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  1. I'm no poacher. If I was going to poach my freezer would be always full and there wouldn't be a Coon or Deer left. Thanks but I was trying to have a nice discussion. Throw insults and I'm out. Happy hunting.
  2. I never understood that. I always wear orange and back in the day still killed Deer with a bow. Deer are color blind. What's important is the pattern. You want to be broken up. For Turkey I get it but not for Deer.
  3. It's also off point from the OP. The OP asked what's with the craziness? I don't see it as crazy. I see it as bow hunters not wanting to share the woods. You share it with me while I'm Turkey hunting with my shotgun. Same gun I use to shoot Deer with. I share the woods during spring Turkey season with guys that hunt them with a bow. Why is the difference crazy?
  4. That being said I don't wipe out whole family groups either. I'll take the big doe and let the rest go. But I don't wait to see if the buck is following. The only benefit to me behind big horns is the dog takes longer to chew threw them.
  5. I am a brown it's down fill, all my tags and keep the population under control. If I killed as much as I could there wouldn't be anything left.
  6. What's the difference if I gave him a doe tag instead and filled my own bow tag? Still the same amount of meat in the freezer and number of Deer harvested.
  7. I take offense to that. Hunting is my life and my livelihood. It's not the weapon you use to kill with its how you hunt. I can sit there with a rifle and choose not to take the shot until their within range of a bow. I can choose to make all the same movements and hunt the same way just with a different weapon. The reason I don't bow hunt is that I don't need to. My father fills my bow tag and I spend bow season running coons and turkey hunting. I stopped bow hunting when I went in the service. I got out and my equipment had gone bad in storage. It still sits downstairs. I made the decision not to replace it. If they opened bow season up to gun I would just fill my tags sooner but I would still turkey hunt instead of deer hunt. I'm out in the woods five nights a week. What I've been trying to get across is it's not the weapon that matters it's how you hunt. I'd have no problem if they changed bow season to pay more to hunt season and put regulations in place to limit the styles of hunting allowed, but opened up the weapons of choice. That was what the OP was about.
  8. As a houndsman with a Garmin alpha and TT10 collar I'll say it works!!! I've broken dogs without it and will never try again. Using an ecollar is so much easier. You can break them of off game without killing the drive. You need to encourage them right. You can't just use the ecollar. You need positive reinforcement as well.
  9. Tax incentives and stop the insurance companies from suing them when someone gets hurt. Educate them on the importance of true conservation. Get rid of the benefits of leasing the land out. Other states have programs where people can declare their land open for public hunting and the state compensates them for it through tax incentives. Most importantly people have to be willing to accept that both good people and jerks being on their land.
  10. Currently I just gun hunt as my passion is hound hunting. I Deer hunt for the meat and conservation. I fill nuisance tags all summer long. What I don't eat the dogs do. I'm not just after that big buck. I'm after keeping crop damage and insurance rates down. I don't see why it's nuts. I hunt with a guy that bow hunts all season long. He's not allowed to own a gun because of a mistake he made a long time ago. I see Deer running after they've been shot at by a bow. What's the difference between that and a gun? I think what you're associating with is hunting styles not the weapons of choice. The fact that more people gun hunt is what causes the problem you're seeing. If you flooded the woods with that many guys during bow season you'd have the same effect. Especially if someone figured out how to drive deer and shoot them with a bow. Like by using drones. Again that is a difference in the style of hunting not the weapon of choice.
  11. It is not that I don't understand bow hunting. I bow hunted for years. I don't understand why you can't bow hunt while I shotgun hunt. I prefer a shotgun with a smooth barrel to a rifle. Once the regs come out I'm hoping to prefer an air rifle. That's my thing. Yours is a bow. Why can't we share the woods? It's not that I'm less interested in the quality or style of hunting. My style is just different than yours. Our goals are different. You're after that big buck while my goal is conservation. The way I see it going after that big buck and doing all the management that comes with it is genetic engineering not conservation. And if my attitude is becoming more prevalent then we should find a way to work together instead of against each other. Change is a part of life. It's how we've survived. It should be embraced not fought.
  12. You can use what you want to use. www.HuntingTactical.com Modern Gear for Modern Hunters [email protected]
  13. I'm not pushing any product here but the Zulu series are pretty good. The zulu9 would be good for what you're looking for.
  14. Leasing hunting rights ruins conservation. http://huntingtactical.com/blog/leasing-hunting-rights/
  15. Here's a link to the form I use. http://huntingtactical.com/blog/hunting-permission-slips/
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