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Posts posted by UpStateRedNeck

  1. 8 minutes ago, chrisw said:

    As far as The Hunting Public goes, I like their premise. I could also see the downside of drawing a lot of unwanted attention to some great areas. I wouldn't be happy if I hunted one of those spots. They seem like great guys, but now I'm starting to see some sponsorship there. I'm not knocking them, but too much attention can ruin good things too. Fortunately my spots aren't good enough to ever film a TV show.

    Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk

    I don't begrudge them making some money pimping Mossberg and Bear Archery, but that primos quiver I bought that they recommended was not great.  

    I'm a much better Hunter now than I was prior to watching their show though.


    You guys are acting like this is all new.  How long has Field and Stream been writing reviews about the latest model of rifle etc?  How long has antler porn been on the "sportsmen network"?  It's not new, just pick and choose what you watch.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, grampy said:

    You're right Paul. Someone else will find him in their stand at another property. That's what these dirtbags do! And rarely do they get caught, much less have a citation written. This guy got two citations, because he was so arrogant, and not the brightest bulb in the pack..

    Seems like most every year we have to go through this. 

    The joys of having property adjoining state land, something we both share.  I've put it of time and money into my property the last 3 years and it's paying dividends, but I get attitude how it's "easy" for me compared to others.  I didn't see those same people out trimming apple trees in March, sod busting in the mud and snow at the end of April, or hinge cutting in the dead of winter.

    • Like 7
  3. 1 hour ago, grampy said:

    I'm heading in. Against Dr's orders and good judgment. I can't just not go! 

    Spot I'm headed to, is only a couple hundred yards from where I'll park. My hunting partner and family, are only a text away, should I need help.

    I've hunted six days so far in gun season. Seen deer in every sit. Very unusual for here! Not going to be very selective at this point!

    Best of luck to all going out today!

    Good luck, Dave!

  4. 4 hours ago, Belo said:

    I shot a nice buck in Mississippi. It was right at legal light and he ran down a 6' wide and 10' deep crevasse and up the other side. I was already at the bottom of a steep ravine. Luckily the deer are smaller down south, but he wasn't small. 

    I ended up having to toss him down into the crevasse and with him on my shoulders I squatted him up the other side. Then came the ravine. Every few feet I'd get him up he'd just slide back down. So I had to make these "pushes" to a tree where I could temporarily hold him. On top of it all it started to drizzle and there are all sorts of weird critters and noises in the woods in the south that this yankee wasn't used to. To tell you I was on the verge of tears is not an exaggeration and several times I considered leaving him there and coming back in the morning, but I made it out.

    As my grandpa and dad have always said, the easiest part of hunting is pulling the trigger.  Congrats on the buck!

    Start a thread asking about people's worst drags, because I have a couple doozies right about at that same level of misery!

    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Whitetailhobo said:

     I would stay on the edges of the high elevations 16 to 1700 feet hard to tell from your map whether you’re dealing with hardwood benches or soft.  We see a lot of activity from dawn till 830 9 o’clock in the morning  . patriarch bucks  heading to those elevations their highest points of view to relax for a few hours until dusk .   The best is when they push a doe all the way up to that high ground and try to court and tend her on  that Highground hideout.  We’ve had some snow here in Otsego? County and schoharie county the deer are heading to the ferns to fill their diet in the highest hardwoods . 

    Also Schoharie county, and full agreement.  Now that you mention it, the doe I saw Friday at dark were munching ferns in the swamp too.

    • Like 1
  6. Those are lower elevations than I hunt at.  Look for high benches or pines with benches below them on the leeward side.  Bucks love to bed someplace they can smell upwind that has a windbreak but they can't be seen, and see everything downwind. I was just scouting a piece of public this morning at 2000 feet like this, found decent sign and saw large body sneaking off.

    Those saddles look good for cruisers.

  7. Time-wise, I think this should be first in the thread!  It was all over at 705 am in opening day.  Was sitting in the edge of thick crud/swampy area, heard a couple grunts.  Doe comes out of the pines, heads away from me towards the swamp.  Gave her a couple of good big grunts, she turned around and came back on a string, and brought her boyfriend with her. 

    He came in hot, grunting and thrashing, all stuff legged.  Very enjoyable hunt, everything you'd want.  Not the biggest deer on the farm, but I'm happy!


    I'm pretty sure he's the same buck I saw the day before and said I would pass. Oh well, chest freezer has 15 points in it.




    • Like 33
  8. 1 hour ago, grampy said:

    This morning, biggest buck taken off the farm in a few years! Shot by my partners daughter, my God daughter. I think it's the buck I missed last Monday? Couldn't have worked out better. So happy for her!

    I'm sorry I wasn't there. I haven't hunted since Thanksgiving. Dealing with some issues. My season may be over. IMG_4776.thumb.jpg.64f3e9b415f88285c9fcada8f1b5283d.jpg




    Congratulations to your God daughter, Dave.  Hope everything is ok and you get back out there!

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