voted for..... Just sickening...... I vote... I pay attention year round... I've sent a few letters.. I've made a couple of calls... And I try to wake up others..... Not much else you can do without grass roots movements and or deep pockets. A sad state of affairs.... I find more and more I just pay attention. Vote according to preserving liberty or worst case the lesser of 2 evils.. A prime example is the safe act..... All those rallies And no change... I haven't seen anything like that. Maybe some protests/ rallies for a week or 2 around a cause... But not like the safe act rallies... Of course the media plays a large roll in pumping up those PC lib friendly causes and barely covering the safe act...
  21. I'd say the body was as long as my size 13 boot. What's going rate on mink pelts? My understanding is you need many to make it worth while.
  22. Lol. My luck I would have nicked the glands in a rush to get out of the rain. And had a fragrant ride home.
  23. Thanks for the ID. No I didn't take it or skin it. I had my 3 and 4 yr old girls with me and it was pouring rain. I just wanted make sure it didn't suffer. Should I have skinned it?
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