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ididnotvoteforobama last won the day on November 21 2014

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About ididnotvoteforobama

  • Birthday 04/04/1958

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  • Location
    cattaraugus, ny

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  • Hunting Gun
    tc triumph muzzleloader
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  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. I have a simple loop sling that attaches to the butt stock only . The loop goes over your shoulder, so you carry the xbow hanging down . One hand on it to steady , Easy to get through trees and brush. Easy to get it up to shoot .
  2. Without giving out names , the troopers said that the bear was hit near the Eden exit.
  3. The trooper friend from that area of the Thruway said the bear was weighed at 275 LBS.
  4. Put in 650 taps today and another 650 to 700 tomorrow. Full vacuum system and 150 buckets to show the kids how it used to be done . Hope to make 800 to 900 gals this year. Its a hobby gone wrong but its fun.
  5. That's what I heard, entrance or exit ramp. Could have been hit by a car also . I'll try to get more info tomorrow.
  6. This is the only picture I have . A trooper friend confirmed the bear was killed in Eden. It has been warm lately with very little snow. The bear and deer have been moving on a regular schedule. I don't think its too unusual to see bear out at this time of year.
  7. My home made English Brown Ale or my American Amber Ale.
  8. This bear was hit on Rt 90 this morning near the Eden ,NY exit ramp .
  9. Passed on many spikes and 4's. As of last weekend , the deer were lining up to pose in front of my cameras. I have 2x the number of deer on camera this year than any other , but all from 9 pm to 6am from mid bow through Christmas. The deer are here not during the day, though.
  10. 9R this morning in south valley ny. plenty of sign. Fresh rubs and scrapes, no deer, plenty of bear scat too warm in the 60's now I'm waiting until next Sunday , Mon , and Tuesday.
  11. in the 30's next weekend to finish up bow/ muzzle on tuesday the 22nd
  12. Same here today , not an animal to be seen. Tracks ,fresh rubs and scrapes.My cameras are showing all the movement at night.Even a new 8 pt that I have not seen on camera before.It was 64f today , no movement of any kind , cold weather needed but none in sight for the rest of the season. I'll be out until the last day , hoping to get a doe at least.
  13. More shots from down in the swamp, a road and 400yds between us. 6 more shots close WTF
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