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greene county

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Greene County

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Greene County
  • Hunting Gun
    CVA Optima Muzzleloader / Remington 700: 30-06 / Mossberg 500 12ga
  • Bow

greene county's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. haha yea jp morgan and citigroup had to evacuate - heard this from everyone and i immediately sent out a blast email of:
  2. Just saw a documentary last night about bigfoot sightings - i was fine until the crew went to a town in western new york. They had pictures of a bigfoot standing over a UTV and spotted it in a thermal scope...scared the hell out of me!
  3. pretty expensive- the cds on cabelas credit card abs trust should only be about 30
  4. yea - the google says that W. Scott road is in Homer NY
  5. Any updates for 4R? Alot of shooting action in the valley from 640am - 8am then nothing. Saw about 10 button bucks/doe and a spike on saturday. 2 button bucks and a doe on sunday. About 75% of the deer i saw were button buck yearlings with their mothers.
  6. Saw about four button bucks so far - each stuck around for 15 min each - also one spike who ran out right under my stand - I spooked him while I was on the phone talking to my dad about how stupid it was acting while looking straight at me ... Haha then he just walked straight back to the pines where he came from - heard a lot of shots locally in the valley in the early morn - hope they are taking real bucks- really quiet now
  7. alot of scrapes in my area - a couple of 6s, a messy 5, and 3 200+ lb bears on my trail cameras saw alot of button buck yearlings hanging around with does in our field or running around solo this past weekend - really afraid that they will be taken this year once gun season comes not giving them a chance to grow for next year its simple - look to see if there is some tiny growth or a square head on a small doe before you take it - you never know what they will become if they get a chance to grow - shot a huge 8pt 2 years ago and it was aged at barely 2 years old by the dec officer
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