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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. Just curious... what do you use for bleat call?  Can call (manufacturer); mouth call (manufacturer) etc.  When do you use it? Also why do you use it and how well has it done for you (stories)?

  2. 6 hours ago, Rockspek said:

    Any chance it's an antlered doe?

    Funny you ask this Rock - last year I had small herd of resident does that I can watch from the house. All summer and all hunting season I saw a spike horn with them. This year I still have my group of resident does and this year they have nice 4 point with them. I wondered about the spike being a doe last year and now that this buck with them is a pretty nice 4 point so I tend to agree that this could be an antlered doe. 


  3. Ive said the same thing about the deer calendar. If I hang estrous scent the middle of October and a buck smells it is he gonna question "hmmm that smells like a hot doe but it's too early, it's only Oct 15th so it must be fake". I think if it smells like the real stuff he's coming!  No pun intended. 

    • Like 1
  4. I have found that I see less or no deer at all with a direct East wind like this morning. Son and I on opposite corners of property with wind in our face on stand and another friend about 5 miles away and no sightings. I attribute this to deer are used to moving via their trails systems with prevailing west/northwest/southwest winds so they are extra cautious or don't move at all until they have to.

    Anybody else think this way too?

  5. On September 24, 2016 at 5:14 PM, regulat0r said:

    ok...ill go ahead an be the jerk and say it...what kind of man requests "permission" to purchase anything? first off, i am married so before anybody tries to slam me, know that i have a wife, son, mortgage, bills etc. just like anybody else. I always sensed that people on this site were traditional/old school type of guys. im not saying that my wife is any less than me but if she told me I was "allowed" to purchase something, i would laugh. ive been out with some buddies before and heard them call their wife and ask if they can take money out of the atm. it makes me cringe. you're a man, you make you're own money. act like it...

    let the retaliation begin

    Sounds like you got the perfect situation! 

  6. If you are like many hunters, you don't have a lot of days to hunt each season and get a chance to take a nice buck. You can't always wait for the perfect wind for you to hunt this property.

    Some may take this wrong and I would not dispute if you think this wrong. Hunt the land only when you have the wind in your favor until the last few days of Oct and the first of Nov. After that if you have a day to hunt and the wind is wrong, decide which way in would provide the least disturbance and go in really early in the morning when they are feeding. You may kick a few out but if the bucks are moving the does will be moving and after a couple of hours things could be back to normal. 


    Also around the madison county area I notice the wind comes out of the south often during the season so it may make your north entrance perfect.  Don't worry about kicking some out on the way in. When buck are chasing they will be back around.

  7. On September 21, 2016 at 11:05 AM, wooly said:

    You guys that claim it doesn't work aren't doing it right.

    You need to pee on your tarsals (inside of your knees) and let it drip down your leg into the scrape just like the bucks do. :crazy:


    I've had a cam over a doctored scrape going on two weeks now and every buck and doe that has stepped in it has stuck it's nose to the ground at some point. Been whizzing in this one every day, and it has been red hot with new visitors nightly.

    Another naturally occurring scrape I haven't done anything too approximately 100yds away has gone cold. I'll try freshening that one up later today.



    You'll save on the water bill w all the pissing outside.


  8. Been thinking about using a drag line later in the season but got to thinking if a buck typically walks across the wind smelling the air for estrous does then if the wind is from the west - then shouldn't my drag line run north/south or visa versa so he would cut the trail at some point?

  9. medium back pack . Carry my rain gear, lunch, thermos coffee inside, water bottle or gator aid in side slots plus in the zip compartments - gut gloves, zip ties, extra screw in step, scent lures and whatever else I may need.

    • Like 1
  10. Last year onSept 28th, I had a visitor to this Full Rut buck that had only been up a few days. I came out in the morning and looked off the deck and thought WTF and sure enough you can see the force he hit this decoy as it turned the legs about 45 degrees to release the body and note the digs in the close up of the replaceable target section.







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  11. I made one last Monday evening. I used a big stick to scratch a garbage can size area up and as mentioned by others I used some tree snips to clean the leaves and tiny branches off the main branch(s). I then used some orbital gland lure by dipping a small stick in the bottle and brushing it on the couple of cleaned off branch ends. Check the camera last night and the scrape and noticed the scrape looked wet. On film I had a doe backing up to it and squatting to urinate in the scape at 9:45 am Thursday.


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  12. 4 hours ago, stoneam2006 said:


    Not to distract from thread but without 2 wheels in my life I'd be lost its my absolute favorite thing to do I grew up on them and will grow old on them. I couldn't give it up its a part of me it's a part of my soul

    Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk


    I have all the respect in the world for you wanting to ride and I can tell you are no where near my age.  It's the way you insulted me that pissed me off.  If you climb into a tree stand w/o a harness you're not too smart. 

      6 hours ago,  stoneam2006 said: 

    If you can give up riding that easy your not a biker I'm sorry...

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