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Everything posted by Northcountryman

  1. Yes, but got even better under Trump-WAY better. You said things got worse under Trump which is the exact opposite of what happened- and what economic metrics indicated.
  2. No, youre wrong Chef; you have to look at big picture . Accdg to Energy statisticians, we were energy independent under Trump, and we hadnt beeen for years . Like I said to Phade when he posted that link youre referring to, thats just RUSSIAN oil imports and we werte still trending down with that too- under Obama some too, youre, but also Trump. again , IDK if we TRULY were energy indepedent under the stud , but thats what the stats say!! in terms of-at the very least- being better off energy wise, its very clear- a resounding YUP!!!
  3. I love Trump, but doubt that he does as hes too narcisstic to put the needs of the country over his own need for personal fame , accolades and power. Alas, it is unfortunate cuz he was a VERY effective leader.... Michelle Obama?? That would, indeed be a scary thought....
  4. Maybe , but I don’t think it lasted due to the pandemic and the change In leadership . Saw a couple sources now that both said accdg to their metric of analysis , we were under Trump but idk . You know , the thing is is that BOTH sides will cherry pick stats to advance a narrative , which is frustrating- I’ve seen that for years . Best thing you can do is look around you and , take in as much info as possible from a myriad of different sources to try to make a assessment as to what the hell is goin on. For me , it’s quite simple : under Trump , economy was good , gas was cheap ; u see Biden, economy sucks , gas prices are high and are rising ever further . NOONE can deny this - therefore , things were much better under Trump than Biden .
  5. A Quote from Forbes magazine: Are We Energy Independent? The Energy Information Administration (EIA) tabulated U.S. energy consumption in 2019 and 2020, and determined that for both full years, counting all energy sources, we were energy independent. Even though U.S. energy production declined by 5% in 2020, energy consumption also declined by 3% as the pandemic impacted the economy. So, our energy independence was shrinking as the pandemic unfolded.
  6. But it appears we (were) energy independent whenTrump was in charge- unless the quote from Shoots is wrong.
  7. I think youre Way too personally connected to your contention of this whole "energy independance thing"; hes simply just showing a stat quote , and unless he intentionally distorted the verbiage, thats just plain fact.
  8. IDK ,did you just see Shoots post? Whats the harm in verifying facts? Also, Are you sure that youre definition of " energy independence is the agreed upon one? Looks like theirs some subjectivitry there
  9. With all due respect , you do not know for certain unless you have looked at the data-not do I . I will look ; when I get a chance that is
  10. I’m not talking about what shoots said ; I’m talking about what I’ve heard on the news which is probably what motivated Shoots to say that in the first place . Like I said , I dline to see ALL of the oil import date before I would make a judgement on the matter - wouldn’t you ?
  11. I’m saying that “ they “ are probably exaggerating the energy independence statement thing - not me . However , I will reserve judgement on that until I view data which includes ALL imports and not just Russia . Also , I would like to see export data as well , including domestic “ in country “ production and usage .
  12. Line was trending down when Trump was in and now it’s going up - way up . That’s why they’re saying it . Wee we’re heading in the right direction before - now we’re not. Thank you the info
  13. I like your post but feel compelled to read up on this more to find out why they say we were energy independent under Trump - there must be something to that contention, especially since , like I said , the Dems concede that point .
  14. This is a point contended all the time by the right and the Dems don’t seem to dispute it , so I’m inclined to dispute it . However , I refuse to shoot my mouth off about a fact I do not have knowledge of!! I will have to do some research on this to see why they say that we were energy independent under Trump and way more dependent now under Biden .
  15. Ohhh, be careful with the psychoanalysis Left , especially someone you don’t know and have never met and will never meet ; are you sure about this ? What can be said of Obama , a man raised mostly by his grandparents , in contrast? Or Biden ? As you often say - just asking questions
  16. Does any oil producing country , including the Saudi’s and / or consume ONLY their own oil exclusively ? I doubt it ; but under Trump, we were net exporters of oil although still importing some too . That is , at least how I understand . And we sure as hell aren’t any longer under the current administration - not by a long shot !!
  17. Than I would have to agree with you my friend as I can’t argue that point . Given my druthers though , I’d go for Trump
  18. As long as it’s not a Democrat , I’m ok with this choice but would prefer my Guy
  19. I saw that - could get outta hand very soon. I want Trump !!
  20. Hate to admit, but I agree with that . Ive said it on here many times: I like Trump VERY much as Prez, but feel that his hubris and abrasive persona detracts from his performance. Hes not a humble guy in the least and comes off to me as quite narcissistic- and I dont like that. I feel hes the best man for the job , though and will get my vote, hands down.
  21. Yeah , I hear and agree with what you’re saying but respectfully disagree with your opinion of Trump. For me , a candidate would have to be God awful bad on the Republican side for me to pull the lever for a Democrat . That party has so lost its way over the last 20 yrs or so , I just couldn’t do it . I believe it really grew worse after the election of Obama , who I abhorred for his gross negligence and incompetence - and talk about a race baiter ? NOONE can come close to him!! Remember : This race crap all started under his presidency !!
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