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Everything posted by REDNECK4LIFE32

  1. Brantley had a little league game tonight. He lead off the game with a hard hit grounder between 1st and second off kid pitcher. Then walked off kid pitcher he didn't give him anything to hit all over the place. Then had another hit with a RBI. They only played 3 innings. 1st inning was 45 mins. They can bat up to 10 batters or they get the 3 outs. 2 innings straight the kid pitchers went to 10 batters. Walk after walk. Finally the coaches pitched. Our team won by 1 run. Wasn't much fielding to be had but Brantley made a good play to get someone out at 2nd. Gotta love instructional baseball. As long as kids have fun. Brantley didn't pitch today. He played second and 1st.
  2. Lol the English teacher strikes again. Beets!
  3. Yes. I don't know if he heard it from someone or what. Maybe see his teammates that want to pitch and struggle because of pressure or can't get ball over plate or in strike zone. I like to think he's satisfied playing the infield except catcher and pitching. He loves the outfield. Maybe having a sore arm and us having to ice it after practice and games has him worried. Well figure it out just want him to enjoy playing.
  4. Brantley went 3-4 tonight with a couple rbis at little league game. 3 singles 2 off the starting pitcher. Smoke the ball the 4th at bat but 3rd baseman made a great catch and save some runs. He played great defense in the infield and the outfield. He also had a town ball practice before. Coach came over introduced himself and asked if we minded if Brantley could pitch he said we see he has a good arm. The coach also told me Brantley told him he didn't want to throw out his arm. I told the coach it's Brantley s decision. He pulled Brantley over to the side after the game and asked him if he would mind pitching. Brantley declined the coach told him the opportunity is always open if he changes his mind.
  5. Checked garden today beers and swiss chard are breaking ground. Collards too and cucumbers. Waiting on lettuce zucchini and squash butternut squash. Deer came through again but doesn't seem to have bothered anything since first couple of days after planting.
  6. Hope for a healthy recovery.
  7. Thank you for the assurance. Going into this with a open mind. I just don't want to be layed up for summer but it's reality and hopefully I'll be ready for hunting season. Most of all just want my family to be taken care of while I am recovering.
  8. The okra is just breaking ground from seeds. Yes the deer nibbled on brussel sprouts and broccoli and cauliflower and cabbage.
  9. Yes little league I paid for my son to play. Town ball is picked by coaches not a draft. My kid plays a team that has him on team and didn't want him now welcare will feel the wrath. Coach told him today you belong in majors again. Told Brantley to crush of pitcher he did. He's good enough to be looked at!
  10. Oh forgot to mention this in first post. I was right a bout a muscle tear. Torn hip labrum also.
  11. Well went and checked out my garden today. Radishes popped green beans and okra. Jinxed myself with saying deer havent bothered it. Broccoli cauliflower cabbage and brussel sprouts got nibbled on. Tomatoes peppers and eggplant survived the heavy storms and wind a plus. Hopefully I'll be able to manage it and get some reward. Weeds aren't any watch I say it they'll come.
  12. Thank you guys for all the encouragement. Plus positive outcomes. I never in a million years would of thought having this going on.
  13. Well been dealing pain in feet legs and hip for awhile now. Last October I really hurt myself but the army guy suck it up and drive on mentality was not good. Went down hunting with @swampbucks in November opening day he can verify how hurt I was but didn't stop me from climbing a tree or dragging out his monster buck. Suffered all winter figured icing and heat packs and rest with Advil it would go away no. Pain just got worst. Vacations in Georgia though heat would help if it was arthritis no. Finally may 10 had my annual Dr appointment at VA. Told doctor about what was going on so he put in referral for MRI a month later. Yesterday had my MRI they said results would be in Monday. Low and behold I'm mowing my lawn when my son tells me Dr called with results. First he said how are you doing I said alright still in pain but got stuff to get done around here. He said your leg is pretty messed up. He said be honest with me when did this happen I said October to the best of my knowledge. Can't bend or stretch hip or groin I'm walking with a limp thought I pulled a muscle he said no. He said you have avascular necrosis. My hip bone to my joint is dead from no blood flow to it. Plus I have septic arthritis in my joint. He wanted me to go to er immediately. But after telling him you know nothing will get done on a Friday afternoon. He wanted me to get IV treatment I said Dr I've been dealing with this since Oct 2 days ain't going to hurt it anymore then it already is. There afraid my hip bone is going to collapse. He said no weight bareing on it. To walk with crutches. I said I m not going to do that. I ve been walking on it and I'm still going. He set up appointment at VA for 9am Monday. He's got to get me into a orthopedic surgeon to see how bad it is. He's thinking hip replacement. I said I m 37 pushed myself hard with sports and even harder in military. So I m going to enjoy my weekend drink some beer play some Cornhole. Come Monday reality trying to be optimistic but it's waying on me. Been to multiple Drs and ers specialist oh it's gout or they thought I had blood clots. One er said it's not triage ice it and take Advil. Been put through the ringer now something that could have been prevented but was not. Sorry for rambling on.
