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About K9-26

  • Birthday December 22

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  • Hunting Location
  • Hunting Gun
    Mossberg 500/Ithaca Model 37
  • Bow
    Bowtech Destroyer 350

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  1. I have had this in my safe and do not shoot it enough to justify keeping it. It is in good shape and will include the Nikon Slughunter scope. Great gun for shotgun only areas. I'm located in Monroe County if you are interested in seeing it. Asking $500
  2. I appreciate it but I already have a climber. Thanks though!
  3. Lone Wolf Assault II treestand. In great shape. Platform wrapped in paracord to reduce noise. Local pickup in Rochester area or can meet. $200 I will post pics later this afternoon.
  4. No they are all straight. Funny I actually double checked after looking at the pic as well. Must be the way it was placed.
  5. Yup...these are the ones produced by Muddy before bought out by Big Game. Go with the new ones if you want. Not familiar with the issues with the new ones breaking I take it. Look into it.
  6. Original Muddy Pro sticks. They are painted camo and in great shape. $180tyd
  7. Awesome story!!! Congrats and way to stay out there in those elements!
  8. 8A some shooting around me, but haven't seen a thing. Wind is starting to pick up now.
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