Here is going to be a controversial thread. Does anybody look and follow these charts. Are deer really centered around sun and moon phases? Weather, I think is the biggest factor along with availability of food. Thinking , food that is overly abundant will tend to suppress activity along with nice weather. Why move around much if, food ,shelter and nice weather are there , along with little or no hunting pressure.
The reason I bring this up is , since opening day I have only seen 3 small doe and jumped 3 doe in the creek bed only 50 yds from my cabin. The weather, minus only one day has been high pressure , sunny, 60 to 70 during the day and mid 40's at night. The apples trees are loaded, with alot of activity around them only at night.
A full moon ,that I have noticed, will push movement to later into the mid to late morning. I have begun looking at these charts and can't find any 2 that are the same , with movement times from 2 to 3 hrs different. I'm thinking , I will begin to see more movement with a significant weather change and increased chasing phase.
Bottom line , it can only get better , maybe I'm over thinking this. What are your thoughts?