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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. Don't know, don't care.


    Thats what I pay the local bow shop guy for.....I'm hunting xxxxx, sell me stuff and set the bow up to shoot it correct.

    This where most hunters/people go wrong. I can't speak for any one else but I bet most of us did just this above the first bow we bought.


    Some bow shops really do care about setting up a hunter properly and others just can't wait to get on to the next customer.


    Some of us just bought a bow... slapped some accessories on it... shot it 100 times and went out hunting.


    The best time to get your bow ready is in the Spring of the year at a bow shop. They have time, they are bored and that's when you can get there undivided attention. If you go to the bow shop in August you will probably get the quick and out the door and on to the next customer.


    A good bow shop with consider arrow weight, FOC when setting up your arrows in addition to guiding you in the right direction a far as a bow within  your budget.

  2. "Can you carry a handgun while hunting with a shotgun?  If so, are there caliber limits/ restrictions or shot limits/ restrictions as far as how many bullets can be in the magazine?"


    Yes you can, all normal regs apply.


    Basically, any autoloader pistol with a barrel less than 8 inches is allowed to have 7 rounds (SAFE Act), otherwise it doesnt matter. It cannot be rimfire. Barrel length cannot exceed 16".


    "Assuming you can carry a pistol with you while shotgun hunting, is it legal to use that as a secondary firearm to put a kill shot into a deer?"




    "I've read that you can't carry for this purpose during bow season which makes sense but what about Muzzleloading?"


    Not legal in muzzle loader season unless its a muzzle loading pistol.


  3. Geno try Trophy Bowhunters of ILLINOIS, TROY HUNTER OR BILL CAPUTO 1-800-299-3073

      CELL# 309-231-5059  PRICE IS REASONABLE ! He seems like a nice guy spoke to him at length and maybe next year I will book with him .They only hunt the first three weeks of Nov. success rates of 25 to 60 percent.you can call Dan King from Orchard Park 716-783-6826 for a reference .Let me know how it works out ....



    I would think twice about this outfit. See link, a crook!!



  4. To me, there are 3 factors when building a hunting arrow.

    1 - Total arrow weight

    2 - Front of Center (FOC)

    3 - Spine


    I have researched this til the cows come home and actually made a tutorial that can be viewed here on this forum at:




    Speed is great but Kinetic Energy is better. A heavier arrow, especially an arrow that is balanced with the correct FOC will out perform a fast and light arrow for hunting purposes. They are more forgiving if the shot is a bit off... they fly better in windy conditions (more like a dart)... they will penetrate bone better, etc.

    • Like 3
  5. I know most people seem to like the CVT transmissions (belt like snowmobile) but I find for hunting and quiet I like the 5 speeds better therefore I recommend you look for a Yamaha 400 Big Bear. Mine is a 2002 and has been great since new. I put a silencer on the exhaust and it's perfect for hunting.

  6. Video tape about an hour of the dogs doing that and give it to him and ask again if he can do anything.If it doesn't do anything for you play that recording out your window when you leave everyday as loud as you can when they are home and give them a taste of their own medicine.

    There is your answer. Record their dogs and when they are home play it loud through your speakers and leave for a couple of hours. They will get the message. They will probably eventually call the cops and then you tell the cops - " well this is what I have to listen to all day. this is their dogs on the recording".  Brilliant!!!!

    • Like 1
  7. The day the mom's went to work was the beginning of the end. When the mom stayed home the children got the proper upbringing. This was the start of the decline of the Family Unit.


    This all started in the 50's. The 2 parent family began to fall apart. Mom and dad both worked, the kids went to daycare. The parents came home tired and less time was spent raising the children. The fathers would cheat now and then on the wife b/c she was too tired to take care of him sexually but the day the wives went to work it just got worse because now both sides cheated. 


    Alcohol became more popular and then it was followed by pot and then other drugs followed. Addiction fuels crime and once you are busted for drugs and DUI's you become marked and never get a decent job again.


    Then people thought marriage was no longer necessary, it's is just a piece of paper they say and living together became the normal. Marriage was no longer the sacred institution it once was and couples did not work at and just divorced.


    Then a woman has a child with a man she lived with for a few months... they have a fight and tell each other to Frig Off and then the cycle continues. The woman has another boyfriend and he moves in or visa versa and another child is born. The women signs up for assistance and never gets off it again. Another man moves in the cycle continues.  Look at the Births in the paper... it's running about 60% to unwed parents or single mothers.


    No father figures, No stability. TV becomes the parent. The TV is filled with violence. The child gets desensitized to this violence. There is no one tell him right from wrong.


    The homosexuality is shoved down our throats in the news and in TV programs. They say they should be able to get married and have children like heterosexual couple do. They say won't grow up any different living in this new era family with daddy and daddy or mommy and mommy. Well we will see how this whole thing works out soon enough. 


    blah blah blah and the beat goes on...

    • Like 1
  8. Have not tried it...YET! Have you tried Lake Placid UBU ??

    excellent!! try Yingling Porter or Black & Tan. Both really good. Personally I like both better than the Saranac Black Forest.

  9. Finally picked up my new bow and my bow guy recommended setting my first pin 25 yards and using it for anything 0-30. Thoughts??

    I have 1 pin set at 25 yrds. I practice out to 35 and hold just at the top of the back and it drops into the kill zone. 1 pin IMO, Is the way to go for hunting applications.

  10. Get a Single Pin sight. Set it up for 25 yards. If you need to shoot out at 35 yards aim high. Too many pins mess things up and you might be sorry. Practice on a deer target at various distances and you will be good out to 40. I use a Tru-Glo single pin Pendulum.

    • Like 1
  11. I have taken the 8th and the 12th off all day. I have some mornings and afternoons open and will probably just take them as I can rather than take as vacation days. I do prefer mid week days as there tends to be less likelihood of other hunters messing things up.

  12. Oh I have other times to hunt as well... weekends, short mornings (go to the office late), early afternoons where I can be in the stand by 3:30. My schedule this time of year can be more flexible and my staff and superiors know this. If was going to take a few days which week would be best. I'm leaning toward the later week, 11-15.

  13. Shot this little guy again yesterday. It does not like standard CCI 40gr 1070fps ammo. I shot about 25 rounds through it and it failed to eject about 4 times. Shot 50 rounds of CCI 40gr Velocitors at 1475 fps and ran flawlessly. Hear this to be true about the gun and it was. Pretty accurate at 30 ft. Shot a few inches left and there is no adjustment. Confident at 15 ft or less it's deadly though.

  14. Not trying to start a war here, but what part of that isn't true?


    I just did a quick Google search because I thought I may have missed this headline and I still see every major news source saying that the AR was used to kill the victims.  Any smaller sites saying things to the contrary only source that one early NBC newscast and some "anonymous FBI sources".  If you can link something from a reputable site that states the AR wasn't used in the school, I'd really like to read the story.

    I guess I stand corrected. Did some research and can't find but one source that says otherwise. My Bad!!  


    Moderators can remove if they wish.

  15. This was again written in the link about Obama's gun trafficking crackdown on gun control


    The proposed ban was one of the parts of Obama's gun control efforts most directly linked to the December 14 massacre at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, that left 20 children and six adults dead. The gunman, Adam Lanza, 20, used an assault-style semi-automatic rifle.  



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