I can't make it out......might have to trim away some vegetation or move the camera. I was thinking maybe a fisher but the top photos looks like 2 critters.
I have a few Browning Dark Ops cameras that were completely submerged underwater , but after drying them out they still work. I was very surprised and thankful. I was fortunate to be able to get a few photos before Mother Nature ruined a good thing.
The recent flood waters from Hurricane Ida swept away the fallen tree where I had placed my trail camera. The tree went from one side of the bank to the other. This location was a hotspot for critters crossing the creek.
Before and after.
I read that you can dig up the garlic , 4 weeks after you cut the scapes off. That one month is the critical stage of the bulbs growth. I also remember digging up the garlic in October in the hopes of a bigger bulb.
I wasn't aware that the individuals counties had to pass local laws to participate. I just assumed that it was state wide. This doesn't seem right.