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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. I have bought Grabbers from Phillipsons in the past and a few packs now but these just don't put out much heat and do not last very long. I have used some in the past, I think Heat Factory and they would emit heat with just a little shake and squeeze.

    What is everyone using? Hot Hands, Grabbers, Heat Factory, Heat Max to name a few.

  2. The way see this: I am assuming which I should not do but lets' say I agree with Huntersled did get a raw deal... just saying. But lets say that Botta was convincing in his side of the story.  Just because this post is here and is 4 pages long will persuade most everyone here from ever booking a hunt thru Botta. He would be better off refunding the $2000 and say hey sometimes things just don't work out.  I'm in business and the old saying "the customer is always right" is baloney.  "The customer is not always right".

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  3. Yeah they were in no hurry either. I'm gonna try and set up on the ground rather than in the stand on the downwind side of the trail they took in hopes that a similar situation happens tomorrow. There are some pines mixed in with the hardwoods and I've seen other deer walk this route before so maybe I can catch lightning in a bottle.

  4. At 7:50am this morning I hear off to my left a grunt grunt grunt and look and here comes a deer. With the snow on the ground I could see it looked like a doe and following was a spike, followed by either a big 6 or and 8, followed by a big spike, followed by another spike and about 20 minutes later another spike. No shot as they were about 75 yards away. 

  5. The key to killing a good buck often times revolves around putting in the hours in the stand. That being said, it can be rather boring at times and you can lose interest if you are not seeing deer. I know some people read a book but I have always felt that you can't read and still watch the woods.


    I have done this numerous times now and find this is a great way to get through a few extra hours in the stand... an IPOD.  


    I know what some of you are thinking. Listening to music while you hunt... strange. I can attest that when the woods are noisy and the leaves are dry and there is very little wind I never listen to the IPOD.




    When the woods is noisy from strong winds or it's raining or the woods are saturated because o rain... times when you really can not hear deer coming is the perfect time to break out the IPOD.


    Let's say you plan an all day sit and the conditions are such that's you can not hear the deer coming and you haven't seen much and it's 10:30am. Break out the IPOD and plug in some tunes at the very very lowest you can hear it. Even a downloaded book on tape, anything to pass the time. Even if it keeps you in the stand til to 1pm and then take a break. A lot can happen over a 2 hour period.


    I'm sure a few of you will scoff but as I said... if it helps you stay in the stand then what the heck.

  6. If the conditions are right and im seeing deer , i have no problem doing it . If im not seeing anything and the weather sucks ,ill get down.

    Me too. I start out with the plan to all day sit, infact just last Tuesday I did. But after seeing nothing I went back to the house at 12:20 but was back out at 3 til dark.

  7. I remember a few years ago (3 maybe) I said to my son that I have heard/read that big bucks move mid-day between 10 and 2. Let's go he said. We got in our stands at about 12 noon. At 1 I saw a big rack buck walking through the slash (young saplings along the woods edge) but he was behind me. I grunted at him a few times and he circled around me and blew at me several times. He was right between my son and I and neither of us could see him but both heard him. Never did see him.

  8. I have a rather large funnel with recently cut corn on both sides. This morning at 8:30 am on the dirt road that I hunt I saw and on the adjacent property in the scrub brush near the cut corn 6 doe with 2 big racked bucks.

    Am I correct in thinking that that doe live here year round and therefore will not really alter their core area. With this line of thought I plan to get in the woods tomorrow morning early in hopes that the doe will be moving through.

    Would you:

    A) hang some estrous scent and hope to draw one of the bucks in.

    B) use no estrous scent at all and hope the doe work their magic for me.

    C) hang some estrous just use a bleat call every now and then (30 min apart).

    D) just use a bleat call with no estrous.

    E) use some dominant buck lure

    Your thoughts oh almighty hunting forum gurus!!!

  9. A biologist, a chemist, and a statistician are out hunting. The biologist shoots at a deer and misses 5ft to the left, the chemist takes a shot and misses 5ft to the right, the statistician yells “We got ‘em!”

  10. I have heard this and heard this and until today did not think it could happen to me but it did.I was wearing a wool glove under my light camo glove and was wearing a double camo scent-lok hood because of the cold wind this morning.

    I use an alignment device called "No-Peep" with a dot in a dot visual similar to an Anchor Sight. Any way, when I drew back on this decent 8 I could not find the bubble in the dot and when I moved the pin on the buck at 25 yards in the open I let it go. I shot right over it. After recovering the arrow and climbing back in the stand I tried some draw backs and came to the conclusion that the double glove and double hood did not allow me to anchor high enough just below my earlobe.

    Lesson Learned and I hope this mistake helps some others check their draw with what they are wearing when they go out.

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