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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Here are the points, updated as the entries come in... Blue numbers are for 1 bird, orange is for 2 birds. alloutdoors - 48 Mookyj - 48 GR8WhiteHunter - 47 josephmrtn - 46 Woodsman20 - 46 MACHINIST - 45 NaturesWay - 23 RTGobbler - 23 Gonehntn - 23 Verminater - 22 Terry - 22 Meat Manager - 22 Big Indian - 21 Shadd Rapp - 16
  2. Congrats on a great bird and being the first on the board! That bird earns you 22 points! PM me your address, Ill send you a HuntingNY hat for being the first one to score.
  3. I was hoping to get out there before work tomorrow, but its looking like Ill have to wait till Friday.
  4. No there wasnt a 10 round limit. I had a bunch of 30 rounders for my AR that were perfectly legal. Nothing silly about it. BTW, there is no 7 round limit. I do think the archery course should be required. I already explained why the anti group is responsible. I dont expect you to see why, you are part of that group and refuse to see things for what they are with this subject. Like I said, if full inclusion would have happened, there would be no question what course would be required. You never know though, the DEC may end up requiring it anyhow.
  5. I know why you did it, I like to bust your chops about it. Lighten up Francis. There was no 10 round limit before the 7 round limit. Anyhow, you can thank your fellow anti-crossbowers, which the legislators (who dont know better) bowed down to and created this convoluted nonsense of them being allowed into half of archery season and put into a similar class as a muzzle loader. If they would have gone with full inclusion, they would have been included into the archery safety course (which they still may end up doing, since the regs arent set yet) and people would get the proper training for hunting, tracking and recovering a deer that has been shot with an arrow (you know, archery equipment?). While I do realize there are people out there that would like guns in the early archery season, I doubt it will happen. Where it ends should be, IMO, archery equipment (broadhead tipped arrow shot from string/limbs).
  6. If you are somehow unconcious, you wont be pulling yourself back up. Better safe than sorry...
  7. I think you got a bum truck. My ex's Durango is just fine, had to do the lower ball joints and calipers up front, but the truck is 11 years old. That stuff happens. I know a bunch of people with Dakotas and Durangos, never heard of issues as bad as yours. Must be a loose nut behind the wheel....
  8. So looking at triggers, nothing is in stock at this point. Every Timney with a safety included is backordered. The Shilens are in stock, but you need an aftermarket safety for them, and those are backordered. I cant wait 6 months to get my rifle back.
  9. Ugh, mine is in the recall. I submitted the form last night. Waiting for the stuff.
  10. But you have to do it while hanging out the passenger side window of an orange 69 Charger....
  11. Im sure if you call DEC and explain the situation to them, youll be fine. They will most likely confiscate it though.
  12. Seeing as the laws and regs arent set yet, maybe people shouls wait to form an opinion on it. The reasons you have always given for being agains crossbows have never had anything to do with the way the laws were written. Dont try to rewrite history, like you try to rewrite Wikipedia articles....
  13. Contest cards are done and posted. Please print them up and take a marker with you to fill them out. Here is an example of a correct entry from last year's contest. Post #3 in the thread.... http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/16030-shadd-rapps-contest-thread/ If the entry post is not done correctly, it cannot be accepted. Sorry, I just dont have time to ask for additional pics, etc. I want to hunt too lol. Prizes will be posted as soon as all of the items are here. Good Luck Everyone!
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