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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. I bought a small 32 cal fits right in the palm of her hand and in an out side pocket in a coat she most of the time has her hands in them any ways and in the summer she just palms it

    I like the thought of the 22mag for her. Specs are small. I have both 38 and 380 BG. As small as the 38 BG is it still seems a little big for a women to conceal and has more kick. The .380 is perfect but I have to see if she can rack it... not all that easy if you don't have strength in your hands. The NAA22mag may be the answer. Question: it appears as a single action, therefore would have to be cocked each time to shoot. Not sure I like that... am I correct in this?

    All Models: Caliber: 380 Auto Capacity: 6+1 Length: 5.16" Width: 0.82" Height: 3.60" Barrel Material: Alloy Steel Barrel Finish Blued Slide Material Alloy Steel Slide Finish Blued Grip Frame Black, High Performance, Glass-Filled Nylon

    Part Number NAA-22MS Firearm Type No Suggested Retail Price 219 Caliber 22 Capacity 5 Barrel Length 1 1/8" Overall Length 4 3/4" Overall Height 2 7/8" Width 7/8" Weight Unloaded 5.9 oz Operation No Trigger Pull No

  2. In Albany Co it took me 14 months start to finish and 100 bucks plus. A few years ago I sent a letter to the judge asking for restrictions to be removed . He granted me along with hunting and target to carry hiking and camping as stamped on my amendment.

    I was told on the paper work that states to use blue or black ink , if you don't use the proper color you could be denied for not following directions. Not sure if its true or not.

    It is true... black ink only.

  3. I stopped into my local sporting goods store a few doors from where I work. They carry quite a line of guns, excluding handguns. The rifle racks were nearly all full except the rack with the modern semi autos. There was just 1 in the entire rack, just 1. Yeah there is a run on them.

  4. For those of you that are for or against changes in the gun laws here is a simple question. Either you like the laws exactly as they are now OR you feel that some kind of change need to be made in an effort to make it safer to live in the USA.

    These changes could be but not limited to: ban AK's and AR's for the general public; 5 bullet clip limit; every gun purchase, private or new requires a paper trail, everyone has a gun card; etc.

    A) Do you want the gun laws to stay as they are?

    B) Do you feel that some kind of change should be made?

  5. I could be wrong but I think I have heard that they leave the vehicles running because of the computers. If they shut the car off the computer shut downs and if there is an emerency it would talk to long to boot back up. Not sticking up for it being right or wrong just passing along what I have heard in the past.

    Makes sense... I see this all the time. Cop cars running with no one in them.


    Twas 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38

    When 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.

    Their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.

    They could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.

    They were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say.

    They remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.

    "Where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.

    "This is heaven" declared a small boy. "We're spending Christmas at God's house."

    When what to their wondering eyes did appear,but Jesus, their Savior,

    The children gathered near.

    He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.

    Then He opened His arms and He called them by name.

    And in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring

    Those children all flew into the arms of their King.

    And as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,

    One small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.

    And as if He could read all the questions she had,

    He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad".

    Then He looked down on earth, the world far below,

    He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow and woe.

    Then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,

    "Let My Power and Presence re-enter this land!

    May this country be delivered from the hands of fools.

    I'm taking back My nation. I'm taking back My schools!"

    Then He and the children stood up without a sound.

    "Come now My children, let Me show you around."

    Excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.

    All displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.

    And I heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,

    "In the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT!"

    written by Cameo Smith, Mt. Wolf , PA

    • Like 3
  7. this also was something i found...

    I decided to have an email waiting for my elected representatives on Monday to preempt the Schumers of the world. I spent a fair amount of time on it, trying to strike the right tone. If anyone else would like to use it, either partially or completely, by all means help yourself.

    Congressman *******,

    My best Christmas wishes to you and your family for this holiday season. It is with a heavy heart that I write to you today...the events taking place in Connecticut deeply trouble and sadden all of us. No doubt some of your colleagues from New York and other more civilized places of the country are anxious to use this tragedy to push their agenda for civilian disarmament. I urge you to reject their emotional pleas and remind you that the self defense is a natural right granted by God and arms are merely the tools to exercise that right. Both of these rights were recognized by our founding fathers when writing the second amendment. Yes, it is true; this heinous act was committed by a madman with firearms. Of that, let there be no doubt. However, the greater tragedy would be to attempt to strip Americans of the tools to effectively exercise their God given rights. It should be noted that this atrocity and other recent ones, all took place in areas where arms were prohibited. In these cases, unfortunately law biding citizens followed the law and no amount of laws, regulations or decrees will prevent recurrence of this type of evil. Indeed, it will only be encouraged by its success when confronted by cowardice instead of courage. Israel confronts this type of evil daily, and I encourage you to research their methods for combating these atrocities.

    It is possible that nothing could have prevented this; however as a “Handgun Permit” holder and also a veteran, I assure you I would have welcomed the opportunity to try, as would have many others. On this issue, it should be noted that it trumps all others in my voting patterns. I simply do not trust elected officials to follow the law who do not trust me to do the same. Therefore any votes you cast for any type of gun control, is effectively a vote against yourself.

    Edmond Burke once said and I believe “The only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” The only response in the face of evil is courage, any other response just breeds more evil.

    My Best Regards,


    Joe, although you and I have not agreed on things that we have stated, I really like your letter. Well thought out.

