Talk about long days. Now I'am starting to count the hours till Friday 8 AM take off. Look for the gray streak on the LIE that will be me headed north. Good luck to everyone and for Gods sake be safe.
Loc Shorten the gun season. Push it back to Dec, with cold and miserable weather. Way after the rut is over. Dosn't sound like much of a compromise to me. Sounds Like you are a bow hunter and wont it all to your self.
Google Malafy's Meat Processing and a couple of His sites will come up. He is on County rt54 which is Milan Hill Road.You will see Venison on left side of page click on it
I also use Malafy in Milan . He does a great job. You should just check his operation out, even if you dont use him. Pretty impressive. Check out his web site.
Ski Every chance I get . Ski mostly Burke Vermont. Grew up skiing the Catskills Skiied 26 days last year. Not to bad considering from eastern long island