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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Chef

  1. I guess the only thing moving around here is hunters here comes another one
  2. Just saw someone walking back towards the road he passed by at about 100 yards doesn't he know prime time is coming
  3. Lol can't see that far, no deer! But lively squirls and crazy birds, that's about it... Lots of cars on the side of the road probably a good mix of hunters and fisherman
  4. Birds making one hell of a racket over here in 3 s
  5. Got up my tree at kensico and what do I see a brand new hanging stand 15 yards away
  6. I hope they don't shoot me when I run my ass back to the truck soon
  7. Cold ass rain here In 3j I'm rotating my hands in and out of my jacket left the gloves in westchester by accident
  8. Cold ass rain here In 3j I'm rotating my hands in and out of my jacket left the gloves in westchester by accident
  9. Yea, I know what you mean! If this cold ass rain doesn't let up soon I'm out of here. I'll give it till 9 and see what happens
  10. I just heard a shot too, but this one was far off
  11. Very quiet here, lite steady rain, the first legal deer, AR here is going down
  12. Finally in my stand and happy to be up here heard some yotes whooping and hollering on the way in steady rain here in 3 j
  13. Hot apple cider would make me crap my self in the woods
  14. Up in ellenville, gunna hunt sams point in the am, just scouted out the local bar, I'm gunna need a few drinks if I'm gunna be able to sleep in this nasty motel
  15. Chef

    Pop up blinds

    Lol, well see what happens! I'd rather hunt by day and mess around at night! I'd hate to miss a big ole buck because I was fooling around with her. Her I can have when ever I want but those big bucks don't come around all that often
  16. Chef

    Pop up blinds

    Thanks, that's a good point, I'm thinking about maybe getting a smaller one putting her in it about 80 yards away from me and using my climber on the field edge, especially this weekend maybe it will push the deer to my side of the field
  17. Chef

    Pop up blinds

    Haha nice! I'm really hoping she gets bored by end of day Saturday.... I'll promise to come in for at least an hour on Sunday for a hot lunch!
  18. Chef

    Pop up blinds

    Haha, nope! I mean if she wants to hunt I'd be more than happy to teach her the ropes, get her a stand and let her go. But that time in the woods is my time.
  19. Chef

    Pop up blinds

    lol if I have to take her out once or twice to get access to 40+ acres with apple and pear trees I'll do what I have to do. Plus maybe she will get turned on by watched me put one down!
  20. Chef

    Pop up blinds

    I know they do but I'm working with what I've got, I'm thinking if I set it up with some brush at it's back on the field edge maybe it will blend in a bit
  21. Chef

    Pop up blinds

    How hard are these to set up, my new "girlfriend" has 40 acres in liberty and the propriety has a old apple orchard on it, also never hunted because her family doesent hunt. Any way she said I can hunt there this weekend if I let her hunt with me. I figure a pop up would be the easiest way to do this. How hard are they to set up? I hope she gets bored by Sunday morning so I can just use my climber by myself!
  22. Thank you to who Evers natural blind and camo Mat I'm using at kensico in westchester
  23. Lol I think they can smell mine
  24. 10 min left and its looking like it's gunna be another skunk
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