    • Like 1
  8. Easy. A federal gun card for everyone. NO one be it in a private transaction, or thru a dealer can purchase a gun without one. To get this gun card, one must go thru a background check and take a gun safety course, with some actual training on a range. I have said it before. The gun manufacturers don't sell their guns directly to criminals. Criminals obviously get them in one way or another from original LEGAL purchasers. Yeah, some are gotten thru stealing, but that is not always the case. Without some sort of regulations on private sales, the sky is the limit to what criminals can buy without any questions asked. NO, this will not stop all crime, and no one here ever said it would, but I'll be damned if it wouldn't be a better system than we currently have. We have hundreds and thousands of gun laws in this country, most of them are worth $#!+, when what's illegal in one state is perfectly legal in another. Without some uniformity we can't get anywhere.

    So here you go Doc and everyone. Now lets hear how you don't think this would help?

    Good suggestion Steve. Some will find this to troublesome though.

  9. As many of you know, I am one of the more liberal members of this site. I think our country needs stricter gun laws. That is not to say I want law abiding citizens to lose the right to bear arms. I'm an avid hunter. My sons just turned 12 and I can not wait to be able to take them out this spring for their first turkeys. I live in NYC, where gun registration and 5 round max magazines are already the norm, and I'm OK with that. I think private sales at gun shows with no background checks are ridiculous. I believe fully automatic weapons should not be in the hands of private citizens. I don't think a fifty round drum is a necessity to have fun at the gun range. I could list more examples, but I think that is enough to give you an idea of where I stand.

    That being said, I also hate people who turn a national tragedy into disaster-porn, and use it to push an agenda. I despise articles that blindly condemn firearms, written by people who have absolutely no idea about how a gun works. Every time I see current buzz words like, "military-style", "high-capacity" or the ever popular "assault weapon" without any quantifying guidelines about the definition of such words, I cringe. Seriously, how is one supposed to interpret what a "military-style" weapon is? Last time I checked the M24 was still used by the Army. Does that make my Remington 700 "military-style"? Where is the line that separates "high-capacity" from a normal magazine? More than five? Ten? Twenty? I won't even comment on everything that gets called an "assault weapon" these days, it would take too long.

    I believe, as a nation, our gun laws are too relaxed. I believe there are measures that can be put into place which would help prevent tragedies like the ones that happened in Tucson and Aurora and Oak Creek and Newtown. If you are of mind set that any restrictions are evil and against our rights as citizens, you are a dinosaur and useless to this discussion. Equally useless is the other side of the spectrum. If you tell me "Weapon Free Zones" are the answer, I have two words for you, "Soft Targets". Banning responsible, law abiding citizens access to firearms should never, and will never, happen.

    Both sides need to come together and work towards making our country safer. I hope that our elected officials can focus more on common sense, and less on political posturing. No law can be passed that will completely eliminate the possibility of another catastrophe like this from happening. However, I do feel that changes can be made to lessen the likelihood.

    Our country is in mourning. Again. I wish that all of our representatives have the wisdom and the desire to help us heal.

    Edit: Fixed a typo.

    Couldn't have said it better. Someone offering a similar thought as my own post. Let's see if we can work together to come up with some solutions. Maybe some of us the are NRA members can actually send some of our suggestions to them.

  10. OK I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if I pissed off the mods. Hope you will welcome me back with open arms. I really think this topic has gone away from the original post asking for solutions of how can we get illegal handguns off the street.

    As long as it has and we are on gun control I thought I'd add this.

    I think we all forget that the 2nd amendment was passed in 1791. Here is a link:


    What kind of guns did we have back then. Do you think our forefathers could even fathom where we would be today with the type of weaponry there is now. It's a bit like the challenges of the Presidency today and the presidency in Lincoln's time. They are just totally different. The challenges of today far out weigh the challenges of yesteryear.

    Here is a quote from the legislature written under the gun control section of the link provided above.

    In 1911, New York State passed the Sullivan Law, which required a police permit to possess a handgun. The National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934 was the first federal regulation. It required every gun owner to carry a card, and imposed strict regulations on "gangster style" machineguns.

    Note, they say in 1934 "ganster style" machineguns. The AK's and AR's may not be "ganster style" machineguns but they are closer to them then say a musket. They were capable of shooting many bullets quickly. They are not that much less than a machine gun. They were the weapons of choice for the mafia and criminals of the early century.

    From what I have been reading here it appears that the lions share of responders are perfectly happy with the way things are. I'm telling ya... things are gonna change. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next year but they will change. It is better to join together and think of ways to better our situation with the senseless murders that are only going to continue to escalate. I would rather be involved and have a say in those changes than to just sit back and dig our heels in.

    I would be curious to ask. How many of us that are responding own or plan to own AR's or AK's? I do not own nor do I plan to own either... just have no interest.

    In closing, Obama said in Chicago, "more people are killed with cheap handguns than AK's". That's the reason for my original post.

  11. Imoved it yesterday I believe. Thats the section it belongs in.

    If my post belongs there so does wackos and dumbfounded... Oh and you weren't sharp enough to see that sooner I guess, you control freak. It was a post asking for ideas and solutions.

  12. Its in the political section.

    This is bullsh*t to move this post to the political section. It was in the chit chat section for over 3 days. Funny how now you feel it necessary to move it.

    It was a post asking people to discuss how we can get illegal guns off the street... a post asking for some solutions. It was not a gun control post.

    Put the post back where it belongs buckhunter/moderator.

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