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Four Season Whitetail's

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Everything posted by Four Season Whitetail's

  1. Its ok. They will be ready for the best parts of the season!
  2. I know one thing. I moved some deer today up between Tupper Lake and North Creek and i would have to admit to being a little set back if i had to hunt in an area that big. A guy better have very good use of a compass. There is still 4ft of snow in the woods up there, the only place you see any deer or turkeys are next to peoples houses that are feeding them. Good thing because few deer would make winter in that area. I also saw more Moose crossing sign's then Deer crossing. Big area i guess so!!!!
  3. Yes Sir. Only 1. You need to let it cool down( Say overnight) and then start and drive it untill it runs. Is it the O2 Sensor or the O2 heater? You may need to pull the sensors and blow them out if the monitor does not run. You have to start out with a cold engine to get the monitor to run!
  4. I am a Ny state inspector at our shop. We had the same deal for awhile but we got the new updated software a long time ago. Was this a little shop or a dealership?
  5. You better think again if you think this is not all against hunters. We had 4 different cases charged up here this year with deer throw on our road. Its 100% on all hunters. Not just the few fools! The only one's that dont blame this on hunters are hunters themselves.
  6. Funny you say Sudden Impact. I have his sons. 1 straw of semen cost me twice as much as someones new Dodge truck. Point is the 250 inches is at 2 years of age. Using QDM for my TDM which is what it is. As far as CWD. If it shows up in the wild again and then shows up on my farm from those wild deer i get paid for each animal,set my price on the farm and Ny state now owns some new million dollar property. I'm covered! Thats my outlook!
  7. lol...Please dont lose any sleep on any part of my great life. I OWN the best of both worlds and will continue to do so.
  8. You have your wish but i hope you dont think for a second that my life or my hobby that pays more than most people make in their real job is threatened at all. Fact is. Its growing as we speak!
  9. Yeah whatever, you dont have an answer and you and every other person that are reading these words knows its true. Hunting the way it used to be is on the decline and will continue. Your happy thought in your mind with QDMA that thinks you are doing your little part to fix something is sweet, but will be for nil. Hunting land is ate up by the rich( Your piece may be next) and state land will and is ran into the ground. 10 years from now this site any many others will be a thing of the past. Hunting land will be gone. Heck there are guys on here that have to lease. I have my 2 pieces of heaven to make sure my hunting wont end like that and i also am on the top of a industry that makes and pumps millions into the places it surrounds. You say you have plenty of land to USE. 1 phone call could turn your hunting world upside down. Dont ever forget that.!!!!
  10. Truth be know, with the thousands we make from our business we probably do more on our lands we own then most qdma members. King of Like yourself. You own no land to speak of so you do what? You hunt on a farm that you ask to hunt that already practice's farm ag. I see you like to duck a few questions. Do you really think hunting land is going to grow in our or any area and open up more places for people? Good luck with that. Ya know truth be know we have more high fence hunters in Ny state then you have qdma members.
  11. Wow are you brain dead? I told you that i support QDMA I use all their thoughts and ways to grow 250 inch bucks every year. It works great. There are so many people out there that grow the trophy bucks they want by farming by QDMA standards. QDM is farming for the trophy bucks people want. We know it, We get it! As far as our industry, Most every person in our industry was and still is a hunter and sportsman of all wild deer.. I own almost 1000 acres of wild whitetail land. Can you say that? Didn't think so! You see we support the future and we will be on the forefront of the future. The extra 5 and 6 extra digits we make a year is just icing on the cake$ You see other people will see what the 6 new farms that just started up are doing/making in their new business and then those people will do the same. You play your game and we will play ours and when the smoke clears we will see who is on top. Yours will self destruct. Its already started in so many places. It will continue! Let me ask you, Where do you think people will be hunting after CWD runs its way all across the country. Do you think they will be hunting CWD positive deer?
  12. No its called business and business is good. What other livestock can a farmer raise and make an extra high 5 digits every year and never run out of sales. Business is proven by the people that want that product and now people have choices. Many thousands make that choice every year. Good luck trying to keep up with that demand.
