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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Robby

  1. All your postings show up as a small blue square with a white question mark in it. Is it just me. Robby
  2. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Tyranny of a different gender is still tyranny. Robby
  3. I have made quite a few osage bows, flintlock rifles and fowling guns. Its not for everyone but for most of us select few, it is a passion. I have taken my share of Turkeys with my fowlers I make my calls as well I have taken deer with my fowler loaded with a patched round ball but I do prefer a rifle. I was successful last year with this one, a variation of a 1790's rifle made in the Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania. this one is .45. So, OldBrian, I'm on board! Robby
  4. This is the first pistol I made. I engraved No.1 on the barrel which was accepted by the county clerk for registration, explaining that I made it and it did not come from someone, or vendor was a problem though and after quite a bit of back and forth I gave her the company where I bought the barrel. I have since made a handfull more of them with zero problems registering them. As big a PIA the NY permit system is, our county is very good about it. Robby
  5. If NYSSR does this it will be a felony. Everything in NYSSR is a felony. Robby
  6. Hmmmmmm, The one that would enable me to get the others back. Robby
  7. Big old Tom walked by my shop this morning, all alone. Got my blood up!!!! Robby
  8. Robby

    Bow of Choice

    Sounds idyllic OMG, and ideally I would be carrying my hand made osage longbow and ash wood arrows. Robby
  9. I could never understand you guys that camo up from head to toe. You hunting or making war on this poor creatures. Ah well, to each his own, if it makes you feel bad a.................................. Robby
  10. At, I do sell one occasionally. I enjoy making them and try to make as much of it as I can. Sometimes kind of fancy, sometimes kind of plain.
  11. I will be. I had one walking over the crusty snow outside my shop door last week. He looked pissed off! HAH! Robby
  12. I finished up a .36 caliber western Carolina rifle a few weeks ago. I haven't had a chance to sight it in properly, what with the crap weather we have had, but I see some woodchucks in its near future. Something about the plain and rugged beauty of these guns that captured my imagination so I made one. Robby
  13. I thought maybe I could stir up a little more interest in old time muzzle loading. This is a .40 Cal., 44" barrel, iron furniture. Its very light and a dandy small game rifle, though in other states, deer can are legally taken with this caliber. Robby
  14. Being a new guy here I hesitate to wade in on this, but, what the heck. I've been around awhile, long enough to remember when the compound bow showed up. Oh, the hue and cry from the traditionalists, and again when the mechanical release was legalized, etc.the crossbow. Anyone that knows me knows that I like hunting with, what many would consider the more 'primative' impliments of game taking, and they also know that I never ever fought against what kind of gear my fellow hunters choose to use. I may argue when in the course of the season they should be allowed, but never "what" their choice of weaponry is. In a free society, its not what you can do that causes problems, its people, weather politicians or our own peers, telling us what we can't or shouldn't do that causes the problem. In this case ten pages worth. I don't care if A man wants to hunt with a slingshot that he paints black, or a semiautomatic rifle that comes off the shelf already that color. As long as they're well practiced, ethical and follow the rules of fair chase their okay by me, enjoy the wonders of the great out of doors and the ancient art of hunting. Its none of my business and shouldn't be any of yours, especially based on some weird perception that evokes such a wide and shifting variety of baseless arguments. So look into your own heart and try to discover what your real problem is. Robby
  15. Robby

    My set up

    That is a fowling gun I made, it is about the equivalent of todays 16Ga.. The calls are Maple. I have made them from a variety of woods like Poplar, Osage, walnut and Black Cherry which makes a very nice call. Pretty exciting when you realize that the big Tom down the woods is talking to, you! Robby
  16. Thank you At. That was a five round string at 50 yards about ten years ago. Getting old, I have trouble with the iron sights these days, but if I'm having a good day and the light is just right, it will still hold a good tight group.
  17. Robby

    New here

    Thank you fellows!!! Glad to have found this place. Grampy, when ever you are ready I am happy to share anything I have learned. Robby
  18. sbuff, Well faux striping was done, mostly in the cap lock era and mostly it was applied by hand. It is a 1:66 or 1:72, I don't remember. Robby
  19. Never, It is sugar maple, the curly grain doesn't show up in every tree. It is that variation that was commonly used back in the day, and today as well for that matter. The color is achieved by applying a reagent called Aquafortis, which is a nitric acid and water solution with iron chips thrown in till they dissolve. It is applied to the stock and heated till it attains the color you see. It really makes the grain pop. The finish, if I remember correctly is a boiled linseed oil of my own making. Robby
  20. Robby

    My set up

    I truly love turkey hunting. I've never taken on with a center fire gun. A large part of the fun for me is making the equipment I hunt with, gun, calls, and other associated accouterments. Robby
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