  14. Well Brantley went 2-2 2 singles and a walk. Lead off single off pitcher to start game. Then walked by pitcher. Then a nice hard hit single off the coach. He made some great defensive plays too. His team lost pretty bad don't know score. He's disappointed we didn't make it back for his town game. His friend who was playing for little league opponent left mid game to go to town ball game. Didn't think it was the right thing to do pulling Brantley and leaving with his team down. Overall fun day.
  15. At little league game found out it starts at 10. Then have a town ball game at noon. We will see what happens. Rain this week messed up game schedule so town ball and little league game s are interfering. Beautiful day for baseball.
  16. Brantley had his first town ball game of season. His team won 11-5 against other saranac team. He went 2-3 at plate. He lead off game with a blast to center for a single coaches held him should of been a double or more but the other team had first year players in outfield. So outta respect. Then he laid down a bunt of pitcher and beat it out. Got walked. Then his last at bat he struck out. He had a check swing that got called a strike by the umpire sending both coaches into a frenzy. Both coaches yelled to ump saying it wasn't a strike. His wist never broke and bat never crossed plate plus pitch was bad. Oh well Brantley shook it off. He's being held down in lower league because of his age. He doing very well this year. Got a little league game tonight and 2 games on Saturday one little league and one town ball. Like I said it's all about him having fun. Gonna be a busy summer.
  17. Nice looking. I don't think I've ever had anything eat my zucchini or any squash plants.
  18. Cute pup! I got a chocolate lab named Remington and a nickname Remy.
  19. Brantley's little league baseball game tonight was cancelled due to rain. Game tomorrow for town ball. Game Thursday for little league and 2 games Saturday morning one at 930 for little league and one at 12 for town ball. Should be fun.
  20. Don't usually fence it at all.Yea it's 35 x70 but lost some to field growth in wife's strawberries. Gonna pull them after season and mulch them. If the deer hit it I ll put up electric fence. Only had one year they cleaned me out before I could harvest. Mostly they leave it alone. I usually leave collard greens and cabbage and brussel sprouts for late season and winter they'll eat.
  21. Sister just dropped these off. Nice looking tomato plants. Great starters for free.
  22. Well finished up my garden today got 30 tomatoes in collard greens, 18 pepper plants 6 green 6 red and 6 jalapenos. Also did 6 cauliflower and 6 broccoli and 6 brussel sprouts plants. 6 eggplant and 6 savoy cabbage plants. 2 rows of cucumbers burpless and pickling. 1 row each of zucchini and yellow squash and butternut squash. Then finished it off with row of peaches and cream sweet corn. Did 3 planting boxes with 2 cherry tomato plants each. Also mulched wife's biggest flower garden still need 1 more bag she told me 5 I picked up 4. Oh well. Huge garden planted now have to keep up with weeding and watering.
  23. Brantley had town ball practice tonight. Gonna ice up shoulder. Gotta little league game tomorrow night. So he will be ready.
  24. Helped wife with 2 flower beds and mulching. Then ran out of mulch. Lowe's tomorrow then hopefully be able to finish up my vegetable garden tomorrow too windy to plant my tomatoes peppers and broccoli cauliflower and brussel sprouts and eggplant. Then I'll plant my runners and corn. Has to be a certain way in between rows so I can get my tiller down them. Easier weeding that way then just have to weed around plants.
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