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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. I wouldn't call it a second rut but I would think the heavy snow has slowed down the travel of all deer in the past couple days. I would think Thanksgiving day could be big with some hunters moving (although slowly and with some difficulty) and the deer needing to feed and the bucks looking to breed could be a big day.

  2. Here's where I will sitting tomorrow looking onto the 1.5 acre food plot. I'll be out of the elements and it's all insulated. There is a group of about 7 or 8 does that will need to feed and there was a buck with them last night. Hoping his big brother comes around tomorrow.



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  3. 7 minutes ago, turkeyfeathers said:

    Have yet to find a pair thin enough and yet waterproof . I mean actual waterproof and not just said to be. For years and including today I use a muff with a couple of hand warmers stuffed in it. While sitting it rests on the gun optics too keeping snow and moisture off. Works like a charm   I also skip gloves as use ML a lot and hammer tight to scope and tough to get at with gloves on. Some day I'll get and extended hammer 

    Same thing I do w/o warmers unless it's really cold. 

  4. score low 130's. The buck on the left in my avatar scored 131, a 9 pt My 9th point was a kicker of the brow but I think my beams were longer and possibly a little longer tines. Nice buck!

  5. Anyone planning on an all day sit Friday?  It should be a good day and opportunity for those who have not got their buck as the rut is in full swing and there will be people moving through the woods prepping for opening day gun Saturday.

  6. On stand today just off a power line. New scrape about 15 yds away. About 3:30 a deer is coming down the hill on a slow walk and then I see it a big spike. He comes up the rise to the scrape and starts working the branch and the urinates on his legs and hangs around for about 15 minutes and walks away. At 4:30 I hear deer coming from the same direction on a real fast walk. It was a doe with the spike following and another small doe. The spike leaves the doe alone and they all stand there looking back in the direction they cam. The doe is standing in the scrape and I hear another deer coming. I lift the bow and get ready thinking its another buck and its a button buck. They all stand looking back not moving for about 20 minutes and then they finally move off. I was hoping it was the big wide 7 I been watching about a half mile away but no dice.  That's why I hunt... I just love it!  I think the Super Moon is messing with the rut.

  7. This time of the season (rut) I think it isn't as important as early season. The deer are moving all day and may eventually come back through shortly as the does don't like to go to far from their area. Last Monday 11/7 when I killed my buck, it was the latest all season I was in my stand and it was already light. After I climbed into the stand and knocked my arrow and hung my bow, I checked the phone and it was 6:30. I saw my first deer, a buck at 6:40 and by 6:45 I shot and killed my buck. Some times using the light it an advantage. I've done it both ways and generally feel at least 30 - 45 min before first light is best but honestly just can't always haul my old ass out of the bed.

  8. Update - went back to look for arrow and could not find it at the pass through initial spot so retraced the blood trail and about 20 yds later there it was. Must not have completely exited the body but did have a large exit hole and must have flopped around a short while. Also measured the rack and 18" wide.

  9. I decided to commit to the shot at 645am this morning. This guy came through and I didn't have too much time to analyze the size but saw the wide rack and decided to take the shot. He was on the move through some small beech trees and I waited for the spot between the leaves at 15 yards and let it go. Straight thru the heart and took out the opposite lung.

    First time using a Rage hypo and to tell you the truth I think I just itching to see if these things worked like they say they do. Yep! They do. Never saw a blood trail like this. He didn't go 35 yards and all they way till he went down it looked the blood pic - which by the way was right where I initially hit him. It actually got worse as he went. 

    I think he's an older buck going the other way... thoughts?





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  10. I'm not ashamed to say I hunt mature bucks first. The challenge is the reason. So I'm a trophy hunter first by choice and a meat hunter second because I like venison. 

    MY son and I have both vowed to see if we can grow some bigger bucks on the 100 acres and can say that in the third season we have seen bigger bucks each year on camera and from the stand. A few of the neighboring properties practice similar ways with one saying he has 4 different mature bucks on camera. 

    I always have gun season to get my venison. 

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