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  • Hunting Location
    Mc Donough, Westchester
  • Hunting Gun
    Browning A-Bolt 30-06
  • Bow
    Mathews Z7
  • HuntingNY.com
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  1. Yes. Including this one. I have to be a right winger to hunt now. Don’t remember having to show my voter registration card in order to hunt or post comments on this site.
  2. I'm not even going into a point by point rebuttal of all of these leftist talking points because it's obvious his mind is closed and his emotions rule his brain. Because you can’t find anyone else’s words to copy as a rebuttal? Closed mind? Do you ever watch anything other than Fox News or troll right wing sites?
  3. Yep, I’m stupid! to think I could have a rational discussion with irrational people. Especially ones who have to use other people’s quotes to speak their mind. Hope this never happens to any kids, wives, or parents you know. have 3 vets guarding every building. Then you will complain about paying extra taxes.
  4. . All great suggestions. If they take no action and try to let this blow over, their days are numbered and THEN they're going to come after our guns. The pledge is recited every day in my kids' schools.
  5. Exactly. No solution to offer. I’d give them up to save a kid’s life... your kid’s life. Again, nobody is coming to take your guns.
  6. Hunter orange, seatbelts, DWI, red lights... ok so then address the mental health claim. Forget the wall, fortify Elementary schools... so kindergarteners can get searched. And wear your backpacks on your chest with 3 textbooks to deflect 223 impacts. You going to approve the tax increase? I will.
  7. Nobody is asking you to give up your guns. Everyone of us on this site own guns, for hunting and home protection. No one is coming to your house to take away your second amendment rights. If I could save your kids’ life, I’d give all of them up. I’m not willing to sacrifice my kids’ lives because all Republicans can offer are thoughts and prayers. All I’m saying is that hardline republicans are making lots of excuses and deflecting blame instead of acknowledging that its time to be rational. Laws save lives. Rubio and all the other spineless greedy bastards go home and cry into their $8,000 bitch blanket because rational humane thought is being skewed by the millions of puppet money. Yes video games and movies contribute, so let’s fix that too. I’ll give up my PS3 and stop playing Call of Duty too if they come to the table and get off their knees for more than just prayers
  8. Really? What do they teach in private schools? Now you’re blaming teachers? Parents who watch Fox News all day and are expanding their children’s minds and providng them unbiased info? I thought parents were responsible for helping to develop intellect, teach discipline and respect as well, but often teachers have to fill those roles because parents aren’t fulfilling their responsibilities...
  9. Are you serious? I think it might have been the fact that 17 friends and teachers were just murdered... All of you that aren’t willing to compromise and be realistic that some common sense legislation needs to be passed would change your tune when your son, daughter, niece, nephew, etc were murdered. Turn schools into guarded prisons? Ok, great but then you are going to bitch about paying more in taxes. So that won’t happen either. All you conservatives don’t support universal health care... so drop the mental health excuse. It’s the person not the gun? Take the tool away, you can’t do the work. Remington 870, handguns are next? Please. 8-15 shots maybe in a minute isn’t enough for you guys? Time for some shooting lessons... oh yeah that isn’t required to purchase any gun... 45 shots per minute, bump stocks The founding fathers didn’t have these in mind when they wrote the second amendment. If we had them running the government today instead of the corrupt, money hungry puppets of the NRA, they’d take action as they had to Back then. So instead of crying fake news and blaming leftists, victims and making excuses, what are you actually willing to give up besides the lives of babies? You don’t want legislation, taxes, healthcare, laws... Propose some solutions. Be rational. Stop solely watching Fox News.
  10. I film my hunts to remember the moment, learn from my shots, not just to record the kill. You don't watch hunting shows? I must be a serial killer in the making then...
  11. I shoot the HHA 5519. If I were to buy it again, I would go with the .10 fiber optic. the .19 is too big for everything past 40 yds for me... If brightness is a concern, just turn on the light. I was considering the new Apex Gear Covert Pro or the Tru Glo version. Only a few dollars more... Didn't take the plunge because I'm not sure if I want to rely on a illuminated sight, and might be buying a new bow. Check those out too. No pin in the way at all, just a dot. Single pin is the way to go. Pin confusion is too much to worry about. You'll get used to ranging and adjusting the pin.
  12. C & B Archery in Hicksville. Nice range, decent selection, knowledgeable techs. They don't nickel and dime you for every little repair or adjustment.
  13. Are you sure about the Horton Storm RDX being legal? The website says it is 15.5 axle to axle uncocked... I would have bought it on sale this week but didn't because I thought it had to be 17 end to end...
  14. Anyone have Rage Hypodermics exit a deer in strange directions?
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