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Everything posted by Witty

  1. <br />True, My definition of a good hunt to someone else's could be miles apart. I believe seeing the game you are after is a good hunt. Being able to watch and learn how deer react in different situations is fascinating to me. Other people might feel they need to kill something to have a good hunt. I like killing animals as much as the next guy but I don't need to do it to enjoy my hunt. I agree everyone hunts for different reason, but I always found it cheaper to go to the super market then to hunt for my meals.
  2. Problem is the same deer that walks on your hill is the same deer I just passed on my hill. Bucks can travel up to six miles in one day looking for a doe in heat. I'm not looking to hunt trophies but I'd like to see more 2.5 and old deer walking around. It would improve buck to doe ratios and make hunting better overall.
  3. Another day of rain, I afraid my horses are going to catch a cold!
  4. I would like to see an antler restriction in the area I hunt. I can't speak for other parts of the state but I think it would be good for the 4A, 6R and 5R WMAs.
  5. Do you guys change stands in the middle of a hunt if the wind changes?
  6. (I couldn't edit these in from my phone.)<br /><br />Planted field<br /><br /><br />Fence<br /><br /><br />Stand location?<br />
  7. Got a chance to walk part of this property yesterday before my fiancé sliced her hand open at home and I had to bail. I walked smaller field along the creek. It's about 20-25 yards wide from the edge of the field to the creek with a very steep drop, almost 90 degree. There is a pretty beat up trail running along it. I set up a camera on that trail and a plot watcher on this field. <br /><br /><br />(See next post photo 1)<br /><br />Thanks to SplitG2 and Growsalot I believe this to be a pea/triticale mix. This field is totally surrounded by woods so I decided this would be the field to put that cam on. <br /><br /><br /><br />I did find something I'm not thrilled about, along the norther property border there is a fence running the entire length as far as I can tell. It even runs over the creek (which is much deeper then originally believed to be). I'd say the fence is about 4 feet high. I did find one area where the top wire got knocked down about a foot. I didn't see any indication the deer are jumping it there. It appears the deer are walking along the fence and not over it. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />(See photo 2)<br /><br />This is the area where the ridge starts to get wider. I was thinking about putting a stand here. There is a tree that can watch the field and this narrow stretch.<br /><br />(See photo 3)<br /><br />It's obvious deer are using this area. I just have to find a stand location that uses the wind in my favor. I know this sounds stupid but I've never considered before. I've always hunted with my father and learned from him but its something that never came up.
  8. Thank you guys for all the info. The farmer who plants these fields is a dairy farmer. It's a small hidden 3 or 4 acre field that is separated from a more open 8 or 10 acre field with the same crop by woods and under growth. I walked it today and I'm pretty excited about the sign we saw.
  9. Why would a farmer plant that type of mixed crop? The other fields have been corn and alfalfa. Thanks for the input I couldn't figure it out.
  10. Just curious what this plant is. This is planted in two fields I have permission to hunt. <br /><br /><br />
  11. Not my cup if tea, nor do I agree with them being allowed during archery season but who am I to say you can't or shouldn't hunt with a certain type of weapon. Good luck to those who have them or want to hunt with them.
  12. Gfdeputy, that's what I wanted to get but they only come in 31" stock.
  13. Guys who are shooting the Easton FMJ's what are you guys set ups? Those arrows use the deep six components don't they? What spine are you shooting? For my bow I need at least 32 inch arrow with .300 spine, it's a tough combo to find and the FMJs are one of the few out there that have the combo.
  14. You wouldn't see a fawn or fawns bedded with her yet, they were prolly bedded within 50 or 60 yards of her. They don't usually bed close this time of year. I doubt that fawn you have pics of is eating anything but milk right now.
  15. They are usually up around the barn. I've yet to see them anywhere else but near the barn. I've go by the place daily.
  16. Haha I don't know how a feel freeing cows and bulls altering the fence but I'm going to check I out.
  17. The old roadway runs to my in-laws through 1 field. There is barbed wire running the whole northern boarded of the property, I haven't walked the fence yet but I have been to each corner of the property and the fence seems to run the whole length. The creek ends up running right through my in-laws property. The north west corner seems to be brush/thrash with a small patch of hard words before the property line. Along the creek on the east side, the bottom seems to be very swampy and uncrossable by humans.
  18. Lol I have 6 cams in my truck waiting to be put up, I have another 6-8 at my dads house collecting dust.
  19. Yea I'm pretty excited about it. I've seen deer almost every time I've been there. Even the little walking I've done has shown me a little about how the deer move around the fields and power lines. All the fields are planted now. Two are corn, two are alfalfa and another I think is a bean of some sort. I might dive in on Sunday when I put some cams up.
  20. Wind is south/southwest to north/northeast. The creek runs north to south and there is a big beaver dam on both sides of the road.
  21. I'm just curious how you guys approach whitetail hunting new places. Right now I have access to about 100 acres. Here is what it looks like.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />I will be putting up some trail cams this weekend. I've only walked through the open parts of the property. I haven't stepped into the wooded areas. Where would you set up trail cams? <br />I'm very excited about the creek running through the property. There is a pretty steep ravine it runs through and when I was there early spring you could see the deer runs on the small ridges between the two hidden fields.
  22. Wish it wasn't going to be 90+ but I'm calling into work to hunt till noon. I too need redemption from having a bird at 10 yards and not being able to get a shot. Good luck everyone!
  23. The Monster 7.0 goes to 31. They have another monster that goes to 32. I think the MR8 maybe, not really sure. I've been shooing a WB since I took up archery and have had no accuracy issues.
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