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Team Hoyt

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Team Hoyt

  1. Thanks, I'll be calling him Tomorrow
  2. Lol I just won a gift certificate from him
  3. Had a coyote calling back to us, but didn't commit. Hit a nice red, but lost blood
  4. Since I'm in a predator hunt this weekend, I need the fox from last night for the weigh in on sunday. Will it be ok to hang til Monday night to take to the taxidermy to get tanned?
  5. It was a rodent distress. Got him with my savage 223. I'm thinking I've got change my call list. It's got all distress sounds. Thinking of going with 2 distress followed by some fox or coyote call. Then repeat
  6. Does the wind affect predator hunting? Last night it was windy all over. I'm new to this so I'm trying to figure things out
  7. Got him in the first 6 minutes of our first set. Nothing else, I'm guessing because of the wind
  8. Yeah it is here as well. Ended up get a fox the first 6 minutes of our set. After that nothing. I'm guessing because of the wind
  9. Heading out. Hopefully some fur takes some dirt naps this weekend.
  10. Yeah I'm in a predator hunt this weekend. I've got a couple fox but never a coyote. What I did with the foxes was I took it to a taxidermy and they skinned them and tanned them. I wasn't the best at skinning raccoons and I didn't want to mess them up. Probably paid to much for something I could have done but it was less of a hassle for me. So once I get a coyote I'll just take it to the taxidermy
  11. Were going out for a hunt Friday thru Sunday. Hopefully we dont get to much snow.
  12. Interception is under review. Bradys arm was going forward. No turn over lmao
  13. Of course not, it's the Patriots
  14. What's everyone using for headlamps. In the past I've used a spotlight and a battery. I've been looking at headlamps to be hands free and easier to carry everything to the field
  15. Got his hands on his first buck at 6 months old this year.
  16. Anyone using or have experience hunting squirrels with the .17 wsm. I've got the savage bmag. Thinking about taking it out for some squirrels. I've read good and bad results as to saving the meat.
  17. How long do you guys sit at a set. And if you shot a fox or coyote do you continue to call
  18. I had enough time to get 1 set in tonight. No luck
  19. I was waiting to see a sleigh at the end lol
  20. I've got my savage 223 sighted in today hoping to get out tonight
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