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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. I told you this probably open up a can of worms and I didn't mean to cause an uproar. I do think some of you take this wrong. I have hunted many hours/days and not seen a single deer. I have eaten tag soup many times over the years of hunting, both gun and bow. I do not have or have ever had a property to hunt where deer are abundant. I do hunt first for mature bucks and second for meat. If I'm fortunate to get both I feel extremely lucky. We all see success obviously differently. The purpose of the thread was the original question so what one advice would you suggest as important to the success of killing a deer.

  2. To Clarify SUCCESS. I would think we all agree that we hunt whitetail deer for one main reason and a secondary reason, Perhaps I'm wrong here but I would think the number 1 reason we set cameras, scout areas and get up at a god awful time early in the morning is to "kill a Big Racked Mature Buck and secondary is for the meat. Anyone that says he hunts for the meat has no real reason to get up 430-500 in the morning and walk however far into their stand just to kill for meat.

    So Success is: try to kill a mature buck.

    Oh boy this will probably open up another can of worms...

  3. This is my 8th year bow hunting. After a week shooting this bow I head it tuned dead nutz. However I looked at my old bow and I thought I set the pins to match. I some how mixed um up. So when I though I was using yellow for 20 like my old bow. The yellow on new bow is 30. I made a lil cheat sheet with yellow green and red tape on my bow with 10,20,30 so we will see how it goes. That and try releax and not get so fired up when I see a deer lol. Hopefully whatever I missed yesterday morn will travel the same path again this morn. I'm pretty confident it will cuz it didn't spook. And if I miss this morning again I'm gonna break out the old bow

    That's why I only use 1 pin set at 25 yds in a TruGlo pendulum sight. You don't need more than 1 and I know not every one will agree but it sure does simplify things for hunting purposes.

  4. I use a dremel tool and burr and scribe my last name and phone number on my stands. Ladder stands on the top section and the other eye height on the vertical tubes. At least it puts a name and that it actually belongs to someone and not the scumbag.

  5. I know some of you have stated that I wait all year and I'm gonna be out there from day one. I for one, said I was gonna wait until it gets cooler before I go out. I went against my claim and did not see a thing Saturday, just sweated my ass and damn near fell asleep a few times in the stand. There is something about shivering that keeps you awake.


    The point I'm making is this especially to the newer hunters. There are many hours to be logged in the stand and it is a long season. Put the hours in the stand when the opportunity to see bucks moving and that is the last 3 weeks of the season. If it were cool, say high in low 50's and nights in the high 30's then that's different, but when it's warm and you are not seeing anything you can get burned out before it gets really good.

  6. The only Estrous Scent that has absolutely... without a doubt, drawn a mature whitetail buck is Wildlife Research Golden Estrous Leaf. This guy came through the thick crap on a string, not down a trail.


    Here is the link to my story from 2008




    I think  the Estrus Trophy Leaf worked so well because it is a synthetic replica of the real Hot Doe in Heat estrus. I'll tell you what... it doesn't have a strong smell like of the bottle stuff I have purchased over the years. 

  7. My son uses a Ruger M77 in .243 and is 2 bullets and 2 deer, Rem Core-Lokt 100 gr. One dropped in it's tracks at 135 yards and the other was shot close up and ran about 30 yards.. Flat, fast and easy on the shoulder. Great gun. I shot a doe with it at 475 yards on a bet. Held 2 ft high and right through both lungs. Ran about 30 yards.

  8. This could make us think!!!


    A professor at University of Montana was giving a lecture on
    'Involuntary Muscular Contractions' to his first year medical students.

    Realizing that this was not the most riveting subject, the professor
    decided to lighten the mood slightly.

    He pointed to a young woman in the front row and said, 'Do you know what your ass hole is doing while you're having an orgasm?'









    She replied, 'Probably deer hunting with his buddies.'

    The professor laughed so hard he could not continue with the class. 


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  9. My plans are to hold off until we get a cold front moving in so who knows maybe next week some time. Plenty of season. I plan to begin hunting hard, putting the hours in, the last week of October. I don't wanna give away my better spots or so I feel, until the bucks are looking for the first hot doe and I don't want to educate the does either if I can help it. I plan to hunt certain stands early.

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