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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. Another thing... hopefully you have this property to hunt for many years. As others have stated, help the farmer.

    Re: stand placement. I have owned my almost 100 acres going into my third season. You will probably move every stand you hang, even if it's only 20 yards, at least once if not more over the next few years as you see how the deer travel. You will see bucks travel a certain pathway (might be a bench) a few times and you would have no idea as there is no real sign but that is a buck travel route and you may never see a doe take this path and the bucks may only travel it during the pre-rut and rut.


  2. I know many people who have told me over the years they read a book and many play with their phone texting (which I do as well) and I do use internet to pass the time as well. All this requires you to look away from the woods around you. 

    About 15 years ago is the first time I tried this and back in 2009 I tried it again when I was on an Illinois bow hunt.  On the bow hunt we planned to stay in the stand all day - dark to dark - which I did for 6 days only getting down to stretch my legs about noon each day.

    I make it a habit near the end of October when I begin to sit for much longer periods to carry my IPOD. When I feel like I can't continue from boredom, I turn on my music of choice at a nearly off level where I can hear the woods around me and barely hear the music. I find about 60- 75 minutes late morning and sometimes again in the mid afternoon it is the difference between staying in/on stand and moving or going home.

    I know this may sound strange to some of you but if you think about it.

    1) keeps you in the woods longer

    2) keeps your eyes available to search for movement 

    3) can still hear your surroundings fine

    4) give you a chance to listen to music undisturbed by phone calls, the wife or kids talking, etc.

    I remember sitting in the woods on the ground about 15 years ago after a fresh snow listening to the IPOD and 3 doe came by me about 20 yds away and I could hear them moving through the snow and they had no idea I was there.





  3. We all know that you can't kill a deer from your bed or couch. As the season goes on and after logging hours on or in a stand it can get increasingly difficult to remain in or on your stand so here is a question for us all.  How do you pass the time away on stand?

  4. 4 hours ago, LetEmGrow said:

    I really do believe that the rut happens at the same time every year and that Alzheimer's research shows the effects that the moon has on the rut. That may not be what he intended but there have been too many studies done of dead does along the road to show that the fetal fawns were bred about the same time every year.

    Ya know Grow, I do too! If fawns are born each year between late March and mid June, then they have to have been bred 200 days earlier every year, therefore the rut is about the same time ever year.

    I do think the moon does have something to do with why we tend to see more bucks on the prowl some years than other years. Full moon nights around the Nov 15th the bucks may tend to be moving more in the night time and we will see them less during the day, whereas years with a new moon around the Nov 15th may have them on their feet more during daylight hours.

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  5. On August 13, 2016 at 10:00 AM, grampy said:

    I've been keeping journals for over 35 years. And I realize its not a scientific study, just my own observations in the area I hunt. The peak day every year, when the bucks are on their feet actively searching or with a doe is November 10th give or take a day on either side. Of course there is breeding, sometimes well before and after November 10th. But the 10th is what I've come to call the magical day! This would be the day a mature buck would be seen standing in the middle of a field with a doe or cruzing with his nose to the ground. Or running a doe across a road or open area. It is a time to be in the stand all day! If there is only one day to be out there it would be November 10th!

    I have a world of respect for Charlie A. as an outdoorsman, photographer, writer and hunter. But his luner predictions just never lined up with what I was actually seeing in the woods, in my area, consistently year to year. But for consistency, year to year, no matter the moon phase, it's Nov. 10th for me. Again, just my personal observations.

    Last year on the 9th I had just 60 yds from my house (I live in a wooded area off the road) 2 bruisers, a tall 9 and a wide 11 and a smaller buck dogging a hot doe. They were grunting, snort wheezing and briefly pushing each other but were in pursuit of the doe. This coincides with what my predictions tell me for this season as well as the day to be in the woods for sure.

  6. How does this sound folks.

    I did my own research on this and have come up with my own peak breeding day and best time to be in the woods. Here's how I figured it and plan to bow hunt accordingly this year. Hope this helps someone else in their plans.

    Whitetail doe in NY State give birth between Late May through Mid June... therefore I used May 25 through June 15 as my range. That's 22 days from the earliest birth to the latest for what we all call the main rut where 90% of all doe will be bred. Gestation in NY State is 201 days. 

    Using a 2017 calendar I used June 4, 2017 as the mid way date and I counted back 201 days to November 15, 2016 as the peak breeding date. Therefore counting back 10 days when the first of the doe should be ready to be bred would be November 5th and counting forward to the 26th when the last doe would be bred. Therefore November 5th through November 26, 2016 should be the breeding season this year. 

    So like every year in my book - October 30 is the date to start spending more time in the stands.  I plan to take off the week of Nov 7 -11 when all the boys should be on their feet.


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  7. IMHO - 3 things

    1 - a single pins site set at 20 (when you get proficient move it out to 25)

    2 - a good drop away rest

    3 - to determine your poundage, stand up straight and pull the bow straight back w/o raising it.  Whatever you are able to pull back at the heaviest back it down about 3 pounds. After sitting in a stand for a few hours when it's cold you'll thank me for this tip.

  8. I heard from many hunters who say their deer sightings were down this season. I have unconfirmed reports but from reliable people who have told me of 3 different areas this past spring where many deer were found dead. This was in and around the Hamilton NY area in late April. Must be where they had yarded up. The report was about 50 off Rt. 20 and another 60 closer to Hamilton near the airport and another 15 nearby but a different area. Makes me wonder how many others were not reported.

  9. I wear camo and an orange hat when I walk to my stand on my own property. a camo hat is put on when i am in my stand. An orange vest is put on when I am still hunting or driving with more than 2 people.... 


    I simply will never understand how a person can be mistaken for a deer. 

    This is pretty much what i do as well.

  10. I have 2, on 2 separated occasions, walk across my hand while in my tree stand just this past week. Never have seen any before this. Interesting... it was in the same stand. Madison County near Hamilton. I have a male cat who like to hunt mice near the house and have pulled 5 or 6 off him this year.

  11. Cold front coming in on Friday and overnight lows in low 40's and rain ending before morning and overcast all-day. Then colder Sat night and once again rain ending by morning and sunny but cooler. This in conjunction with some rut activity ramping up should be the best weekend of the season thus far! 

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