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  • Hunting Location
    wayne co
  • Hunting Gun
    remington 700 30.06
  • Bow

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  1. Couple more small ones this morning
  2. Found this set on Feb 7. Last pic is with one I found today to put 8pt set in perspective.
  3. I hate to hear of this but it is all too common these days. Best wishes to you and everyone involved. I broke my back in three places,3 yrs ago. Was back on the roof a few months later..2 surgeries since then. I wish him all the best. Its not over til the fat lady sings......prayers
  4. Got it done this morning. Across the street from my house. 10 am. 9 1/4" beard. 1" spurs. 23#s. 13th morning hunting this cagey,henned up, tight lipped bird.
  5. I have property in Belfast ny. There is alot of state land around as well. It is probably hour or so from you. I hunt most weekends and wouldbe more than willing to let you come hunt. Once i met you,you could have access to the property whenever you wanted. Message me if interested. Thank your friend his service either way, i have a brother in the army.
  6. Any BH.. what was the tally? Very impressive collection, congrats.
  7. Three more in hand..15 16 17... 15 was almost a gagger...next year
  8. Yeah,still fresh rubs and scrapes everywhere
  9. Add number 14 to the pile. And a handsome 2.5 year old that if he let me get closer, i woulda wrestled him for his antlers....stalked within 10 yrds n he still couldn't smell me
  10. Added a few more today and a deadhead. 13 for the season so far
  11. Added three more to the collection today. An average set and a lil 4pt. Puts me halfway to my years goal of 20. Ran into this guy too.. Didn't seem to happy I interrupted his day for a pic
  12. Picked up a couple more yesterday. A nice 4pt with a small drop tine/flyer. The next was a year old,chewed up 4pt.
  13. Finally found another. Quick walk after work paid off. Decent 4pt and #3 is in hand
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