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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Chef

  1. This is actually a serious offer i hope someone takes me Up on it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Ok those are loins but they are not tenderloin.... tenderloin is the filet mignon...... btw I used a processor last week because I had to. It was the first time I have in years... and I never will again. I didn't get back half of what I should have and the tenderloins weren't even there............. I will offer this to anyone within two hours drive of Monticello NY.... if you shoot a deer and can wait to have it butchered and have the space to do so... I will come teach you..... anyone is also welcome to drive to me and I will teach at my place as well Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Back straps...... if you were comparing to a piece of beef the backstraps on a dear make up the ribeye and the NY strip... tenderloin is from the inside of the deer. They are two little muscles that you will see just above the pelvis when you remove the stomach Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. FYI that is not tenderloin. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Guys don't forget to try heart tartar it's the best!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. If it's after dark and it's a deer that is immobilized like you say no eco is going to break your balls just put another arrow in it... god it's arrow no noise any way who is going to know........putting the animal down quickly is the right thing to do Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Nice to see my 3h boys getting it done! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. If you need food that bad just find your local food pantry at least you know it's safe Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. And on the first really cold morning of the year too Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. You wanna talk about a messed up morning? I'm laying in bed at a hotel 30 miles from my camp, because my cousin is getting married today..... Who the heck in their right mind gets married during hunting season. Don't they know this time is important. And then make me a groomsman none be less so I have to be here all weekend and not even get one sit it..... Gosh some people[emoji6] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Grow I peni$. And shoot a muzzy!!! But if i had to shoot a mechanical it would be a grim reaper for sure Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. That's not even bad mine are over 30.... I hate loosing an arrow Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Not nearly enough likes for all the support here!! Thank you all! We are all actually heading out tomorrow morning for my wife's cousins wedding!!!! The one we split the camp with. So it's a great way to take everyone's minds off of it... Thanks for all of your support Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. If it was you do you put a tag on that deer? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Yes I'm not taking about waiting 30 min, that should for sure be done... I'm taking about the leaving deer over night without even checking the arrow or blood Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Yea I'm not saying rush and track that deer I'm just saying it's ok to look for your arrow smell it and look at the blood and make a educated decision..... Then again if you saw the arrow hit the deer you probably peeked and did make a bad shot Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Agreed or you could come back in the am and find a deer completely destroyed by yotes Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. This is something that I find very troubling both on here and the hunting shows on tv.... People always say shot looked a little far back so I backed out and gave it some time..... That's great and exactly what you should do for a liver or gut shot deer! BUT look first, I'm not saying to track your deer I'm say go get some info. Find, look at and smell your arrow. Does it smell foul? No? What color is the blood? Dark red, pink? Follow blood for a little how much is there? What color is it? Does it smell? Do all this and maybe some more before you back out!! No need to let deer sit over night because you think you hit too far back do your research Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Thanks, in all honesty I'm happy for her, it was a 5 year fight and she went on her own terms. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Ok so I promised to share the story of my first deer at the new camp! It's. Been such a crazy past few days that I'm just doing it now. Ok so after numerous delays we finally had the closing on Friday around 1 pm, it took longer then expected because of a mistake by the lawyers and what not, after the closing my plan was to get in the woods right away but the women had other plans, they wanted to go to Walmart and get things for the house... Ok we did because I can't really say no to that... Finally pulled up at 4 and I changed grabbed my climber and headed for a area I thought would be good, got set up and found a tree. Nothing sat till dark and nothing, tons of sign and no deer. Headed in for dinner with my wife and partners in the camp and waited for jmp5000 to show up... He got there and we talked and decided we would only use climbers for the weekend. We loaded his into my truck and drove to the other side of the place a high ridge top to set his stand up for the morning hunt. We both sat the morning and again nothing tons of sign but no deer. We are staring to wonder if we did something wrong, but chalk it up to warm day time temps. Before heading in for lunch and a trip to town we do a little scout down my river bed. We realize that the stand I set up Friday night is in the perfect spot to catch deer crossing the creek going to and from the corn field. We hunt Saturday night and head to a local restaurant for dinner, with my wife my partners in the camp who happen to by my wife's cousin and her husband. At dinner we get a call that my wife's mother is being moved to a hospice, she has cancer. And we all decide that we will head home Sunday at 12 to go be with her.. We have a very large and very close family... Any Sunday morning my wife wakes me up at 5 and says baby you better go hunt, who knows how often we will be up here the next month or so with moms condition... I get dressed and jmp and I head to our stands. I'm sitting in my stand looking at my phone posting on here and I realize it just became legal shooting time, I slide my phone in to my sweatshirt pocked and as I'm doing this I look up and see the deer 6 of them coming up the cut from the creek bank. I stand draw my bow and settle my pin behind the front schlukder on the lead doe. I wait for the leg to come forward and release!!! Wack I hear the arrow hit her and then the dead logs behind her. All the deer take off, except her she jumps and then slowly walks away hunched up and very slow, my heart sinks, my mind immediately goes to did I just hit her guts... I wait a few minuets and walk to look for my arrow and first blood.... I find blood and am shocked to see that it is bright pink. We get on the trail and follow good bright pink blood for about 60 yards.. Then it drys up a big pool and then nothing... We head back to get my wife.... She is the best at following a blood trail, don't know why but she has the eyes for it.... She gets us back on track and within 15 min we find the deer 130 yard from where I shot her, in the thickest stuff on the whole property, only 50 Yards from the house. When we find her, we realize that she was way more quartered to then I had realized. The arrow went in hit one lung good clipped the other and exited through her stomach !!! Huge exit hole but completely packed with intestines.. We get her dressed out and back to the house to butcher, when my wife comes outside and says we need to go, my uncle called and mom is not doing well. I remember the propane guy telling me about a local butcher and I quickly call and drop the deer off, home we go. We get to the hospice and 12:30 on Sunday and mom is alert and able to talk to us and ask about the new camp.... All her family is there all 18 of us!! Mom passed at 7:00 Monday morning, it's been a crazy few days and I wanted to share it all with you guys. She was a great woman and we will bring many of her things up to camp! Even though it was a doe if I knew that it was all going to End this way I would have had it mounted and put over the fireplace for mom. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Build a ply wood wall on your side that blocks all his shooting lanes Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. That I did!!! It's been a real crazy day and I will take the time and post a full story later but I found a huge draw that is one of very few easy creek crossings with in a quarter mile and set up off the trail and 50 yards up hill from the draw.... They were there this morning 30 seconds before legal shooting time! Couldn't have asked for more... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Here's a pic just to prove it happened story coming later it's been a crazy morning Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Good morning vietnammm Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Back in stand till 9 then headed home mother in law not doing well this may be my last sit for a while...hope she gets better but not looking good Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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