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  1. Is this Jim Oshe Jr who works for Grant? I am from Butler originally and used to work with Jim Sr. for Grant. I have some spots about an hour or so from Hamburg and would be willing to get together with you guys. Kevin C.
  2. I have 2 Whelens in bolt rifles. I shoot 225gr in the one and 250gr RN in the other. Also have an older model 760 rechambered to 358 Win. All seem to hit like the hammer of Thor on whitetails. I took a Moose in Newfoundland with my Ruger whelen using accubond bullets. Don't recall of the top of my head what weight. Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk
  3. Hey guys, I won at a raffle this weekend a NY Lifetime Hunting License ($535 value per the book). I am trying to make sense of what it will cost me to upgrade to cover Muzzleloader and Archery. Do I need to pay $235 each for the upgrades or will the $235 difference to the Sportsman Lifetime cover me for both? It's a great prize either way, but not sure of its worth $470 to upgrade the add-ons if I need to. Kevin
  4. Tequila is my female Heeler (on the left). She is basically a couch dweller. She is protective as heck of my wife and makes sure NO one messes with her. Keeps the wife safe at rodeos and barrel racings when I have to work. Hazer on the right was my male. I lost him almost 2 years ago. Still haven't been able to bring myself to get another male. He was the smartest dog I ever owned.
  5. HELP! My wife, dog and myself need to find a place to rent soon. The place we have been renting for 2 years is going to be no longer available due to family problems with the owners. We are in the early stages of getting pre-approval for a mortgage to buy our first home, but need something in the mean time. We are both employed full time. I work full time in Batavia, part time in Warsaw. She works in Perry. Would like to be within reasonable distances. If anyone has anything or knows of anything, please let me know. Would prefer more rural, but are flexible.
  6. Hey guys, I'm going to go out on a limb here. Anyone willing to share some spots with me or point me in a good direction for some trout fishing? I moved here about two years ago and haven't had a ton of free time until recently. I am not a huge fisherman, but do enjoy getting out a little. Just don't know where to go. Not looking for anyone's honey hole and will respect if you take me to a private property, I will NOT go back without permission. I live in Pavilion and work in Batavia and Dansville. Got good access to hunting property already, but not much fishing in a horse or bull pasture.....
  7. Paper route at 10, helped out neighboring farmer for 2 summers. First "real job" was trimming Christmas trees. Worked both pizza delivery and at a Mom and Pop gas station through high school. Part time retail and bouncer first year of college. Became an EMT (eventually Paramedic) in college and did the EMS thing for 18 years. Kept bouncing for 12 years. Taught at local community college for Fire, Rescue, EMS (In Pa). Taught full time at vo-tech school (Public Safety program), Dispatcher for a large Air-Medical Company while going to nursing school. Have been a nurse for 7 years, worked Transplant, Trauma ICU, ER and ICU. Currently full time ER and part time ICU. Also have worked as needed last 12 years for a rodeo contractor setting up arenas, hauling and handling stock, running shows, occasionally doing hay. I used to compete as a steer wrestler, but a broken neck put a stop to that. Some day I'll figure out what I want to do when I grow up.
  8. http://www.blackhorn209.com/specs/breech-plug-cleaning/
  9. Attica Rodeo Association is again having our gun raffle Jan 24th, 2015. Need not be present to win. Contact me if interested in tickets.
  10. Hey guys, second year as a NY resident. Usually butcher my own, but with a new job I might not as much time this year. Can anyone recommend a good, reputable processor near me? I live in Pavilion, work in Batavia. I'd like to stay within around 30 minutes of me.
  11. We set round bales in pastures with no animals in them in deer season. Deer don't pay any attention to them, plus a little cover scent. With 200+ head of animals around, there's always a new round bale somewhere.
  12. Still in for them. Sent you a PM. Stuck working overtime last 3 days.
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