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Everything posted by Zem18

  1. Zem18


    It's been asked before but what were the men drinking?
  2. Dang Eddie, the stone and now the hernia. Didn't you read your maintenance manual. You should have gone in for an oil change miles ago, lol. Sorry couldn't resist. Get well soon.
  3. Zem18


    Do you think they would hunt beaver or would that be off limits? TC - from the pics I see you found your beach, in more ways than one.
  4. Zem18


    Things got sour, and it wasn't the beer!
  5. Hey. If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like Frank Shirley, my boss, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Melody Lane with all the other rich people and I want him brought right here...with a big ribbon on his head! And I want to look him straight in the eye, and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit...where's the Tylenol? (Clark W. Griswold)" -
  6. Zem18


    Saw that at the store but passed on it. How was it?
  7. Zem18

    Mule deer

    My FIL has shot muleys from Colorado and the ones we've eaten have had a sage flavor to them. Also the meat is stringy but it is as good as venison from NY. The Elk is good too but did not have the sage flavor. As others have said, it depends on their feed.
  8. Lol Poppy is a bachelor this week. Damn the BB King tribute is freaking awesome. Gary Clark JR. and this Chris Stapleton can play some mean guitar.
  9. They aren't all ugly! That Tori Kelly is fine and can sing too. Oh you meant Westminster. Gotcha.
  10. Have the Grammy's on in the background. Anyone else watching? They did a cool Lionel Ritchie tribute and the Eagles just performed in Glen's memory. Stevie Wonder did an acapella number too that was pretty cool. Love all kinds of music and it's nice to see some older stuff being recognized.
  11. Zem18

    Dog food

    It's a package of light bulbs that Clark picked up. Hallelujah, Holy $h!t, where's the Tylenol?
  12. Zem18


    #6 Wow is this one good. From Glens Falls - Queensbury, NY. Would buy this again along with their Winter one.
  13. So you made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and then buttered the bread like you would for grilled cheese and threw it in a pan? Just curious about how you "grilled" it. Sounds delicious.
  14. Zem18

    Dog food

    One my all time favorite movies. So many great one liners. Never gets old, just like a Christmas Story.
  15. Zem18


    Thanks. I wasn't disappointed in any of them, but a few I wouldn't buy again. I have one last one to try and it's a Harvest ale. Will post up in a bit.
  16. That's awesome. Can't wait to see it finished.
  17. Zem18

    Dog food

    Blue buffalo but it's fricken expensive. 5lb bag is close to $22. But it makes a difference in their coat and is not filled with by products. I sound like the commercial.
  18. Zem18


    #5 this was the best tasting IPA out of the bunch in my opinion. Much smoother taste all the way around.
  19. Marinated Grilled chicken breast tenders, stuffing, and a side salad. Overdid the chicken just a tad but we choked it down.
  20. Yup, two streets over from my house on McFall Road.
  21. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=11+funny+restaurant+signs&view=detailv2&qpvt=11+funny+restaurant+signs&id=56CF47EBDD4082894BAA18D29BA82183630894CE&selectedIndex=21&ccid=tcUWXkSI&simid=608032031281580579&thid=OIP.Mb5c5165e448861edf1cbc2d30189ae8bo0
  22. Zero here in Apalachin, NY with a real feel of -5. Yesterday was down right unpleasant. Today was just cold. Going to be 27 Monday and 48 Tuesday.
  23. Zem18


    #4 is being enjoyed right now. Much stronger aftertaste than the other IPA's.
  24. Grilled up some turkey burgers and some turkey bacon top off the burgers. Added American and pepperjack cheese too. Made some garlic noodles as a side.
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