  13. All im telling you is that the the way the QDMA went about trying to bury their competition with false lies to try and sway the public is about to turn that whole group upside down. Now that science has shown that the wild deer( Bucks at the most) are the ones moving cwd all across the country side there will be no need of mature animals. All antlered deer should be shot on sight. If you dont then you sure are not holding up your end of being a member of QDMA. Unless of course you are like most of the rest and only worry about the inches. In the mean time high fence will continue to grow as the average hunter gets older and hunting number in general will continue to fall because you cant get the fat kids off the phones and video games. The demand out weighs the product in our world. Bet ya you cant say that!!
  14. I could talk all day to you about mature bucks but you would have to know mature bucks to do that!! Its out of your league. Big Time!
  15. Yup nice bucks for sure. We pop 3 or so a year on our land down near the park. Why do you think we kill nice bucks on our farm. Low pressure and no babies. We do nothing QDMA style except let them grow. We kill bucks like that up here on 700 acres but not near as many and we do everything QDMA style. Why is that? Because every line hunter kills all the baby bucks. Where your land sits means everything on buck take.
  16. Lets not get to carried away with the thought that QDMA,s stance against deer farms has had any negitive impact against its growth at all. That beast is way to big for a little group like qdma to even put a dent in. Lets face it, if the tree hugging animal lovers could not touch it then what makes ya think that little group will? I like the part where QDMA raffles off high fence hunts to put money in their own jar. Yeah save your breath about the breeding! like it really matters if a buck blows the semen up the skirt of the doe or a person does. Its still high fence. I myself cant wait now untill QDMA blows up and starts to pedal backwards on this CWD crap they have been trying to pin on the deer farmer for years. Now they say all antlered bucks are carriers and the mature buck is the biggest factor in the movement off CWD. Well now that is going to take QDMA's way off doing things right off the block. Now if you let any antlered buck walk you are letting CWD walk along with it. There will be no more age groups and it will be kill all bucks on sight. If you are doing whats right and best for the animal and the land.( Thats QDMA remember) Now you will start seeing the QDMA group say the same things that the states that are losing hunters and money because of the big scare they tried to pin on farming with CWD. Now its....Oh dont worry about CWD its now not what we once thought it was and it has no effect on humans so please do not be afraid to go in the woods hunting and take deer. Every time the words comes out of QDMA" or the states mouth is that CWD came because of the farmers but then in their next sentence the truth comes out when they say its high fence and not fair chase( The real truth that has them scared sh!tless that they are fighting a losing battle) and losing their old style ways of years gone by. Now people have choices and many thousands across the country are picking the later. But again i am all for some of QDMA.s way of thinking because thats how i grow those 200 inchers!
  17. I believe people made it clear on the way you play with the mod card and sling crap in your own little style. Its no big deal because it means nothing to most people. You say your thing and we say ours. I see whats growing around me and that has nothing to do with qdma but does includes the 6 new farms in Ny state that i helped start, just shy of 2200 acres of new business for Ny state. Life is good for some and getting better for many! Enjoy!
  18. Well i guess we can agree on one thing. In the mean time we will just keep watching and waiting for this big explosion of any qdma groups growin. You know, Like the ones that have not over the last 20 years and with less hunters coming on the scenes every year im sure it wont happen anytime soon! AGAIN. But do feel free to watch other things grow up around you.
  19. Dude you have to be ***** me!!!! Go look at their website. Guys have been on there for years and about live on that site like you do here. Read the words! Please show the numbers you so proudly speak of. How many true mature bucks have you killed in your lifetime in qdma style. Please do show! Im sure i have my answer and if any of you plan on killing to many more bucks that believe in true qdma mature bucks only had better lower your standards down to 21/2 years old and then you might kill a buck every 3 or 4 years if your lucky. You my friend have no room to even think about talking about sitting behind your keyboard. But i believe you just found that out on here not so long ago!
