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Everything posted by 92onCaliHollow

  1. I use a food saver brand and it works great. This year I decided to try the bags from Amazon. They come in 50' rolls and are $17 for 2 fifty foot rolls. I was skeptical but figured it was worth a shot. They needed working great.....just a heads up for ya
  2. A buddy of mine just shot a decent doe with the blue knockoffs from Amazon. She was 1/4ing away at 31 yrds. Broke 2 ribs on the way in, 3 on the way out, left a huge whole on both sides and vaporized both lungs with 60 yard recovery, and a complete pass through. Arrow was completely intact and broadhead was washed and literally 100% including still razor sharp, minus the o ring. Not that it needs to be reused when u get 12 of them for $16, but it can definitely still be carried in the quiver for predators. I honestly would NEVER believe this is if I did not see it with my own eyes. I will never see a need to spend $13 plus on EACH broadhead, but am definitely a Rage (style) fanatic now
  3. U guys must insides made of stone....no way I could ever think about it
  4. I don't know how u all drink coffee while in the stand? Does it not bother your stomachs? Man.....I have 1/4 cup and I'm running to the John
  5. Anyone else hate when the 37 chipmunks around your stand all get pissed off at the same time and all start chirping together?? Annoying as hell!!
  6. I forgot about the fact that he probably gets his butt kicked all the time. Silly boy, does are for the big guys. U have to have at least 6points to play with us
  7. I wouldn't give up on it yet, being only a spike, he is young and may not know what to do with it, in a couple different meanings LOL. Also he may just not be ready yet
  8. Zag....check out Amazon....do a search for mini action camera. They have "GoPro's" knock offs from $20 and up. My son has one, unsure of which exact one, and he says they're just as good. They're HD and WiFi just like to GoPro hero 3+ that I have. Worth a shot for that amount. Especially if you are a prime member. If u don't like it just send it back no questions asked. They also use all if the GoPro accessories
  9. Anyone have any weird superstitions they abide by during season? You know, like a lucky shirt or pair if socks? Maybe u have to eat a certain breakfast before going out? I never thought I did until this past week. I had seen only 4 deer up until this past Tuesday morning. And 3 of this deer were just flags. I had always worn this old beat up Team Real tree hat in the woods that Mom bought for Xmas years ago, despite being a mossy oak guy, since it was the only one I liked the way it fit. Well when getting all the clothes washed and sorting out the totes, I couldn't find that hat for the life of me. Paid no attention to it and just said oh well and grabbed a different one and washed and wore the "new" one. When leaving camp and cleaning up the bedroom my wife moved something and said, "hey is this that hat u were looking for?" So I told her yes and TY and kinda just blew it off. Got back down to the camp this past Sunday. Soaked the hat down in scent killer and let it dry overnight. Went out Monday and had the best morning ever in the stand, which I posted about on here somewhere and then Tuesday, seen 8 different deer by 830a when I had to go in to go back home. Knew that darn hat had something to with it.... LOL
  10. The story was incredible. I was literally checking the forum posts every 5-10 minutes looking for updates from him. I am pretty sure everyone reading was was biting their nails ALMOST as much as Papist was
  11. Like most of you on here, I too was hooked on the Papist saga that was going on for a lot of this week. And of course was rooting for him, and not the deer. I know we are all feeling it but I wanted to take the time to actually write about how PROUD I am to be associated with a hunter like him, even if it is only an association by being on the same forum. I have been around hunting my entire life and can tell you all with the utmost certainty that almost all of the hunters I know would've tried as hard as he did, but would've given up well before he did. He was upset, heartbroken, and disappointed, which we could all tell by reading his posts. I do not know him personally, but you can tell what kind of hunter this man really is just by reading his words. As entertaining as they were for the rest of us, this had to have been very trying for him. It was a truly sad and horrible ending for him, finding the deer that was spoiled. Like him, I too am a meat hunter since you cant eat the antlers, those are always a huge plus to me. Like many have said on here before, any deer taken with a bow is a trophy. This deer from the looks of the pics, would have many of us proud to have mounted and hanging on the wall and was a true trophy in many aspects. The only good that came from this is that not only did you teach ALL of us a lesson on NEVER giving up, but at least you will have the Euro to gather around with your friends and be able to tell ONE HELL OF A STORY!! As much as this posts sounds like a huge ass kissing to him, I assure it is not. Like I said, just makes me proud to be a hunter and he is a true ambassador to the sport, so Papist, whomever you may be in the real world, here's to ya....THANK YOU for making all of us proud. Beers on me
