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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. This was again written in the link about Obama's gun trafficking crackdown on gun control


    The proposed ban was one of the parts of Obama's gun control efforts most directly linked to the December 14 massacre at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, that left 20 children and six adults dead. The gunman, Adam Lanza, 20, used an assault-style semi-automatic rifle.  



  2. Picked up the bobcat today and shot a few rounds through it at 15-20 feet. First 2 shots I knocked the target off the wood post and then just shot the target on the ground. Hit it most every time. Only shot 10 rounds... cold out. Chambered well even with 1070fps ammo. For plinking i think we will use these but for carry may try the mini mag or the HP velociters. Had a guy tell me that the HP velociters will penetrate a 4x4 and exit the other side about an 3/4 inch wide. I'll try and see for myself.  

  3. I think we have reached a dangerous time in our country, and its not because people no longer believe in God, but because people no longer believe in science. Alot of this stems from the media and a certain political party whos supporters/sponsers wants the general population to be dumbed.

    I hear people pooing things like global warming, modern medicine, space travel, our learning institutuions today.

    People mumbling things like yea he was educated in Havard, must be an idiot, or yeeeaaa we should cut funding for this research or that type of science because its a waste of taxpayer dollars.

    Then that very same person hops into his 2012 Lexus which in itself is a marvel of science and heads home to enjoy dinner which is made safe bacause of the advances in science that made it that way, and then he heads off to bed and takes the meds which lower his blood pressure, another for cholestrol, and lets not forget the nexium which made him forget what heartburn ever felt like. then he pops a little blue pill that makes him a 19yr old in the sack again. But when he wakes up in the morning and heads to work he will sit there and agree wholeheartedly with his buddies about what a waste of money and time the space progam is and that they are shooting his dollars into space and what idiots doctors are today, and how good the cars of the 60s were compared to todays crap etc, etc..

    Excellent Sits, just excellent!!!

    • Just put in my pre-order for a Sig Sauer P938 Equinox from Rockwell Arms in Idaho. Not sure when I will see it. They say 3 - 6 months but they said it very well may be earlier... they don't want to promise sooner and then have me wait. $669 plus $20 ship. Gander can't touch this price. They are $799 for the Nightmare. Here is a pic of the Equinox below as well as a review link.

    • Anyone done business with Rockwell Arms? Just curious how everything went.


    • I have been looking into a small CC 9mm, one that I could carry in a pocket or inside my jacket pocket. I have both S&W Body guards... the .380 and .38 revolver.

      I have looked at S&W Shield: the CM9 Kahr; the Beretta Nano; the Sig 290 and P938; the Ruger LC9; the Diamondback; the Kel-Tec PF9. I did not look at the Taurus or Kimbers.

      I had my heart set on the Shield from the start but until I could hold it I would not make the decision. I also was not sure it was as small as I wanted either. IMO without a doubt, the Shield has the best trigger, hands down. I loved the way it felt in my hand as well but just could not get past that it was just a little to big and heavy for what I was looking for.

      I love the look of the Nano but it felt wide and blocky and I did not like the slippery finish. I looked at and held it 3 times because I liked the looks.

      I liked the sights on the Kahr very much and really considered this gun but would not commit until I held the Shield.

      After handling these 3 , I dismissed the Kel-tec; the Ruger and the DBack.

      I kept coming back to the Sigs, both the 290 and 938 but the Sig 938 just fit my hand. I loved the quality, feel, the balance and it was about was small.

      After several weeks of looking, watching and reading reviews on all the small 9mm I have made my decision and will purchase the Sig Sauer P938... in Rosewood if I can. Now to start looking.


  4. I have decided that rather than get a different .380 I would just look at 9mm. I have been researching 3 models. They are the S&W Shield, the Beretta Nano and the Kahr CM9.

    Here is a link to a very good review: http://monderno.com/gun-reviews/beretta-nano-vs-kahr-cm9-vs-sw-shield/

    I really like the Shield but it is the largest and heaviest of the 3 but has the best trigger so I have reviewed. I looked at both the Nano and Kahr at Gander but can not get my hands on a Shield. Probably b/c it is so in demand.

    I really like sights on the Kahr, a white dot over a bar... like a lower case i. I really like the look of the Nano. I can buy a Sheild on back order with a deposit for as low as $469 at a private dealer and a Nano for the same.

    Utmost importance to be is size and the Kahr is the smallest.

    Decisions... decisions. Any body one of theses? Your thoughts?

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