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Everything posted by phade

  1. Liability then transfers from Remington to me. It's going back to Ilion...where they were made.
  2. Mine is going out in the mail this weekend. I haven't even fired a round out of it yet. Sheesh.
  3. Why are you saying 4? This isnt a populous vote to deterime decision, its to see how many would use such a feature. See the difference? More people would want the feature than dont. And it doesnt affect you, who doesnt. Why do you want to limit personal freedom bubba? Are you a democrat/obama lover? You must be in Cuomos camp. In all seriousness.I know you are not, but you are lobbing out statements that just dont align with what is being asked.
  4. Good. How does it taste?Instead of just being a smart alec, why dont you try to explain why a custom recent.topics list cant be made? All I see is more poo flinging by your crowd.
  5. Many people use recent/hot topics. Its very popular. You can see the ten most recently started or replied to threads. It can be similar to new content but is leaner. Admittedly, this is used when people are at work, in a tree, etc when people have 5 or 10 minutes to spare. Navigating through 40 subforums is time consuming. You and many others seem to keep stating 5 threads on the recent topics list. You can expand that to ten, so you can customize the number. Adding the ability to further customize is such a minor improvement that would help increase UI for many people while at the same time not hurting anyone. The yahoos screaming the sky is falling wouldnt even know or be impacted by another persons private choice, which appears to be ironic.People keep going back to why people click on links if they dont interest them. Thats the thing, they dont interest some and they dont click on them. They still bog down the recent topics list. You can customize alot of features on this site but not on that list. It makes zero sense from a UI perspective. It has nothing to do with clicking on links thst have no interest. Political threads often have large post count, which is why they often sit atop the recent topics list. Being able to skim out subforums has nothing to do with not clicking on links. Having the ability to customize that list would increase the UI quality. Many forums offer this. I dont see the big deal in why this is an issue for any forum looking to make the best experience possible for its member base. Can you answer that? 31 people took that poll. 17 didnt want political threads and 14 did. Customizing the recent topics list to improve the UI doesnt impede the 14 at all and gives the 17 an increased experience. I see no way how it is censorship, limiting right, big government, conformity or any other batwing nutjob crazy accusations being poo flung by certain people about those who dont want political threads about choppers flying over borders or homeland security conspiracies clogging up their main navigating site to a HUNTING forum that limits the amount of HUNTING threads to populate on that list. Seems pretty reasonable. But I digress.
  6. Doc, I merely posted a poll. I appreciate your explanations. Maybe youll understand, I simply posted a poll. Thats it. The fact remains some people are less enthusiastic about posts clogging up a main spurce of threads to the point their pushing hunting threads off that list. Posting about helicopters from mexico to the us, and the banter that went back and forth, I think thats the kind of thing that clogged up the list that dw was noting. When it gets to the point that recent topics list is full of this, it can be useless for people who dont want to see it. I dont click on it, but it still impedes the UI. There should be an opt out to give choice to everyone imo. But thats not what I intended here. Just see the state of affairs.
  7. Assuming does what? Your argument is to 1, call the people who dont want it, sheeple. And 2, compare then to the political party you dont affiliate with. Thats the basis for your argument. The opt out option is a feasible solution that works for everyone. As long as your not obama, change can be a good thing. You seem to be against it and think the sky will fall if your POV isnt shared.
  8. that's great but a sizable portion of the members here use the recent topic list. and they are not you.
  9. Great advice. Dont you think I already know who the site owner is? Dont you think I know how I should go about this? I posted a poll and its in the recent topics list. Get over it, moderator. I havent broken a rule.
  10. Next thing you know, staff are saying they keep the opics list that way because they dont want to steer. Oh wait....
  11. Apparently, you cant seem to understand the whole reason why people dont want it on the recent topics list. Theres one forum for it to be located. We can find it easily enough. There are 40 other hunting forums. Its not about the topic solely, it is about the user interface. Get it? Get off your high horse of politics is king. Its about how the site is used.
  12. See, thats it. If someone mentions they dont want to see the politics thread on recent topics, they are sheeple. Thats a poor mans argument and an assumption that the people who.dont want it there are not goood stewards for hunting or guns, etc. Name calling only makes your agrument look weak.
  13. See, doc, thats the thing. People dont check 41 forums when they visit. They often look at the recent topics list. Thats where this is all being lost on this site. I dont think anyone disagrees about the value of politics on hunting. A chunk of the population here just doesnt want to see it on the recent topics list amd that also happens to be the way most hunting site s are run. The fact this one does the opposite cause many members here to not get the use out of it nor contribute to it in any major fashion. Right now a majority of users are confirming that premise. Whether that holds true or not, who knows. But itd be pretty silly if 6 to 7 of every 10 users say they dont want those posts in the recent topics list, and you include them, despite that. Maybe im wrong. Heck the dec implements ar for that kind of ratio.
  14. You do realize you can expand the recent topics list to more than 5 right?
  15. It also concerns the recent topics list, which I digress is probably general chit chat. Hmmm. I don't think it has anything to do with censoring or strict rules. It's what's called generally accepted practices, and that is it for most hunting forums and many other focused forums. Political threads often tend to be the largest from a post count perspective, thus clogging up recent/hot topic threads. That's why they prevent them from feeding to it. An option to opt out of having them appear in the recent topics list is perfect. That way those who don't want it, can opt out.
  16. My purpose is to see where the membership stands on this topic. Nothing more, nothing less. Right now, it is 10-1. Small potatoes, yet maybe an indicator of what is to come? Who knows. Thanks for voting Bubba. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for all you do for hunters and gun owners.
  17. Phew...9-1 now. Almost had 10 people agree on the same thing for once on this site. Thanks for saving us Bubba.
  18. Don't know and I don't care either way, as both would be fine for me. I think it would apply to all, but that's just my interpretation. As long as it doesn't bog down the most used aspect of a forum, I don't care.
  19. I don't see your vote in the poll, nor the thread. At this time it is 9-0 no/yes.
  20. Nice offer Larry. Cuse. Take him up on it. That's all I am going to say. Period.
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