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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Hock3y24

  1. Cva hunter, bought on clearance at dicks probably 5 years ago for under $200. The perfect youth, small frame person gun imo.
  2. It’s no different than buying a Lamborghini or a Chevy, both will work, one is more fun and comfortable. Don’t buy into the bs, buy what you want and a financially able. We’re lucky to live in a state where many land owners let people hunt for free.
  3. Can’t test positive if you never test! But seriously if I was in your shoes I’d be hunting every day.
  4. I shit you not, a few years ago I ate half of my apple and tried to set it on my bag, it fell off and a deer trotted outa the woods and ate it in the pitch black before sunrise.
  5. My kid just put a 120 yard heart shot on a doe
  6. Sat at 4, we’ve got 20 turkeys in field 4 Tom’s
  7. Guy in the other blind has a nice 8 pt coming in from the corn now.
  8. Just sat in the tower blind, hope we beat the dead back from the cut cornfield on the neighbors
  9. Howa 1500 walnut .308 vortex crossfire 2 3x9x40- federal premium 165 grain Berger hybrid hunter savage axis 6.5 cm same scope. Federal non typical 129 grain browning ab3 .243 bushnell trophy xlt - winchester silver tip 95 grain winchester 70 25.05 Nikon prostaff - American whitetail 117 grain
  10. All set up at pa camp for youth rifle in am.
  11. Got a doe feeding 200 out, make that 5 doe/fawns
  12. Up n at em, mixing up some mtn ops ignite. Gonna need it this morning.
  13. Got out without getting busted, 2 doe 3 fawns under Apple tree on my way driving out as usual
  14. I haven’t been out in Ny since youth Sunday lol
  15. Just say, had a nice buck on cam coming out a few times the last week at last light. Couple scrapes within 50 yards. 15-20 mph s wind 43 degrees
  16. 3/4 of my last archery bucks have been oct 18-24
  17. Don’t rinse anything out, you’re just spreading bacteria, get it hung up, skinned, quartered and trim away anything that’s needed, kee your knife and hands clean. Get that meat cooled in separate packages, check them the next day with the ol sniff test. Heart and tl go to the coyotes.
  18. Wish I was hunting this am, 24 degrees here. Will be out in evening
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