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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by tuttled

  1. To be honest, I had an airsoft gun or two when I was younger. It helped me realize the guidelines of firearm safety at a young age. Granted they fire plastic bb's but still not something to fire at someone else etc.. I'm surprised they haven't frowned upon archery tag the way dodgeball is frowned upon now a days. However, I am sure they will classify it as an assault compound soon enough.
  2. nyantler, great pic and a good 4"x60 is Nub. Nice little cigar that will last a while. You guys are missing out on smoking in the winter. Good opportunity to get outside for sure. Shoveled a bit the other day with a nice smoke to wrap up the afternoon. Biz, love the idea of a cigar bar at the wedding, neat idea. As always the best cigar is one with good company, whether it be with family or friends. Tough to beat a late summer evening with friends and a good smoke. Cheers gentleman
  3. $2.99 by me at school in Delaware. Saw $3.14 along the turnpike yesterday, which still isn't terrible. Definitely a lot lower once you are away from highway. I guess gas up now while you can! p.s. fellow cigar guys- cigarbid is a good website to use where you can get great cigars at low prices, albeit the bid process. Happy smoking
  4. Currently have a 2005 which was bought with 72,000 on it. After a few years and 23,000 more miles its still held up extremely well. I've only had to fix minor things and it still drives great. Would recommend it for the right price.
  5. Hey guys, with the change in NY license set up I'm curious about the turkey permit. Was that included in the Super Sportsman that I purchased for this year before the license change? Or do I need to purchase a turkey permit within the new system for turkey this Spring?
  6. Have held the Ruger American a few times and really liked it. It also has very solid reviews. Considered that, Savage Axis and Savage Trophy Hunter. Couldn't find the Trophy Hunter anywhere and I went with the Axis. Already swapped out the optics. You're going to need to throw on a scope on the Ruger but thats not a big deal. Almost everything today groups pretty well regardless of price. Best of luck in your search and good caliber choice.
  7. Good read on the issue. I will agree that you can't always sway emotional thinking, however presenting real time facts and statistics can help alleviate some of the issues. Being up to date on the issues and the actual facts can help go a long way. In conversations I've had with people either on the Safe Act or Firearms issues, when the actual facts can be presented it can help people who support the Safe Act see the true reality. Unfortunately, the media portrays firearms in a negative light and this article is a step in the right direction. This could be a beneficial step if more gun owners and hunters were willing to use it. Definitely something to look into.
  8. Just wait until she goes to college where everyone forms a strong opinion. I am there now and it's incredible the crap some people spew. Firearm discussion came up this fall and ten hands shot up detesting firearms. Interesting seeing their faces when I brought up actual facts on firearms and information they don't hear from the media today. I have been lucky enough to have some educators in the past that are pro-gun and hunting so it isn't all of them. It would help if people actually knew facts and didn't spew garbage.
  9. Definitely go to an Archery Shop. Those guys are always more than willing to help, especially a beginner. Just let them know your price range and go from there.
  10. Just saw this on the news. Terrible story that seems entirely true. The lady, although she said she is an animal lover, understands what is best for the animal and hopes a hunter can ethically put it down. Terrible that this is what makes the news and puts the spotlight on us hunters who are always ethical, except for the few scumbags.
  11. Awful to hear, best wishes to the family members. Bought a safety vest which is hands down the best outdoor investment I've made, the ones that come with stands are cheap. Everyone be safe out there and strap in.
  12. My first step is getting my field points to be directly centered on the bullseye. I would first try to get this figured out to know my set up is finely tuned and then move onto my broadheads. Are you using mechanical or fixed broadheads? Mechanicals will generally have the same flight as field points while some adjustment is necessary for fixed as they can fly differently.
  13. Or I should say next season lol, also looking into turkey hunting for this spring
  14. Yeah that is definitely my goal for next year is to get into deer hunting as much as possible. Would want to try out some spots in Westchester with my bow and go from there.
  15. I live down in Pelham, mostly been going for small game at Stewart state forest. Want to get my bowhunter education done so I can start that up. Love my bow and archery in general. Thanks a lot guys
  16. Hey fellas, new to the website, just got started hunting this year. Awesome forum where I have already received some great info. Keep up the good work.
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