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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. Cold front coming in on Friday and overnight lows in low 40's and rain ending before morning and overcast all-day. Then colder Sat night and once again rain ending by morning and sunny but cooler. This in conjunction with some rut activity ramping up should be the best weekend of the season thus far! 

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  2. The Secret cure for buck fever: I wrote once there is no cure for buck fever, well there is but I didn't want to tell you then because it was a secret. Lou Ellison the Cherokee Medicine man taught me to ask the “Great Spirit” permission before I released a bow string or pull a trigger on game. Now this is true to most Native American cultures I have studied, as they have a respect for all living things. The little prayer does something else as well. It calms the nervous system down to produce a shot, and is the secret cure for buck fever. Now I suspect Fred Bear who was the “Father of Bow hunting” taught Ted Nugent the same thing at about the same time I learned, as Fred was Native American. The Indians also recognize crazy people as being “Touched” by the Great Spirit so they are usually considered very special people in the tribe . You hear the Nuge talking about the prayer every time he takes a shot at big game. I think Fred found a way to calm him down.

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  3. I'm not gonna get in a pissing war here but I enjoy qmda. Guess what it not city folk either nor do I spend big bucks leasing lots of land. I think you need to differentiate qdm from horn hunters. To me qdm is about a healthy balance herd. I prefer filling my doe tags and passing up they typical smaller bucks in hopes for a larger one. JMO

    I tend to feel the same way as Zag. 

  4. ​Some really good advice here. Is the top of the map North I'm assuming? Also is the creek bed relatively flat or is there a good ravine as well. If so, look for a crossing where the terrain is flatter and they don't have to cross the ravine. Ideally it would be where the ditch hedgerow between the corn ends on the east side just before the creek. That would be my #1 spot.

  5. You gotta rest assured you did the right thing. You had no way of knowing his injury and you wanted to make the one shot count. Don't rack your brain over it. The next chance you have get back at it. Maybe he will be back.

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  6. I make no bones about it when talking about deer hunting. I am a trophy hunter first and a meat hunter second. My 20 yo son feels the same about. I have taken some very nice bucks both here in NY state and on paid hunts to IL.


    Even before I bought the new home on 95 acres I have practiced this on the property I hunted for the past 15 years. I would not be against an AR like PA has at least 3 on one side I believe but I do think it should be up to the hunter themselves. They bought the license and the right to kill what they want.


    I am a believer in the saying - "let the little ones go and them grow". We are practicing this now on the new property and we will have to wait and see how over the next 2 years this develops. I have a neighboring property that 85 acres and practices the same thing. 

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  7. On the new property my son and I made a commitment to not shoot little bucks and only kill mature bucks. All bow season and throughout gun we did just that... pass on the little ones and does.  This am we got up and said lets fill the 3 doe tags. By 930 we all 3 filled. We never did get a buck.

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