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Everything posted by loworange88

  1. I thought the term "grackle" wasnt a proper name, I had an old timer call them that once before, but I thought it was more of a made up name. I guess he may be right. I like the 3S solution. Thanks Pygmy.
  2. Hey everyone, Is it legal to shoot Brewers Blackbirds? I get a rash of them every spring and they make a mess on my deck rails, and all over the pool. I've cleaned massive ammounts of bird droppings for the past few years and I'm getting tired of it. I'm not sure if these pests are protected or not, so thats why I'm asking. I also live in a pretty residential area, so anything more than a pellet gun would probably get the cops called. I've attached a picture and a link to a picture of these things. http://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=71831 Thanks.
  3. I just bought a Mathews Z7 Extreme, and its just absolutely awesome. Honestly, there isnt anything I'd change or rather have changed, for me, its perfect. But others may want something different. This is just my opinion on it.
  4. I myself just bought a Mathews Z7 Extreme....Smooth draw, shoots like a dream, and is dead quiet. But I finally decided this after shooting a bunch of bows and going back and forth for many months. Good Luck with what ever bow you decide to buy.
  5. Has anyone here had any luck in Cicero Swamp? This is my second year hunting in the state land. I have so far had no luck, I've only seen one deer inside the woods, and that was last archery season. I havent been through there too much during the off season in order to scout, as the mosquitos almost carried me away. I was just curious if there are better spots than others, ie,.. solid ground woods, no bogs. I live fairly close by, so its nice if I only have limited time to go sit. Thanks.
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