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Everything posted by 92onCaliHollow

  1. We have had them in both kinds of spots. A few years back me and the wife were riding the 4 wheeler and came up on a mother and her fawns bedded down in a small pasture/field, and then last month, me and my father were checking zero's on the rifles and when we went to hang targets on the backstop, there were two does bedded down in some of the tightest woods I have sen on our property. We've also had them on the side of a hill bedded down against a tree almost like they were laying there catching the sun
  2. Getting ready to go back down to the cabin tomorrow after almost a week of not being there or in the woods. Anyone have a report on how things are progressing in the Bolivar area? As of this past Tuesday, I had only found 2 rubs and 2 scrapes. Any and all help and foresight would be greatly appreciated.......
  3. So I bought a Wildlife Research Scrape dripper a while back. I bought the one that is just the dripper alone without the scent as I had some credit to burn on Amazon. I am getting ready to order the scent to use for it and i noticed on Amazon (I don't like to shop in stores, if you couldn't tell, LOL) that there is three different options. There is the Golden Scrape and the Active Scrape and then there is the combo pack. The single bottles are $8-9 and the combo is $13, so that part is the no brainer to me. I am just questioning what the real difference is and which one to use first?? the dripper holds 4oz at a time. If I am reading the descriptions the right way, I THINK i would use the active one first, then switch to the golden scrape??
  4. Welcome and enjoy the show!!! This is more entertaining than social media a lot of times, and a hell of a lot more educational too.
  5. My father used to have this old .35 Rem pump. I have no idea if what make or model it was cause I was a lot younger. All I remember is the thing had these spiral like grooves cut into the tube mag for cycling some how and it had a butt plate, no pad, so it kicked like a damn mule....loved it though and now that I'm older, I know that anything in the .35 caliber, be it Rem, Whelan, or Marlin, is one of the best all around calibers u can have for the NY State woods. In my opinion that is
  6. I would love to help u out but unfortunately am pretty far. Best advice I can give you though is PATIENCE PATIENCE PATIENCE. And don't get discouraged. There are very few people who see more than one deer, or even ANY deer at all for that matter when they go out. I've been in the woods for 12-15 sits this year and today was the first time I seen a deer. It will come in due time and EVERY deer you harvest is a trophy and never let anyone tell you different. Best of luck to you and stick around on here. You'll learn a lot from everyone and about 99% of the people on here are great men and women.
  7. Absolutely amazing.....U guys are very lucky up there. I will have to put that area on the list for a weekend getaway with the wife
  8. He kinda still has a "baby face". But I sure as hell wouldn't let him walk by.
  9. Since you aren't opposed to compound x-bows, take a very good look at the PSE Fang. Excellent product, even better company and u definitely can't go wrong with it when you're on a budget
  10. Hmph.....guess that means I'll have to buy a new rest....sorry dear, but apparently I NEED one, LOL It shoots fine so I'll just be careful for the next 11 days till the crossbow cones out. Probably won't get out much with the forecasts anyway after tomorrow Ty though for the answer. At least now I know
  11. Again.... LOL but it's hard not to agree with u all. To me it's common sense, she lets me put dead animals on the wall....she can watch what she wants. I'll take that any day....as long as it's not soap operas that is, or the Hallmark channel...or the Oprah network
  12. BTW...holy run on sentences....sorry
  13. So as I am sitting here in the blind, I am looking at my bow and notice my rest looks funny. On the one side of the opening, there is a plastic piece to keep the whiskers in place from what I would assume from turning. I know u have to remove that piece to replace the whiskers. But on the other side of the opening, there is not the same piece. Did this one that is not there fall off? Or is it not supposed to be there. I have never noticed it until now and I have had this for 3-4 years..... Full disclosure, I am not an advocate of whisker biscuit rests. It came on the bow with the package and I was going to put one of the 2 drop aways on but am saving the one I did not put on the wife's bow for my new Elite or the new 90% let off PSE when ever I can afford it and am gonna keep this as a backup so dont wanna have to keep messing with it
  14. There is a bar in Scion that actually has good food and great wings. Thursday night specials for wings too. Just do t judge it by the looks cause it's the definition of hole in the wall
  15. I was leaning more towards drinking somewhere....but yeah, a hunt sounds great too.
  16. Apparently the deer did not get the memo about sunrise being at 7:37 this morning
  17. A couple weeks ago on the way down we stopped at the Hinsdale highway Dept on 16 to let the dog pee. Looked out in the field and seen the biggest 10pt I've ever seen walking the tree line
  18. Found 2 rubs last Sunday and a small scrape today. These are the only signs we have on all of our property. All the pics still have bucks together, both day and night pics....9Y, Bolivar
  19. Hello everyone, just wanted to re-introduce myself. Long time member, not a huge contributor though due to many reasons. So I started a new account with a new name so I can start contributing more. It wasnt anything like having issues with anyone on here or anything like that, just had some issues off the site that did not allow me to post as often as I wanted. So hello again to everyone and I am looking forward to actually being involved now!!!
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