I own a Recurve, compound and Crossbow. My bow of choice is the Recurve and I use my crossbow in Ohio and Pennsylvania. In the two fore mentioned states I have seen no adverse effects from using crossbows and have actually seen more hunters come back into the sport because of them. Look around people, we are getting older as a group and the young are not flocking to this sport, If allowing crossbows in New York brings additional people to this sport, or allows a current Hunter to continue on doing what he loves, I don't see a problem with it. We are becoming our own worst enemies with all this in fighting. All you have to do is look toward Albany and see what our elected officials have done recently to understand that we are now a minority. I have hunted for over 50 years, and have hunted all over this great country and have never seen things as bad as this. We need to come together folks.