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Posts posted by UpStateRedNeck

  1. 2nd and 3rd pics:  I suspect someone got him on the state land a week into gun season.  I nick named him Blade.  #4 I think is a truly wide 9 point this year I've had my eye on this year.  #1 from 2020 (date on cam is wrong, its actually Nov 1) is on my wall!


    Edit: Pictures didn't upload in the same order.

    IMG_0040 NOV 1 PULL.JPG

    Nov 22IMG_0146.JPG

    Nov 2021 IMG_0102.JPG

    Shay IMG_0097.JPG

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Belo said:

    stumps are my mortal enemy right now. In the past the land owner would pull them with a tractor, but some of mine are pretty rotted so I think I'm going to just do a kerosene burn next year. There is stuff you can buy to speed up the decomp but it's kinda expensive if you're doing a lot. Heck i've had stumps grinded in my yard and they weren't cheap. Cant imagine doing a lot... 

    He quoted me between 2500-3500 for 2 1/2 acre spots.  That was contingent on the rest of it being clear and him just grinding stumps.  Compared to the 7-8k to get an excavator in to pull them, pretty solid deal.  Added benefit of not disturbing the top soil as much.

    • Like 1
  3. Dad said they got 1.17 inches of rain yesterday.  I'm ITCHING to get up there and check it out.  I used WI secret spot on my kill plot, and thinned the poplars to the south of it.  It was coming on like gangbusters last weekend.  It's a couple hundred yards tucked back in the woods along a major trail between 2 big plots.

    Logging operation is in full swing on my hillside, gotta check that out too.  I got a guy whose gonna give me a quote on grinding the stumps in 2 half acre plots down deep.  I know I'm going to do at least 1, if the price is right maybe 2.

    • Like 2
  4. 33 minutes ago, land 1 said:

    think a few towns /counties tried this once failed quickley never even went into effect due to each property being diffrent in timber and terrain and so forth it came down to a forster would have to go to every property and do a detailed report and if the land owner cut they would have to do it all over again.... Redneck What does the DEC have to do with inspecting for Taxes? 

    State foresters are all in the DEC.  They're the ones who inspect the properties.  And they are INCREDIBLY understaffed right now.

  5. 9 hours ago, G-Man said:

    Wait the the state starts taxing the landowners on value of standing timber.. it will be big lease for $  or cut every tree down... 

    Impossible.  DEC couldn't legally get on everyone's land, nevermind have the manpower to do it.  Schmucks like me who are in the 480a program though, they could walk on any time they wanted.

  6. 1 hour ago, mowin said:

    I was lucky enough to grow up hunting private lands.  Been hunting the same farms for over 30 yrs. For free. One farm was over 1000 acres in it prime. Now only 250. 

    Never hunted state land, or leased. At my age, if I lost all of my private hunting areas, I'd quit before I paid to hunt or hunt public lands.  I only need one deer a yr as my wife won't touch venison. I'd take one deer off my 8 acres, and be happy with that. 

    That's almost a perfect description of my experience too.  Except we're adjacent to 5k acres of state land. 


    A couple years ago my uncle by marriage decided to lease his 300 some odd acres, for about 6k?  And trust me, it's nothing spectacular.  It COULD be if he put work in, but it's not.  Then with other pieces of the farm getting sold off the access keeps going down down down. This caused him to lose one, maybe both?  Of his leases.  I don't think he can afford the taxes long term.


    I'm happy and about at maximum bandwidth with the 240 some odd acres I have, and improving that.

  7. 6 hours ago, Four Seasons said:

    Saw this on Facebook. One has to wonder the way the world is going if this kind of money is in hunters future for hunting land?


    I know you're an avid, and certainly better than I, hunter.  But, why are you surprised?  How much do people pay you, or someone who buys one of your monsters and breeds them?  All so they can lie about how they took it.

  8. 8 minutes ago, mowin said:

    Could be a coyote, a injury, or a birth defect. 

    I shot a doe in last yrs holiday ML season with one ear and no tail. 


    I was thinking a coyote too, but I'm biased.  Went for the anus and got the tail?

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