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Posts posted by UpStateRedNeck

  1. 5 hours ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

    Well yesterday was a day to remember. Cut his track around 7 he had a haram of does on the top of the mountain and every so often he’d go up and pester another. Problem was there was so many tracks up there that it made it very slow to figure out what one was his. Luckily in the 6 miles of tracking him he really never went anywhere and finally found a receptive doe. I ended up killing him at 15ft.

    Looks like snow in Maine next week so I’m going to try and continue this amazing season and hopefully be home on time for a turkey dinner.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Holy crap man!  Way to frickin go!

    • Like 1
  2. On 11/15/2022 at 2:01 PM, Buckmaster7600 said:

    Headed north now so when I get more time I’ll get into it more but 6 of us made the 26hr 1450 mile drive each way to Ontario for a deer hunting trip. 5 out of 6 of us killed 200+ pound bucks and the sixth had plenty off chances! My first international hunt if you want to call it that but it was an absolute blast and I cannot wait to do it again!

    Tracking up there is so much different because there are 50x’s the deer I’m used to seeing in the adks and At least 10x’s more than I see in Maine.

    Sounds awesome, can't wait to hear about it.  Good luck on your walk and stalking!

    • Like 1
  3. 16 hours ago, gbj said:

    Waited 4 1/2 hours came up on him bedded he had maybe gone 100 yards  he got up while we were trying to figure out what to do and never figured out a direction he walked definitely didn’t run B4FB4BD6-3BAF-4235-A60A-3926DB1CE295.thumb.jpeg.69f93962077f5a38bdd52f3c0aa65e80.jpegB4FB4BD6-3BAF-4235-A60A-3926DB1CE295.thumb.jpeg.69f93962077f5a38bdd52f3c0aa65e80.jpegB4FB4BD6-3BAF-4235-A60A-3926DB1CE295.thumb.jpeg.69f93962077f5a38bdd52f3c0aa65e80.jpegB4FB4BD6-3BAF-4235-A60A-3926DB1CE295.thumb.jpeg.69f93962077f5a38bdd52f3c0aa65e80.jpeg


    Low single lung?  Hit on the left side?

    Been there, except I was stupid and pushed him (2 miles).  If you can get a dog tomorrow you may still find him.  Grampy and Tom have a lot of experience with this, they'd know better than me how much rain it takes to wash scent out from a dog's nose.  I'll text Grampy and have him pop over from the other site where most of us moved to.

  4. I put this in the "other" forum, but:. I've been in since 530, switched stands at 7 because I didn't like the wind swirl at the first.  At 8 a shooter crossed logging road into a pine bedding area at about 150 yards.  Grunted at home I think he had a doe with him.  It's pretty thick in here and the shadows were stark at the time.  Stayed put hoping he'll come out for an acorn snack soon and maybe check this scrape to my left.  Staying in until 1 then a quick break.

  5. 22 minutes ago, dbHunterNY said:

    i did too. only to go into the office here in Albany, look out my wall of windows, and stare at one of the best hunting spots I have. lol work gets in the way of life I'm tellin ya!

    Staring across the river?  We got moved from the 7th floor where I could see Thatcher Park & the Helderbergs here at the state campus down to the 3rd floor.  Naturally this happened 2 months before I got promoted and qualified for an office with a beautiful south window view.

  6. On 11/2/2022 at 3:48 PM, BizCT said:

    talk about bad luck......I have scored 33 more points than @cachemoney but he's 6-2 while i'm 1-7?

    @mlammerhirt has played against 702pts this year, while I have played against 1,017!

    Yeah I was just looking at that.  Your getting shafted pretty hard.  My teams gotten better, but no way I should be 6-3.  Even the juggernaut that is @ridgerunner88 doesn't show up when he plays me

    • Like 1
  7. About 2 miles deep on the point of my property right now.  Not much sign to speak of on the hillside right now.  Some prints, no scrapes rubs or browsing activity on the top ledge where the logger cut.  Surprising!  Killed about 30 chiggers so far.  Not looking forward to the walk back to the cabin.  If I was smart I'd just go home and watch football.

  8. Bleh.  Wine party last night isn't sitting right with me, got maybe 2 hours of sleep and I've been up for 3 hours now.  Might as well get spun up with a decent breakfast and get in a stand real early.  Sit for a couple hours, then use the wind for cover and just scout/spot/stalk.  If I can find some red hot scrapes + a run line maybe move a stand for Tuesday.  I think I know where a big one is bedding and it's a good wind to scout it.  Sleeping bag is in the truck for the inevitable crash!

    • Like 2
  9. 27 minutes ago, UpStateRedNeck said:

    Heading out for evening sit in the deep woods.  Cameras are active but only at night.  Even on a fresh scrape in the deep woods.  He's hitting it at 8pm like clockwork.

    SOB......  Logger dropped a tree right next to the stand I was going to sit and the branches are stuck in the screw in steps.  Didn't bring a hand saw.

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