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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. Up near Camden NY the DPW crew drops off all the road kills on a seasonal road that is plowed a ways an the eagle population feed on them all year round. They had like 20 eagles up there at one time, coyotes too and you should see the eagles chase off the coyotes.

  2. Wool pants a must, layers and insulated 1000 gram boots loose fit with a good wool sock and polypropylene under sock. One other thing I found makes a huge difference, especially with wind... put your rain gear on over everything. If you are sitting on stand or in a tree stand the rain gear encapsulates you and is a windbreak. If you plan to do a lot of walking NO. Oh and 1 other thing, a muff with a heat pack and just wool army gloves is all I wear for the hands.

  3. And yet so many are able to "pattern them".....I know I'm not on of the "so many"

    Thank god I love tag soup!

    I believe early season you can pattern them going from bedding to feed and back again but as the gun season goes into full swing it will be very difficult. Then again late season you may be able to start patterning once again. 

  4. It seem that deer will always do what you don't plan or calculate they will do. The Elusive Whitetail Deer.

    Tonight I sat in the old apple orchard. The wind was out of the N/NW and perfect for the orchard. I have not sat there once this season, not even bow. Saw nothing from 3 til dark. Came out and walked along the cut corn edge and there were the same 4 doe I see each time. They came out with the wind. They went back in when they saw me so I began to walk back to the 4 wheeler.

    This small 7 acre scrub patch always holds deer and sure enough there were 2 on the south side of the patch. They too came out with the wind. I stood there glassing them and several more came out. In all it looked like 8 total and one was chasing after a couple. I could see a decent beam on the buck but had no idea really what it was and by now it was way safe shooting let alone legal sunset.

  5. That's cool. I usually don't venture much past Tioga, but Chemung seems decent. Some good fishin' on the Susquehanna for cats, walleye, smallmouth, and always a possibility to hook a Musky!

    Being a CNY history buff, I've done quite alot of research on archaeology,the Iroquois indians and the battle of Newtown. I have a nice collection of artifacts that I've found. If you're into that stuff you might like to check out the SRAC(Susquehanna River Archaeology Center) in Waverly. It's an awesome place with some of the coolest artifacts.

    And about an hour south in St Marys PA you have about 1000 Elk free ranging about a 25 sq mile area just south of St Marys in Benezette.
  6. Well it's gettin to be that time. My son and I been hunting for big horns all season )ow and gun) and have really not seen any. Oh, we've seen our share of bucks, probably a dozen different between us since bow season. Their really has not been much pressure from hunters around here so we plan to let the small bucks grow another year.

    We been seeng lots of doe but no buck with them, so from here on out the plan is to take a doe each to the fill the 2 DMP's and if the opportunity presents itself for a big horn obviously I'll take it but will wait til ML to fill the other Doe tag... unless Mr Big Horn does show up. Getting less fussy and really hungry for some fresh venison.

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  7. Saw 3 doe and I believe a button buck tagging along this moring. Then at noon coming out of the woods into a field I saw a decent buck running hard trying to turn the doe, more than just following or dogging but running hard, both of them. Then tonight at sunset 9 doe and not one buck with them.

  8. I don't know about your area of the state but here in southern Oneida county it seems to be our first estrous happened around the middle of November. I say this because I saw bucks chasing in the early part of the month. On the 8th still in bow season, heard and saw a big buck tending a doe followed by 4 other bucks. On the 16th I heard and saw a buck tending a doe and another buck following a few minutes behind. Since then I have seen 12 doe and no bucks with them at all so I presume the big bucks are locked down with other does. So expect the 2nd estrous to be around the time of muzzle loader. Does anyone else see it this way?

  9. Love the story... I did get out Saturday morning til 9am but had to give in to installing a hardwood floor all weekend and actually felt that this windy snowy cold weekend was a good call but you showed me that "on any given day"... I say he goes 135 and he may score as high as 140. My guess is 139 gross. Let us know when you do get it scored.

    Oh and I guess you showed everyone the .243 is plenty gun huh!!

  10. Oh this is some funny Sh*t LMAO

    I remember an old timer at the camp I used to go to would never leave the camp in the morning until he took his morning crap. He had an expression. He said "I never leave camp in the morning until the boss says so"

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  11. Yep... the only piece of hardwoods on the entire property and a hunter with permission thinks it's OK to drop a deuce right in the middle of where he hunts. Toilet paper and turned up leaves was a dead giveaway. Would you?  I know I wouldn't. I'd go somewhere, anywhere but where I was doing my hunting. Go back to the car, it's not that far and go to a convenience store.  

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