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About sbiondo51

  • Birthday October 28

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  • Hunting Location
    Erie County, NY

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  1. sbiondo51

    E bikes

    Was wondering if electric bikes are legal on state land. I think if they are 750w they are but just wondering if anyone has done more research then me
  2. We had 3 deer on the ground by this point yesterday heard over 30 Shoots, today none of us has seen a single deer and only about 5 shots so far.... a lot can change in 24 hrs
  3. Two on the board so far 6 pt for dad and a doe for me on some state land !!
  4. Just flew in from NC yesterday, just moved away 3 years ago. Past two years I come back for a week or so early November. This year I’m here November 5th-20th enough to catch end of bow and first week of shotgun!!! Can’t wait to get into the woods shot the crossbow yesterday and will have first sit tomorrow in hemlock ny. Will be hunting mostly 8G Alabama swamps area though. Good luck to everyone! Hopefully the weather clears up alittle I’ll take snow over rain any day.
  5. Wishing everyone a safe and exciting hunt, set up in Darien state park right now, no shots as of 6:39 am.
  6. Saw 5 deer tonight 1 buck then 3 doe then another lone doe right all at last hour. Any one else notice movement picking up ?
  7. Nice doe down in 9m hemlock ny at 8:30am 25 yards shot with the 300 win mag
  8. Big 8 pt in full out sprint chasing smaller doe followed by small buck buck behind them ran 10 yards from tree, only thing stopping this buck was a slug, hopefully he'll be back. 8G
  9. Thinking about taking a drive out to the state land, has anyone ever hunted it? is there a lot of pressure ? any luck?
  10. Saw a spike buck and a 4 pt in Clarence Ny yesterday.
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