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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I hear a fight going on a little way off. Can’t see them though
  2. One of my hunting buddies a few hundred yards away just had the stand he was in give out and his safety harness caught him. Thank goodness he’s ok.
  3. No. You’ll be ok as long as you don’t touch the inside of the vines.
  4. Missile of death! I like that!
  5. There’s an arrow retainer
  6. I got to my stand about 30 mins ago. Same one I was in the other day. Ranged where the big boy came in last time. 45 yards. Maybe he wants to stop by again this afternoon. The 2 scrape lines near this stand have been freshened up very recently.
  7. Well it’s the perfect morning to be out hunting and I’m stuck at home. Our house went on the market yesterday and we have 7 tours scheduled for today and an open house tomorrow. That means I’m doing last minute cleaning. Oh well. I’ll be out this afternoon. Good luck this morning all.
  8. You can hang it, pretty much like a bow. I hang mine from the foot stirrup.
  9. Again, not the same as using the tree as a rest for the crossbow. You can argue the accuracy thing all you want, facts are, in competition, vertical bows are more accurate than crossbows. Thats an apples to apples comparison due to the archers having similar experience with their weapons. I have never once said that crossbows are not easier to become proficient with, I just dont see that as a bad thing. Actually it is an arrow, the only difference being the nock and the length. They are only slightly larger in diameter so that they can up the gpi due to them being shorter than an arrow you use with a compound. They are not bolts. Bolts were short projectiles with no vanes used in midieval times. You are twisting arguments here. An airbow is not a bow because it has no limbs and no string, and it is simply an air gun that fires arrows. Its not a bow of any type. Bolas and slings are not any type of bow either. You guys just keep reaching further and further to try and disprove the fact that a crossbow is archery equipment. It is not a gun.
  10. First, you cant rest a crossbow on the side of a tree like a rifle. Offhand, crossbows do not handle much like a rifle, regardless of how they look. Second, if you cant shoot behind the tree your stand is in, then you are doing something wrong. I always make sure I have lanes on the back side of the tree. Third, there are also many disadvantages to a crossbow that the compound doesnt have, but that doesnt fit in with your agenda, so you just ignore them. In any case, the movements you make with a compound from a treestand are not much greater than those you have to make with a crossbow. All of which need to be made when the deer is not looking, and at similar ranges.
  11. When I draw my bow, there is little movement. Forget hunting in blinds, your movement is concealed in those no matter what weapon you are using. Compare apples to apples. In a treestand, theres little difference in how much movement is involved with bringing a crossbow up on target and drawing your bow.
  12. More accurate? No. Easier to become accurate? Yes. This is easily verified by looking at tournament shooter scores for both categories. While crossbows do tend to have a bit more KE than compounds, the difference is not "massive".
  13. Yes, but just because technology keeps marching forward, doesnt mean all of the innovations will be legal to use. There are lots of things on the consumer market that are not allowed for hunting. Take drones for instance, alot of people were up in arms saying that drones will be used for hnting, they will make things unfair, yadda yadda yadda. They simply made them illegal to use for hunting. Some states are making cellular trail cameras illegal. I have no problem with making regulations to fit technological advances. Just like I have no issues with the maximum and minimum specs for crossbows in NY.
  14. Thats why I said I dont buy it lol
  15. Thats why I dont drink coffee before I hunt anymore. Screw that gorilla.
  16. NY has everything ass backwards for youth if you ask me. They expect them to start out at 12 with the most difficult weapon. Stupidity. You have to learn to walk before you run. Its much easier to get a kid interested in hunting if they are using a weapon that instills confidence. My daughter has been shooting bows for years, she is still super worried about wounding a deer, etc. Im pretty sure thats why she hasnt been more enthusiastic about getting into the woods with her bow. I mean, she can participate in turkey season with a gun at age 12, but not deer season with a gun. It makes zero sense.
  17. There have actually been some people that have changed their stance. Theres no point in the DEC putting a debate together, a simple questionnaire with a yes/no answer when you buy your license is all thats needed if they want the opinion of the overall hunting population. The DEC has already made it clear that they want full inclusion.
  18. Sure, gotta give them more time
  19. alot of doomsday scenarios is all I see here
  20. Just nicking the top of one lung is survivable, but if you put a 2" gash in the middle or bottom, chances are, its not going to survive that.
  21. Airguns are actually classified as firearms. The projectile that they fire doesnt make a difference.
  22. Mine the other day took a nick out of the liver, took out one lung and right through the top of the heart. I would just be worried about the top of the ribs and spine being in the way of the heart from a super steep angle. 1 lung isnt a horrible hit, but Id rather get more than that. Just personal preference I guess. Ive gotten lucky before and hit arteries in areas that most guys wouldnt purposely shoot for, but that was just luck.
  23. Its still a bow, its not a gun. I know you wont agree, and thats ok, Im just stating where I draw the line. I dont want guns in bow season.
  24. Theres a huge difference between 20 and 40 feet lol. I shot my deer the other day from a 21' platform at 15 yards. The angle was pretty steep. The arrow went in the top part of the rib cage and came out between the brisket and leg. Trying to get one in there straight down would be reckless IMO, you have to deal with the spine being in the way, etc. Im just not taking that shot.
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