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    mountaineering, bowhunting, conservation

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  1. On my clothes there's definitely a smell, even after it dries. It's a kind of dirt smell, as Grampy said. I'm thinking it has something to do with the material it's sprayed on. Anyway I should probably just try to ignore it.
  2. I've been using Sawyers Permethrin but I really dislike the smell on my clothes. Pretty sure the deer can smell it too. I hunt areas in southern New York that are infested with ticks and I'm going to keep using permethrin but does anyone know if there's something to do about the smell? My clothes are made of synthetic materials (soft shell and fleece type fabrics) and I'm wondering if it's reacting to the substance.
  3. Good to know, my bow is currently set at 50lbs.
  4. Thanks everyone. Looks like 3 blades are out. I'll check the 2 blade designs, they have 3 or 4 different ones.
  5. I want to try Rage broadheads but I am not sure which specific models are NY legal. I would prefer to find out prior to spending 45 bucks... Thanks.
  6. I'm going to use my rock climbing harness this season. I already have one for climbing and I think it will do the job just fine.
  7. This. Some countries don't even allow bowhunting at all. I consider myself happy for what I get for my money here.
  8. I applied and got 3s. I like the taste of deer fed on expensive landscaping.
  9. Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing.
  10. If this is how you read it it's not what I meant. Essentially I think banning categories of weapons makes no difference on a country's crime rate. But at the same time I don't personally see much use in an AR in my everyday life. You may feel differently and I have no problem with it.
  11. I don't have strong feelings about this and I don't advocate banning any type of weapon. But really after firing thousands of rounds In my time in the army with a full auto rifle I just don't find much fun in it anymore. But that's just me.
  12. I am no troll Rattler. You are correct that the rifle is an SG550. I used AR as acronym for Assault Rifle, not saying that they use a US rifle. It doesn't make any difference in the argument I think.
  13. I used to live there and that's basically correct. Most male citizens also own a government issued fully automatic AR with a 20 round magazine as military service is compulsory. The thing is these weapons serve no purpose in civilian life. I can't say that I ever missed my AR or even my handgun after getting rid of them.
  14. So I called Proline and Blue Mountain to ask about using broadheads there and both said they don't allow it. Maybe they have to state this as a general policy and make exceptions sometimes, I don't know. I'll try to go to Blue mountain next time I'm around there.
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