  20. Taking quotes from members on their stance is the only TRUE way to see the TRUTH on the subjects. If you read their posts the QDMA are losing many members. I sure dont see a big rush to join, even on this site. I have no problem with QDM. Like i said, I use it every year to grow the biggest bucks my property will grow. The problem i have is many not telling the whole story. In their minds and hearts they may think its for the future and so on of what they say but when the rubber hits the road, 99% of them are farming for the biggest,highest scoring buck in their neck of the woods and it is still all about the inches of bone on that head. For a qdma member to also be an outfitter that takes peoples money for a chance to kill A BUCK WITH AT LEAST 130 INCHES OF BONE ON HIS HEAD. You tell me thats all about the hunt and mature bucks? You screw up and kill a mature buck with only 115 INCHES on his head and your fined. The list goes on. Show it and tell it like it is. Farming practice for a healthy herd that fits the land and growing the biggest buck you can hold on that property. If you are practicing true qdma and only kill mature bucks on your property then 99% of Ny state hunters would never kill a buck. How many 31/2 year old bucks you got runnin around on your qdm practice land?
  21. Really? Did you read this in Kip's handbook or what? As we sit here year after year and watch the older hunters hang up their guns and watch all the fat kids sitting on the couch eating pizza and playing video games you think QDMA will/is growing? Good One. But know on the other hand there is not enough bucks in any state to satisfy the demand for high fence needs. Also the fastest and most profitable industry in the country such was just shown with 81 animals selling for a record 1.7 million. Yeah there's no demand! Anyways lets read another post of the thoughts from a QDMA website user. Interesting reading i would say. Join Date: Apr 2013 Location: WI Posts: 922 Quote: Originally Posted by smsmith I used to attempt to defend QDMA and their (mistaken) stance on this topic in CWD areas....not anymore. I was wrong...and so are they I'm not defending or damning them for it. Merely trying to look at it from a detached, dispassionate distance. It appears they've really painted themselves into a corner on this one. It sure appears that they sell themselves as a sound science based organization, but science is starting to say that the cornerstone of what they are pushing for is bad. They have a backdoor they can still slip out of, by stating that they changed their stance based on new scientific findings, but they've recently stacked a few chairs against that by supporting APRs in MI. At the same time, it's almost irrelevant that they have. If one is going to be honest, the majority of members would drop out of QDMA if the trophy buck aspect was removed, unless it was done with a wink and a nod. It's not an enviable position to be in, anyway you look at it. That's assuming I'm right about this all coming to a head again and more deer biologists pushing back against restricted buck harvests. I sure could be wrong, on both fronts
  22. So True! I myself have no problem with QDMA's way of thinking. I use it every year to grow the biggest bucks my property can produce.
  23. Came right off the qdma website and as far as high fence...Good luck stopping that. Thats a force way to powerful for a group like qdma to even touch with their false cwd words. As has been proven over and over. They now no longer have cwd to use as their ploy so now its a matter of how a person chooses to spend their time and i can tell you where thousands spend a few days every fall. I really hope you dont think that any state is going to start raising bigger bucks in this time. Look what has happened to states like Iowa,Kansas and the other states that used to grow big deer by the dozens. Outfitters and hunters looking for the most inches a deer can grow has ruined those states. Lets not forget about ehd in the story either. Deer hunting of 10 years ago is gone by the wayside along with the way hunting used to be.You know, the way qdma stands for! Those days are long gone im afraid. Today world is ran by the all mighty dollar and time constraints!
  24. Well this really has nothing to do with their thoughts on anything i do as it means exactly zero to me or my industry. You need to stick up for a losing battle because they sure do need the numbers as it looks like they are losing many more than gaining but anyway lets just look at one post that just came on today. I really dont have to dig any further do i? Join Date: Jun 2011 Location: wisconsin Posts: 1,581 "Given that quality deer management practices focus on production of older bucks with large antlers, management agencies could face difficult alternatives from these competing interests."Total deer population doesn't impact CWD prevalence, but increased population of anter bucks does....ouch! What's QDMAs stance on this one, sooner or later they are going to have to take a position. Being quite isn't gonna work here?
  25. You have to admit that even if you go over and read their website 90% of their members speak of inches and killing the top bucks. Yes they want mature but they also want the biggest white horned beast in the woods. Just as 99% of american hunters do. Heck even the members over there that are outfitters are pushing for 130 inches and charging cash to do it. Its all a good thing with the food plots and land improvements but to think that the bone is not what is on most minds in the month of November is a stretch.
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