  12. Oh yes sir....when they say lifetime they mean it and stand by it. If the boots u send back aren't carried anymore, they will send u a new style if the same. The ONLY catch I've found is that they like the original packing slip/receipt so I keep it the original boxes and throw it ona shelf in the basement
  13. Not really sure why it did a quote box but..... Anyone else have the sunrise that made everything a weird color this morning? Best 2 days yet so far this season, yesterday and today. Yesterday got to the stand and shortly after had a buck making a rub and had to have been mighty P.O'd at that tree. The way he was hootin' and hollerin' and carrying on with the grunt and snorts....I literally was waiting for a 600# bear to walk through. Then had another one up behind me start the same thing while another one was walking through the small plot and up the hill. This morning I jumped one 30 from the stand, first time ever jumping a deer on the way in. Then had one walk down the hill 20 mins later grunting to beat hell and then had a die sneak up behind me, all under the stand within spitting distance and browse at 27 yrds. She is pretty lucky she moseyed along cause in another few minutes she would've been a Gold Tip ka Bob Hell of a 2 days.....pretty much confirms what everyone is saying. It's definitely starting.....8Y
  14. Should've just sent them back. Sportsman's Guide is wonderful with their customer service and is just as great with their Guide Gear lifetime products. I know of people that send their boot back literally every July or August so they have new ones for the season
  15. I also have cold feet / toes problems. I was ways wearing 800's and then a Rocky Pak boot for real cold days and they never really helped, even with the right socks. 2 years ago I spent the $90 and bought a pair of 2400 regular Guide Gear hunting boot from Sportsman's Guide and I couldn't be happier. Feet have never been warned when it's cold out and they have a lifetime warranty. Definitely worth the money
  16. I've had too Grow and you are more than correct. Your body, especially the parts it affected are NEVER the same again. My feet suffer from the same problem
  17. Scent is the biggest thing I'm worried about. The last time I used Scotch Guard it really stunk
  18. Anyone have any proven methods for waterproofing a piece of clothing? I have a pair of insulatedd pants that I live but aren't waterproof and would love to be to wear them more......ideas??
  19. None of us used to use them either...USED TO use them. Now we all do after my father was in a stand, had some ice on the platform, fired at a buck with the muzzle loader, slipped in the smoke screen, fell about 15-20. Landed on the muzzle loader barrel and bent it, cracked multiple ribs, bruised both lungs, lost consciousness for approx 30 mins or more. When he came to and was found be my two uncles, tracks in the snow indicated he did about 40-50 laps around the base of the tree..... We all wear harnesses now
  20. So I have always preferred Mossy Oak brand camo, Break-up Infinity specifically. One of the main reasons behind this is that I personally feel that "Team Realtree" has become quite a joke with putting their name and pattern on anything and everything, literally. They make it feel like it is more about the $$ (yes I know it IS a business) and not so much about the true meaning of hunting being family, friends, food, comrade and nature (my opinions). So while me and the Mrs were in Cabelas yesterday, I brought up to her the fact that I am really starting to think that I have wasted a lot of money, time and effort supporting and liking just one specific brand or pattern. Back in the day when my father started hunting, he is in his mid 60's, they did not have camouflage. The military barely had tiger stripe at that point. All of the hunters from that era seem to have done just fine bringing home deer, and big ones at that. So does this all really matter? I know that deer supposedly only see shapes, shadows and patterns, so why all the colors in the name brand camo clothing and accessories? Obvious to me that these companies are smarter than we think. Its becoming more and more obvious to me that all of this is just a marketing ploy. And yes, it took me almost 30yrs of being in the woods to realize that I'm an idiot
  21. I guess if they walked by me, the wife would not be able to yell at me about the price of lamb chops and rack of lamb anymore
  22. I think this question should be redirected to Bruce/Kaitlyn. They are probably the right people to ask
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